



if ((Text_Align(A1)='left',"L","R")  


if ((Background_Color(A1)="Pink", "Red dominates the background", "Just another blah background")

if ((Fontweight(A1)="Bold", "That was a strong statement", "A cell filled by a bean counter")



我以前试过这个。我编写了测试格式的函数。我遇到的问题是当格式发生变化时,它不会触发计算事件。 - undefined



=CELL("format", H2)



+1,如果对您的需求足够了的话,比我的回答更好。请注意CELL是一个易变函数。 - undefined
这并没有提供 OP 所寻找的任何功能,Color 只返回单元格是否有颜色(他想要测试特定的颜色),而 format 仅返回单元格的格式,而不是单元格中实际的格式化内容(它只表示它是一个数字或日期,但并不包含粗体、下划线或斜体)。 - undefined
实际上,CELL正符合我的需求。它可以获取左对齐、右对齐和居中对齐的内容,并且可以判断是否为数字或货币。它还可以获取文本颜色(而非背景颜色)。我可以调整我的格式以包含它所获取的项目。这绝对是更简单的答案。 - undefined
@SherwoodBotsford 你是怎么使用 Cell 函数返回对齐方式的? - undefined



Public Function test(ByVal rng As Range)
    Select Case rng.HorizontalAlignment
    Case xlLeft
        test = "L"
    Case xlRight
        test = "R"
    Case Else
        test = "?"
    End Select

End Function

请注意代码行中的 Application.Volatile。这将函数设置为volatile。它告诉VBA函数返回值不仅依赖于输入单元格的值:格式更改不会触发重新计算。在更改一些格式后,请使用F9重新计算工作簿。

如评论所述,当格式更改时,此内容将不会更新。 - undefined
是的,没错。将函数标记为volatile可以在一定程度上帮助。 - undefined
你可以使用volatile关键字。然后在selection_change事件中重新计算。这会使你的文件速度变慢,尤其是如果文件很大的话。但是这样会稍微好一点。 - undefined
@Bigtree但是如果你必须做到这一切,还不如使用Excel的XL4宏的内置函数,它已经包含了所有这些宏,为什么要重新编写呢? - undefined






  1. 打开名称管理器
  2. 在“范围名称”中输入Text_Align
  3. 在此处输入以下公式 =GET.CELL(8,OFFSET(ACTIVE.CELL(),0,-1))
  4. 点击确定



    1 = General 
    2 = Left 
    3 = Center 
    4 = Right 
    5 = Fill
    6 = Justify
    7 = Center across cells

Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell. Use GET.CELL in a macro whose behavior is determined by the status of a particular cell.


GET.CELL(type_num, reference)
Type_num    is a number that specifies what type of cell information you want. The following list shows the possible values of type_num and the corresponding results.

Type_num    Returns

8   Number indicating the cell's horizontal alignment:
    1 = General 
    2 = Left 
    3 = Center 
    4 = Right 
    5 = Fill
    6 = Justify
    7 = Center across cells

13  Number from 0 to 18, indicating the pattern of the selected cell as displayed in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you choose the Cells command from the Format menu. If no pattern is selected, returns 0.

18  Name of font, as text.
19  Size of font, in points.

20  If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are bold, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
21  If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are italic, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
22  If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are underlined, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
23  If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are struck through, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
24  Font color of the first character in the cell, as a number in the range 1 to 56. If font color is automatic, returns 0.
25  If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are outlined, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE. Outline font format is not supported by Microsoft Excel for Windows.
26  If all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are shadowed, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE. Shadow font format is not supported by Microsoft Excel for Windows.

38  Shade foreground color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
39  Shade background color as a number in the range 1 to 56. If color is automatic, returns 0.
40  Style of the cell, as text.
42  The horizontal distance, measured in points, from the left edge of the active window to the left edge of the cell. May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.
43  The vertical distance, measured in points, from the top edge of the active window to the top edge of the cell. May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.

44  The horizontal distance, measured in points, from the left edge of the active window to the right edge of the cell. May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.
45  The vertical distance, measured in points, from the top edge of the active window to the bottom edge of the cell. May be a negative number if the window is scrolled beyond the cell.
46  If the cell contains a text note, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
48  If the cells contains a formula, returns TRUE; if a constant, returns FALSE.
50  Number indicating the cell's vertical alignment:
    1 = Top 
    2 = Center 
    3 = Bottom 
    4 = Justified
51  Number indicating the cell's vertical orientation:
    0 = Horizontal
    1 = Vertical
    2 = Upward
    3 = Downward

57  Returns TRUE if all the characters in the cell, or only the first character, are  formatted with a superscript font; otherwise, returns FALSE.
58  Returns the font style as text of all the characters in the cell, or only the first character as displayed in the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box: for example, "Bold Italic".
59  Returns the number for the underline style:
    1 = none
    2 = single
    3 = double
    4 = single accounting
    5 = double accounting

60  Returns TRUE if all the characters in the cell, or only the first characrter, are formatted with a subscript font; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
63  Returns the fill (background) color of the cell.
64  Returns the pattern (foreground) color of the cell.
65  Returns TRUE if the Add Indent alignment option is on (Far East versions of Microsoft Excel only); otherwise, it returns FALSE.


Reference    is a cell or a range of cells from which you want information.

If reference is a range of cells, the cell in the upper-left corner of the first range in reference is used.
    If reference is omitted, the active cell is assumed.

我无法使其根据格式更改进行更新。 - undefined
@Bigtree 正如我在回答的第一个***NOTES:***部分中所述,此方法仍无法在仅更改单元格格式时更新,因此与运行易失性宏相比并不更准确,尽管它确实节省了编写所有宏的时间。它将在每次工作表重新计算时更新,就像易失性子/宏/函数一样。 我之前的评论是关于如果您打算使用选择更改事件来重新计算工作表,使用这些内置函数至少可以节省您自己编写宏的时间。 - undefined


你可以这样做: =CELL("prefix",A1)


"prefix" 与单元格的“标签前缀”相对应的文本值。如果单元格包含左对齐文本,则返回单引号('),如果单元格包含右对齐文本,则返回双引号("),如果单元格包含居中对齐文本,则返回插入符号(^),如果单元格包含填充对齐文本,则返回反斜杠(\),如果单元格包含其他内容,则返回空文本("")。



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