

我试图创建一个动态数组包。我有一个通用的包和一个通用类型,然后在.ads中声明了一个元素类型为Elem_Type的数组(正索引)。我很好奇是否可以创建一个过程Append(Vector, Item),其中修改Vector的长度,使其可以取一个更多的元素。就像在C语言中有一个缓冲区[100],然后分配1个额外的元素将其变为101,然后在位置101上添加一些内容。

我不懂Ada,但请注意,在C语言中,realloc()函数通常只会分配一个新的、更大的数组,复制旧数组的内容,并返回新数组。你可以在Ada中实现这个功能。 - Ernest Friedman-Hill
如果你是基于学术兴趣在做这件事,那么可以参考 Jere 的回答。如果不是,可以查看 Ada.Containers.Vectors - Simon Wright
如果编译器的可移植性不重要,可以查看GNAT.TableGNAT.Dynamic_Tables(在GPS中,见“帮助> GNAT运行时> GNAT>(动态)表”)。这些数据结构也被GNAT内部使用(例如,请参见此处)。 - DeeDee

在 Ada 中,通常的做法是创建一个更大的新块,然后将内容复制到其中并释放旧块。我经常建议将新块分配为某个较大的块大小的倍数,这样就不需要频繁地重新分配。例如,如果您需要分配一个新数组,不要只增加一个额外的元素,而是增加 500 个元素(或一些有意义的数字)。
请注意,即使在 C 语言中,realloc() 函数通常也会执行同样的操作。在非平凡项目中,realloc() 函数通常无法仅添加另一个元素。它往往需要创建一个完整的新数组并进行复制,就像我建议 Ada 做的那样。
在 Ada 中,还有其他一些选项,包括创建自己的存储池,使重新分配变得更加容易和快速,但您必须想出如何执行此操作的算法,或者找到其他人的算法。您还可以对 C 函数进行绑定,但不能混合使用 Ada 的 new/unchecked_deallocation 和 malloc/realloc/free。


看起来你想使用通用包Ada.Containers.Vectors,或者可能是包Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors。这些包已经定义了您需要的所有功能。 如Ada 2012参考手册中所示,通用包Ada.Containers.Vectors的描述为:

with Ada.Iterator_Interfaces;
   type Index_Type is range <>;
   type Element_Type is private;
   with function "=" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
package Ada.Containers.Vectors is
   pragma Preelaborate(Vectors);
   pragma Remote_Types(Vectors);

   subtype Extended_Index is
      Index_Type'Base range
         Index_Type'First-1 ..
         Index_Type'Min (Index_Type'Base'Last - 1, Index_Type'Last) + 1;
   No_Index : constant Extended_Index := Extended_Index'First;

   type Vector is tagged private
      with Constant_Indexing => Constant_Reference,
           Variable_Indexing => Reference,
           Default_Iterator  => Iterate,
           Iterator_Element  => Element_Type;
   pragma Preelaborable_Initialization(Vector);

   type Cursor is private;
   pragma Preelaborable_Initialization(Cursor);

   Empty_Vector : constant Vector;

   No_Element : constant Cursor;

   function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;

   package Vector_Iterator_Interfaces is new
       Ada.Iterator_Interfaces (Cursor, Has_Element);

   function "=" (Left, Right : Vector) return Boolean;

   function To_Vector (Length : Count_Type) return Vector;

   function To_Vector
     (New_Item : Element_Type;
      Length   : Count_Type) return Vector;

   function "&" (Left, Right : Vector) return Vector;

   function "&" (Left  : Vector;
                 Right : Element_Type) return Vector;

   function "&" (Left  : Element_Type;
                 Right : Vector) return Vector;

   function "&" (Left, Right  : Element_Type) return Vector;

   function Capacity (Container : Vector) return Count_Type;

   procedure Reserve_Capacity (Container : in out Vector;
                               Capacity  : in     Count_Type);

   function Length (Container : Vector) return Count_Type;

   procedure Set_Length (Container : in out Vector;
                         Length    : in     Count_Type);

   function Is_Empty (Container : Vector) return Boolean;

   procedure Clear (Container : in out Vector);

   function To_Cursor (Container : Vector;
                       Index     : Extended_Index) return Cursor;

   function To_Index (Position  : Cursor) return Extended_Index;

   function Element (Container : Vector;
                     Index     : Index_Type)
      return Element_Type;

   function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type;

   procedure Replace_Element (Container : in out Vector;
                              Index     : in     Index_Type;
                              New_Item  : in     Element_Type);

   procedure Replace_Element (Container : in out Vector;
                              Position  : in     Cursor;
                              New_item  : in     Element_Type);

   procedure Query_Element
     (Container : in Vector;
      Index     : in Index_Type;
      Process   : not null access procedure (Element : in Element_Type));

   procedure Query_Element
     (Position : in Cursor;
      Process  : not null access procedure (Element : in Element_Type));

   procedure Update_Element
     (Container : in out Vector;
      Index     : in     Index_Type;
      Process   : not null access procedure
                      (Element : in out Element_Type));

   procedure Update_Element
     (Container : in out Vector;
      Position  : in     Cursor;
      Process   : not null access procedure
                      (Element : in out Element_Type));

   type Constant_Reference_Type
         (Element : not null access constant Element_Type) is private
      with Implicit_Dereference => Element;

   type Reference_Type (Element : not null access Element_Type) is private
      with Implicit_Dereference => Element;

   function Constant_Reference (Container : aliased in Vector;
                                Index     : in Index_Type)
      return Constant_Reference_Type;

   function Reference (Container : aliased in out Vector;
                       Index     : in Index_Type)
      return Reference_Type;

   function Constant_Reference (Container : aliased in Vector;
                                Position  : in Cursor)
      return Constant_Reference_Type;

   function Reference (Container : aliased in out Vector;
                       Position  : in Cursor)
      return Reference_Type;

   procedure Assign (Target : in out Vector; Source : in Vector);

   function Copy (Source : Vector; Capacity : Count_Type := 0)
      return Vector;

   procedure Move (Target : in out Vector;
                   Source : in out Vector);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Extended_Index;
                     New_Item  : in     Vector);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Cursor;
                     New_Item  : in     Vector);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Cursor;
                     New_Item  : in     Vector;
                     Position  :    out Cursor);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Extended_Index;
                     New_Item  : in     Element_Type;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Cursor;
                     New_Item  : in     Element_Type;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Cursor;
                     New_Item  : in     Element_Type;
                     Position  :    out Cursor;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Extended_Index;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Insert (Container : in out Vector;
                     Before    : in     Cursor;
                     Position  :    out Cursor;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Prepend (Container : in out Vector;
                      New_Item  : in     Vector);

   procedure Prepend (Container : in out Vector;
                      New_Item  : in     Element_Type;
                      Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Append (Container : in out Vector;
                     New_Item  : in     Vector);

   procedure Append (Container : in out Vector;
                     New_Item  : in     Element_Type;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Insert_Space (Container : in out Vector;
                           Before    : in     Extended_Index;
                           Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Insert_Space (Container : in out Vector;
                           Before    : in     Cursor;
                           Position  :    out Cursor;
                           Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Delete (Container : in out Vector;
                     Index     : in     Extended_Index;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Delete (Container : in out Vector;
                     Position  : in out Cursor;
                     Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Delete_First (Container : in out Vector;
                           Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Delete_Last (Container : in out Vector;
                          Count     : in     Count_Type := 1);

   procedure Reverse_Elements (Container : in out Vector);

   procedure Swap (Container : in out Vector;
                   I, J      : in     Index_Type);

   procedure Swap (Container : in out Vector;
                   I, J      : in     Cursor);

   function First_Index (Container : Vector) return Index_Type;

   function First (Container : Vector) return Cursor;

   function First_Element (Container : Vector)
      return Element_Type;

   function Last_Index (Container : Vector) return Extended_Index;

   function Last (Container : Vector) return Cursor;

   function Last_Element (Container : Vector)
      return Element_Type;

   function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;

   procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor);

   function Previous (Position : Cursor) return Cursor;

   procedure Previous (Position : in out Cursor);

   function Find_Index (Container : Vector;
                        Item      : Element_Type;
                        Index     : Index_Type := Index_Type'First)
      return Extended_Index;

   function Find (Container : Vector;
                  Item      : Element_Type;
                  Position  : Cursor := No_Element)
      return Cursor;

   function Reverse_Find_Index (Container : Vector;
                                Item      : Element_Type;
                                Index     : Index_Type := Index_Type'Last)
      return Extended_Index;

   function Reverse_Find (Container : Vector;
                          Item      : Element_Type;
                          Position  : Cursor := No_Element)
      return Cursor;

   function Contains (Container : Vector;
                      Item      : Element_Type) return Boolean;

   procedure  Iterate
     (Container : in Vector;
      Process   : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor));

   procedure Reverse_Iterate
     (Container : in Vector;
      Process   : not null access procedure (Position : in Cursor));

   function Iterate (Container : in Vector)
      return Vector_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;

   function Iterate (Container : in Vector; Start : in Cursor)
      return Vector_Iterator_Interfaces.Reversible_Iterator'Class;

      with function "<" (Left, Right : Element_Type)
         return Boolean is <>;
   package Generic_Sorting is

      function Is_Sorted (Container : Vector) return Boolean;

      procedure Sort (Container : in out Vector);

      procedure Merge (Target  : in out Vector;
                       Source  : in out Vector);

   end Generic_Sorting;


   ... -- not specified by the language

end Ada.Containers.Vectors;

谢谢回答。我知道向量,但我尝试只使用有界数组来完成它。例如,我的过程接受一个有界数组并返回另一个有界数组。但我认为这是不可能的。我的意思是,Ada语言的本质就是使用有界的东西。 - Daniel Constantinescu
Ada.Containers.Bounded_VectorsARM A.18.19 - Simon Wright

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