在Visual Studio 2013中无法选择Oracle.DataAccess


我最近配置了一台64位Windows 8.1机器,并安装了32位的Visual Studio 2013(至少它安装在Program Files (x86)目录下)。

我还安装了Oracle 64位客户端和Oracle Data Provider for .NET。

当我执行gacutil /l | findstr Oracle.DataAccess时,我会得到四个条目,其中包括以下内容:

Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, ..., processorArchitecture=AMD64


我是否需要安装32位的Oracle客户端(或仅32位ODP.NET),因为Visual Studio是32位的?如果是这样,那么软件是否能够在64位系统上运行,使用64位应用程序和64位Oracle客户端(带有64位ODP.NET)?

这是一个非常老的ODP.NET版本。如果您正在进行新开发,请考虑升级到12.1.0.2。是的,它与v11数据库兼容,并且可以存在于与旧版Oracle客户端相同的机器上。为了与Visual Studio设计师和服务器资源管理器集成,您还需要安装“Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio”,只有更新的版本才能与VS 2013配合使用。 - Christian Shay


是的,Visual Studio是一个32位应用程序。

根据您的编译目标(x86x64AnyCPU),无论Visual Studio的体系结构如何,运行/调试应用程序所需的Oracle客户端都有所不同。


Oracle.DataAccess没有显示,因为它是一个64位组件库,而您的Visual Studio是32位的。


  1. In Add References use the Browse section and locate Oracle.DataAccess.dll manually. Typically you will find it in folder %ORACLE_HOME%\odp.net\bin\2.x\ or %ORACLE_HOME%\odp.net\bin\4\

  2. Open your *.csproj, resp. *.vbproj file with a text editor and add reference manually, i.e. add lines like this under element <ItemGroup>:

    <Reference Include="Oracle.DataAccess">

    Note: attributes like Version=... or processorArchitecture=... are not required. Your application will load the correct Oracle.DataAccess.dll depending on selected architecture and target .NET framework (provided that it is installed properly - also on your target machine)

  3. Install both x86 and x64 Oracle Client on your machine. Here is an instruction how to do this: Stack Overflow - Install Oracle x86 and x64

  4. Use the ODP.NET Managed Driver from Oracle. You can download it from here: 64-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) Downloads This works also with 32bit applications.

  5. Open your Registry editor and check if RegKey HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727\AssemblyFoldersEx\ODP.NET resp. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319\AssemblyFoldersEx\ODP.NET exist. Both RegKeys contain only the (Default) value with location of your Oracle.DataAccess.dll.


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  6. Check your target Framework in compile options. When you have ODP.NET version 4.x installed you must select target .NET Framework 4 or higher in order to see the ODP.NET entry in reference list.

感谢您提供详细和完整的答案。 - Tim Meyer
这不是我的选择 - 抱怨微软吧。当你从一开始就正确安装Oracle,那么默认情况下应该没问题。 - Wernfried Domscheit

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