

我需要在仅有的几个文件中对大量信息进行注释,在谷歌和Stack Overflow上搜索时,一直能找到与编码标准相匹配的结果,而我需要的是注释标准。我的编码符合大多数编码标准,但在注释方面不太符合。



    // Beginning of file comments

    require( 'filename.php' ); // Require or include, with filename

    public class Test { } // Class without constructor

    public class Test // Class with constructor, if different from above
        public function __constructor() { } // Constructor, no parameters

        public function __constructor(var1, var2) { } constructor, with parameters

        public function func1() { } // Function, no parameters

        public function func2($var1, $var2) { } // Function, with parameters

        public function func3( $optional = '' ) { } // Function, optional parameters

        private function func4() { } // Private function, if different from above

        public static staticfunc1() { } // Public static function, if different from above

        public function returnfunc1(var1, var2) // Tunction, with return value
            return var1 + var2; // Return statement, dynamic

        public function returnfunc2() // Function, with unchanging return value, if different from above
            return 1; // Return statement, unchanging, if different from above

        public function fullfunc1() // Declaration, calling and assignment, in function
            $var1; // Variable declaration

            $arr1 = array(); // Array declaration, if different from above

            $var2 = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/file.ext'; // Variable assignment

            $this->var1 = $path . '_'; // Class variable assignment

            ob_start(); // Function call

            $this->func1(); // Class function call


            foreach($arr as $key => $val) { } // 'foreach' and 'for' loops

        public $var1; // Public variable

        private $var2; // Private variable, if different from above

    // Ending of file comments?



phpDocumentor: 具体来说,请注意教程中使用的约定。 - Michael Berkowski
@Michael,我不被允许使用那个工具。 - Nahydrin
即使您无法使用该工具,遵循其注释约定也是有用的。 - Michael Berkowski
你不一定要使用这个工具,但它们提供了一种相当标准的记录代码的方式。该工具只是将所有文档编译到一个区域供他人使用。 - WWW
即使您不生成文档,PHPDoc注释也会被许多开发IDE解释并显示为代码提示。而且它熟悉易读,其他开发人员也容易编辑。 - DerVO


我可以使用Zend框架的样式,而且非常容易遵循。谢谢! - Nahydrin
FYI,Zend的链接已经失效了。找不到替代链接(这就是我来到这里的原因)。 - James
@James 谢谢你告诉我,我已经更新了链接。 - summea
请注意,所有 Zend 文档块都使用 phpDocumentor 格式。 - Geoffrey Hale




  1. 抄袭他们的代码
  2. 拖延时间
  3. 不写注释
  4. 不测试你的代码
  5. 在非常短的时间内要求完成一项任务
  6. 不给足够的资源和支持
  7. 不了解业务需求
  8. 频繁地改变需求
  9. 忽略了性能问题
  10. 不尊重他们的工作

Comments that explain the “how” but not the “why”

Introductory-level programming courses teach students to comment early and comment often. The idea is that it’s better to have too many comments than to have too few. Unfortunately, many programmers seem to take this as a personal challenge to comment every single line of code. This is why you will often see something like this code snippit taken from Jeff Atwood’s post on Coding Without Comments:

r = n / 2; // Set r to n divided by 2
// Loop while r - (n/r) is greater than t
while ( abs( r - (n/r) ) > t ) {
    r = 0.5 * ( r + (n/r) ); // Set r to half of r + (n/r)

Do you have any idea what this code does? Me neither. The problem is that while there are plenty of comments describing what the code is doing, there are none describing why it’s doing it.

Now, consider the same code with a different commenting methodology:

// square root of n with Newton-Raphson approximation
r = n / 2;
while ( abs( r - (n/r) ) > t ) {
    r = 0.5 * ( r + (n/r) );

Much better! We still might not understand exactly what’s going on here, but at least we have a starting point.

Comments are supposed to help the reader understand the code, not the syntax. It’s a fair assumption that the reader has a basic understanding of how a for loop works; there’s no need to add comments such as “// iterate over a list of customers”. What the reader is not going to be familiar with is why your code works and why you chose to write it the way you did.

also... phpdoc





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