
我正在尝试编写一个Winform应用程序,可以编辑已安装Web应用程序的web.config文件。 我已经阅读了ConfigurationManager和WebConfigurationManager类的方法,但我不确定如何打开Web应用程序的配置文件并进行编辑。



// the key of the setting
string key = "MyKey";

// the new value you want to change the setting to
string value = "This is my New Value!";

// the path to the web.config
string path = @"C:\web.config";

// open your web.config, so far this is the ONLY way i've found to do this without it wanting a virtual directory or some nonsense
// even "OpenExeConfiguration" will not work
var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(new ExeConfigurationFileMap() { ExeConfigFilename = path }, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

// now that we have our config, grab the element out of the settings
var element = config.AppSettings.Settings[key];

// it may be null if its not there already
if (element == null)
 // we'll handle it not being there by adding it with the new value
 config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, value);
 // note: if you wanted to you could inspect the current value via element.Value

 // in this case, its already present, just update the value
 element.Value = value;

// save the config, minimal is key here if you dont want huge web.config bloat
config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Minimal, true);

Here is an example of what it does


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="MyKey" value="OldValue" />
    <add name="myConnString" connectionString="blah blah blah" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="MyKey" value="This is my New Value!" />
    <add name="myConnString" connectionString="blah blah blah" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <trust level="Full" />
    <webControls clientScriptsLocation="/aspnet_client/{0}/{1}/" />


顺便说一下,在此过程中,您可以编写一个表示web.config中设置的类。完成后,编写您的getter/setter以读取/写入web.config中的设置。完成此操作后,您可以将此类添加为数据源,并将数据绑定控件拖放到Winform中。这将为您提供完全数据绑定的Winform web.config编辑器,您可以在几分钟内轻松完成。我在工作中有一个示例,明天会发布。



基本上,它按照上述所述工作,我编写了一个具有我想要的配置点作为属性的类。 ctor打开来自路径的文件,getter / setter从返回的配置对象中提取数据,最后它具有一个保存方法,用于写出数据。使用此类,我能够将类添加为数据源并将绑定控件拖放到Winform中。从那里,您只需连接调用类上的保存方法的按钮即可。


using System.Configuration;

// This is a representation of our web.config, we can change the properties and call save to save them
public class WebConfigSettings
 // This holds our configuration element so we dont have to reopen the file constantly
 private Configuration config;

 // given a path to a web.config, this ctor will init the class and open the config file so it can map the getters / setters to the values in the config
 public WebConfigSettings(string path)
  // open the config via a method that we wrote, since we'll be opening it in more than 1 location
  this.config = this.OpenConfig(path);

 // Read/Write property that maps to a web.config setting
 public string MySetting
  get { return this.Get("MySetting"); }
  set { this.Set("MySetting", value); }

 // Read/Write property that maps to a web.config setting
 public string MySetting2
  get { return this.Get("MySetting2"); }
  set { this.Set("MySetting2", value); }

 // helper method to get the value of a given key
 private string Get(string key)
  var element = config.AppSettings.Settings[key];

  // it may be null if its not there already
  if (element == null)
   // we'll handle it not being there by adding it with the new value
   config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, "");

   // pull the element again so we can set it below
   element = config.AppSettings.Settings[key];
  return element.Value;

 // helper method to set the value of a given key
 private void Set(string key, string value)
  // now that we have our config, grab the element out of the settings
  var element = this.config.AppSettings.Settings[key];

  // it may be null if its not there already
  if (element == null)
   // we'll handle it not being there by adding it with the new value
   config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, value);
   // in this case, its already present, just update the value
   element.Value = value;

 // Writes all the values to the config file
 public void Save()
  // save the config, minimal is key here if you dont want huge web.config bloat
  this.config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Minimal, true);

 public void SaveAs(string newPath)
  this.config.SaveAs(path, ConfigurationSaveMode.Minimal, true);

  // due to some weird .net issue, you have to null the config out after you SaveAs it because next time you try to save, it will error
  this.config = null;
  this.config = this.OpenConfig(newPath);

 // where the magic happens, we'll open the config here     
 protected Configuration OpenConfig(string path)
  return ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(
        new ExeConfigurationFileMap() {  ExeConfigFilename = path }, 

首先构建项目,然后进入winform设计器,选择Data > Show Data Sources (Shift+Alt+D)。右键点击 Add New Data Source,如下图所示将其添加为对象。

数据源配置向导 1/2 http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8268/98868932.png

数据源配置向导 2/2 http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/7287/91962513.png


刚添加的绑定控件 http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8268/29648681.png

您应该在设计器底部看到像webConfigSettingsBindingSource这样的内容(下图所示)。转到代码视图并将 ctor 更改为以下内容:

public Form1()

    // wire up the actual source of data
    this.webConfigSettingsBindingSource.DataSource = new WebConfigSettings(@"c:\web.config");


已添加保存按钮 http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8634/73975062.png


private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // get our WebConfigSettings object out of the datasource to do some save'n
    var settings = (WebConfigSettings)this.webConfigSettingsBindingSource.DataSource;

    // call save, this will write the changes to the file via the ConfigurationManager

现在您有一个简单易用的数据绑定web.config编辑器。 要添加/删除字段,只需修改WebConfigSettings类,在Data Sources窗口中刷新数据源(构建后),然后将新字段拖放到UI上。


这里酷炫的地方在于GUI增加的所有价值。 您可以轻松地添加目录或文件浏览器对话框,您可以拥有连接字符串测试器等。 所有这些都很容易添加,并且对最终用户非常强大。

我给你一个“点赞”。虽然你的帖子只是回答了问题。 - Abdul Munim


我强烈建议你使用启用了LINQ的(LINQ to XML)。


var connString = from c in webConfigXElement.appSettings.connectionString
                        where c.name == "myConnection"
                        select c;

现在您可以完全控制<connectionString />元素,并对其进行任何想要的操作。

我向您推荐MSDN进行学习,以及Kick Start进行即时工作。


他明确表示他不想这样做。这里的每个人都知道 web.config 是 XML,你可以以任何你认为合适的方式打开和编辑它。 - Allen Rice
@Allen,ConfigurationManager类确实可以用于修改/添加。您还应该记住,ConfigurationManager类对AppSettingsConnectionStrings有控制权。XmlDocument很痛苦,而ConfigurationManager.config文件的解决方案之一。相信我,当您需要强大的功能时,LINQ to XML更加方便。顺便说一下,Allen,您应该知道自己的礼仪。您应该知道何时投票支持或反对。干杯 - Abdul Munim


这里有一个玩具应用程序(VB.NET Windows客户端),可以使用树/网格导航和编辑来编辑XML文件。



所有的 app.configweb.config 都是 XML 文件。您可以使用 XMLDocument、XMLWriter 等打开并编辑它们。

问题明确表示他们不想使用通用的XMLDocument对象(这是一个好主意,因为你不需要重新发明轮子)。 - Russell

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