
Sub CreateMail()

    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Dim objMail As Object
    Dim rngTo As Range
    Dim rngSubject As Range
    Dim rngBody As Range
    Dim rngAttach As Range

    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Worksheets("Mail List").Activate

    With ActiveSheet
        Set rngTo = .Range("B1")
        Set rngSubject = .Range("B2")
        Set rngBody = .Range("B3")
        Set rngAttach = .Range("B4")

    End With

    With objMail
        .To = rngTo.Value
        .Subject = rngSubject.Value
        .body = rngBody.Value
        .Attachments.Add rngAttach.Value
        .display 'Instead of .Display, you can use .Send to send the email _
                    or .Save to save a copy in the drafts folder
    End With

    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    Set objMail = Nothing
    Set rngTo = Nothing
    Set rngSubject = Nothing
    Set rngBody = Nothing
    Set rngAttach = Nothing

End Sub

然而,我想要包含一些附件,因此Set rngAttach = .Range("B4")不能帮助实现这一点。

请问有什么帮助吗? 提前感谢!

B4 中是什么 - 文件路径吗? - brettdj
循环遍历文件路径范围,并逐个添加每个路径。 - Rory
您可以多次使用.Attachments.Add来添加每个附件。每次都可以使用循环将其引用到不同的路径。 - izzymo
@brettdj 是的,B4有一个文件路径,我在B5、B6等地方也有多个路径。 - Thomas Varghese
@Rory,你能帮我解决一下这段代码吗? - Thomas Varghese
@izzymo 你能帮我解决这段代码吗? - Thomas Varghese



    For i = 4 To 6
      .Attachments.Add Range("B" & i).Value
    Next i 

嗨,Abhijeet,有什么方法可以使这个动态化吗? - Thomas Varghese

为使其具有动态性,您可以将 i 的上限设置为 B 列中的最后一行。
For i = 4 To Range("B" & rows.count).end(xlUp).row
  .Attachments.Add Range("B" & i).Value
Next i 



  1. B4中查找文件名
  2. 使用Dir确保附加的文件实际上存在于指定的路径中
  3. 整理工作表代码(Activate是不必要的)

    Sub CreateMail()
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Dim objMail As Object
    Dim rngTo As Range
    Dim rngSubject As Range
    Dim rngBody As Range
    Dim rngAttach As Range
    Dim rng2 As Range
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set ws = Worksheets("Mail List")
    With ws
        Set rngTo = .Range("B1")
        Set rngSubject = .Range("B2")
        Set rngBody = .Range("B3")
        Set rngAttach = ws.Range(ws.[b4], ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
    End With
    With objMail
        .To = rngTo.Value
        .Subject = rngSubject.Value
        .body = rngBody.Value
        For Each rng1 In rngAttach.Cells
            If Len(Dir(rng1)) > 0 Then .Attachments.Add rng1.Value
        .display 'Instead of .Display, you can use .Send to send the email _
                    or .Save to save a copy in the drafts folder
    End With
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    Set objMail = Nothing
    Set rngTo = Nothing
    Set rngSubject = Nothing
    Set rngBody = Nothing
    Set rngAttach = Nothing
    End Sub

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