
众所周知,我们可以使用方法 SVGElement.pauseAnimations() 暂停 SVG 动画,并且我们也可以使用方法 SVGElement.setCurrentTime() 设置动画的当前时间-第一个参数是以秒为单位的时间。一切都很顺利,但我的问题是,您能否将暂停的帧导出为光栅图像-JPG、PNG。
示例(在此,我们创建了一个带有动画的 SVG,并在时间-0.958s 处暂停了动画)。

let svg = document.getElementById('testSvg');
svg.setCurrentTime(0.958); // keyframes times: 0s, 0.458s, 0.958s
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">

<svg id="testSvg" image-rendering="auto" baseProfile="basic" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" width="550" height="400" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
   <g id="Scene-1" overflow="visible" transform="translate(-56 -145.5)">
    <g display="none" id="Layer3_0_FILL">
     <path fill="#F00" stroke="none" d="M116.3 159.95L116.3 220.95 232.8 220.95 232.8 159.95 116.3 159.95Z" test="Scene 1"/>
     <animate attributeName="display" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1s" keyTimes="0;.958;1" values="none;inline;inline"/>
   <g display="none" id="Layer2_0_FILL">
     <path fill="#0F0" stroke="none" d="M116.3 159.95L116.3 220.95 232.8 220.95 232.8 159.95 116.3 159.95Z" test="Scene 1"/>
     <animate attributeName="display" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1s" keyTimes="0;.458;.958;1" values="none;inline;none;none"/>
   <g id="Layer1_0_FILL">
     <path fill="#0F0" stroke="none" d="M78.05 139.95L78.05 240.95 271 240.95 271 139.95 78.05 139.95Z" test="Scene 1"/>
     <animate attributeName="display" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1s" keyTimes="0;.458;1" values="inline;none;none"/>

let image = document.createElement( "image" );
let xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);
let data = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(xml);
image.src = data;


  • While it is stated nowhere that pausing the animation is done asynchronuously, I was suprised to find it seems to be. You have to delay the reading of the attributes, for example with a setTimeout.

  • For CSS presentation attributes,

  • For XML attributes,

    element[attribute].animVal.valueAsString || element[attribute].animVal

    This has another complexity: SVG has a dedicated interface for handling units. When you fetch a value that, for example, is a length, you need to get the attribute string with animVal.valueAsString. For number or string lists, or for transforms, it gets even more complicated, because these lists do not implement the Iterable interface.


const svg = document.getElementById('testSvg');
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");


setTimeout(() => {
  // clone svg
  const copy = svg.cloneNode(true);
  // remove the animations from the clone
  copy.querySelectorAll('animate').forEach(animate => animate.remove());

  // query all animate elements on the original
  svg.querySelectorAll('animate').forEach(animate => {
    // target element in original
    const target = animate.targetElement;
    const attr = animate.getAttribute('attributeName');
    const type = animate.getAttribute('attributeType');
    // target element in copy
    const copyTarget = copy.getElementById(target.id);
    // differentiate attribute type
    if (type === 'XML') {
      const value = target[attr].animVal.valueAsString || target[attr].animVal;
      copyTarget.setAttribute(attr, value);
    } else if (type === 'CSS') {
      const value = window.getComputedStyle(target)[attr];
      copyTarget.style[attr] = value

  const xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(copy);
  const data = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(xml);
  const image = new Image();
  // image load is asynchronuous
  image.onload = () => ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
  image.src = data;
<svg id="testSvg" width="200" height="200">
  <rect id="animationTarget" x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100"
        rx="0" fill="red">
    <animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="rx"
      dur="1s" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" values="0;50;0" />
    <animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="fill"
      dur="1s" keyTimes="0;0.25;0.75" values="red;green;red" calcMode="discrete" />
<canvas width="200" height="200"></canvas>

非常感谢,你帮了我很多!!!为了使用 animateTransform 标签来管理动画,当我获取它的-animVal时,我会收到 SVGTransformList,然后我遍历列表中的所有 SVGTransform 元素,然后获取其 SVGMatrix。然后将所有矩阵值-a、b、c、d、e、f组合成一个字符串,这样我就可以使用属性-additive="sum"进行多个动画。 - slaviboy
令人惊讶的是,执行此操作有多么复杂,毕竟浏览器已经可以搜索和暂停内置的SVG动画,并将外部SVG图像导出为画布,只是不能同时进行。 - Jacopofar

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