
我之前做了一些“99 Haskell 问题”的练习,其中我觉得第27个问题(“编写一个函数来枚举可能的组合”)很有意思,因为它是一个简单的概念,并且适用于多个实现方式。
我对相对效率感到好奇,所以我决定运行几种不同的实现——结果如下表所示。(参考信息:在VirtualBox上运行的LXDE(Ubuntu 14.04)中的Emacs bash ansi-term;Thinkpad X220;8GB RAM,i5 64位2.4GHz。)
(i) 为什么组合生成技术#7和#8(下表中的代码包含在帖子底部)比其他方法快这么多?
(ii) 此外,“字节”列中的数字实际上代表什么?
(i) 奇怪的是,函数#7通过过滤幂集(比组合列表要大得多)来工作;我认为这是惰性的结果,即这是最有效地利用我们只要求列表长度而不是列表本身的函数。(此外,它的“内存使用量”比其他函数低,但是,我也不确定显示的确切与内存相关的统计数据是什么。)
(ii) “字节”列中的数字是在运行:set +s命令后GHCi报告的;显然它们并不代表最大内存使用量,因为我只有约25GB的RAM和免费的硬盘空间。
import Data.List

--algorithms to generate combinations
--time required to compute the following: length $ 13 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

--(90.14 secs, 33598933424 bytes)
combDC1 :: (Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combDC1 n xs = filter (/= []) $ combHelper n n xs []

combHelper :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
combHelper n _ []        chosen           = if length chosen == n
                                               then [chosen]
                                               else [[]]
combHelper n i remaining chosen
  | length chosen == n = [chosen]
  | n - length chosen > length remaining = [[]]                     
  | otherwise = combHelper n (i-1) (tail remaining) ((head remaining):chosen) ++
                combHelper n i (tail remaining) chosen

--(167.63 secs, 62756587760 bytes)
combSoln1 :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])]
combSoln1 0 xs = [([],xs)]
combSoln1 n [] = []
combSoln1 n (x:xs) = ts ++ ds
    ts = [ (x:ys,zs) | (ys,zs) <- combSoln1 (n-1) xs ]
    ds = [ (ys,x:zs) | (ys,zs) <- combSoln1 n     xs ]

--(71.40 secs,  30480652480 bytes)
combSoln2 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln2 0 _  = [ [] ]
combSoln2 n xs = [ y:ys | y:xs' <- tails xs
                           , ys <- combSoln2 (n-1) xs']

--(83.75 secs, 46168207528 bytes)
combSoln3 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln3 0 _  = return []
combSoln3 n xs = do
  y:xs' <- tails xs
  ys <- combSoln3 (n-1) xs'
  return (y:ys)

--(92.34 secs, 40541644232 bytes)
combSoln4 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln4 0 _ = [[]]
combSoln4 n xs = [ xs !! i : x | i <- [0..(length xs)-1] 
                               , x <- combSoln4 (n-1) (drop (i+1) xs) ]

--(90.63 secs, 33058536696 bytes)
combSoln5 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln5 _ [] = [[]]
combSoln5 0 _  = [[]]
combSoln5 k (x:xs) = x_start ++ others
    where x_start = [ x : rest | rest <- combSoln5 (k-1) xs ]
          others  = if k <= length xs then combSoln5 k xs else []

--(61.74 secs, 33053297832 bytes)                                                                         
combSoln6 :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combSoln6 0 _ = [[]]
combSoln6 _ [] = []
combSoln6 n (x:xs) = (map (x:) (combSoln6 (n-1) xs)) ++ (combSoln6 n xs)

--(8.41 secs, 10785499208 bytes)
combSoln7 k ns = filter ((k==).length) (subsequences ns)

--(3.15 secs, 2889815872 bytes)
subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs
                          in if n>l then [] else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n)
   subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]]
   subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs
                               in zipWith (++) ([]:next) (map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]])                 

非常简短,几乎肯定不完整的答案是:关键在于,7和8都记忆了所有先前的结果——而其他方法会多次重新计算——请注意它们全部都有多个递归调用;并且足够懒惰——而其他方法可能会强制使用具有长度等属性的“中间”结果。 - user2407038
7不够快,试试这个:combSoln7 2 [1..30];看起来很快,因为26!/(13! * 13!) = 10400600,这只比2^26 = 67108864小6倍。此外,6可能比8更快,请参见http://ideone.com/TdCWiK和http://ideone.com/ojnrB3(但我不知道ideone.com进行了哪些优化)。 - effectfully
也许你想把这个算法加入你的测试中。它能够像上面最好的解决方案一样快速地解决C(26,13),但结果是按字典顺序排列的。然而,当对C(100,5)进行测试时,它比其他解决方案更快且更省内存。 - Redu
不幸的是,这种比较并不是那么有用,因为性能关键代码通常会使用优化进行编译。然而,GHCi并没有这样做,因此实际性能将会变化很大。 - zabeltech

subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOfSize n xs = let l = length xs
                          in if n>l then [] else subsequencesBySize xs !! (l-n)
   subsequencesBySize [] = [[[]]]
   subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = let next = subsequencesBySize xs
                             in zipWith (++) ([]:next) (map (map (x:)) next ++ [[]])

ghci> length $ combSoln7   13 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
(13.42 secs, 10783921008 bytes)

ghci> length $ subsequencesOfSize  13 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
(6.52 secs, 2889807480 bytes)

fact :: (Integral a) => a -> a
fact n = product [1..n]

ncombs n k = -- to evaluate number of combinations
    let n' = toInteger n
        k' = toInteger k
    in div (fact n') ((fact k') * (fact (n' - k')))

combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 xs = [[]]
combinations 1 xs = [[x] | x <- xs]
combinations n xs =
    let ps = reverse [0..n - 1]
        inc (p:[])
            | pn < length xs = pn:[]
            | otherwise = p:[]
            where pn = p + 1
        inc (p:ps)
            | pn < length xs = pn:ps
            | (head psn) < length xs = inc ((head psn):psn)
            | otherwise = (p:ps)
            where pn = p + 1
                  psn = inc ps
        amount = ncombs (length xs) n
        pointers = take (fromInteger amount) (iterate inc ps)
        c' xs ps = map (xs!!) (reverse ps)
    in map (c' xs) pointers


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