



Person 1: RG
Person 2: G


Person 1: R
Person 2: G

Person 1: RRGBBBB
Person 2: RRG
Person 3: RRG
Person 4: RR


Person 1: RGBBBB
Person 2: RG
Person 3: RG
Person 4: RR


Person 1: BBBB
Person 2: RG
Person 3: RG
Person 4: RR

Person 1: B
Person 2: RG
Person 3: RG
Person 4: R


// The quantity of each ball
$balls = array(
    'r' => 1,
    'g' => 1,
    'b' => 1,
    'k' => 1,
// The options available for each person
$options = array(
    array('r', 'g', 'b', 'k'),
    array('r', 'g'),
    array('r', 'b'),
    array('b', 'g'),

// Put both of these together into one array
$people = [];
foreach ($options as $option) {
    $person = [];
    foreach ($option as $ball_key) {
        $person[$ball_key] = $balls[$ball_key];
    $people[] = $person;

// This produces an array like:
// Array
// (
//     [0] => Array
//         (
//             [r] => 2
//             [g] => 1
//             [b] => 4
//         )
//     [1] => Array
//         (
//             [r] => 2
//             [g] => 1
//         )
//     [2] => Array
//         (
//             [r] => 2
//             [g] => 1
//         )
//     [3] => Array
//         (
//             [r] => 2
//         )
// )

// This will be used to hold the final result
$results = [];

do {
    // If anything changes, this needs to be set to true. Any time anything
    // changes we loop through everything again in case it caused a cascading
    // effect
    $has_change = false;

    // Step 1:
    // Find out if there are any people who have only one option and remove it
    // from the array and add it to the result and subtract one from all other
    // people with this option
    foreach ($people as $p_index => $p_options) {
        if (count($p_options) === 1) {
            $color = key($p_options);

            foreach ($people as $p_index_tmp => $p_options_tmp) {
                // It's the current person, so skip it
                if ($p_index_tmp === $p_index) {

                if (isset($p_options_tmp[$color])) {
                    // Subtract 1 from this color from this person and if zero,
                    // remove it.
                    if (--$people[$p_index_tmp][$color] === 0) {

                    $has_change = true;

            // Add to results array and remove from people array
            $results[$p_index] = array($color => 1);

    // Step 2:
    // If there are $n number of people who all have the same $n number of
    // options (or a subset of them), these options can be removed
    // from all other people, where $n is less than the total number of people
    foreach ($people as $p_index => $p_options) {
        $num_options = array_sum($p_options);
        if ($num_options < count($people)) {
            // Look for other people with no different options from the ones
            // that this person has
            $people_with_same_options = [];
            foreach ($people as $p_index_tmp => $p_options_tmp) {
                foreach (array_keys($p_options_tmp) as $color) {
                    if (array_search($color, array_keys($p_options)) === false) {
                        // This color was not found in the options, so we can
                        // skip this person.
                        // (Make sure we break out of both foreach loops)
                        continue 2;
                // This person has all the same options, so append to the array
                $people_with_same_options[] = $p_index_tmp;

            // Remove these options from the other people if the number of
            // people with only these options is equal to the number of options
            if (count($people_with_same_options) === $num_options) {
                foreach ($people as $p_index_tmp => $p_options_tmp) {
                    if (array_search($p_index_tmp, $people_with_same_options) === false) {
                        foreach (array_keys($p_options) as $option) {

                            $has_change = true;
while ($has_change === true);

// Combine any remaining people into the result and sort it
$results = $results + $people;


This produces the following result:

    [0] => Array
            [b] => 1

    [1] => Array
            [r] => 1
            [g] => 1

    [2] => Array
            [r] => 1
            [g] => 1

    [3] => Array
            [r] => 1


Example 3:

This example does not work with the above code. Suppose there is 1 red ball, 1 green ball, 1 blue ball, one yellow ball and 4 people. Person 1 can choose any ball, person 2 can choose red or green, person 3 can choose green or blue, person 4 can choose red or blue.

Visually this would look like:

Person 1: RGBY
Person 2: RG
Person 3: GB
Person 4: RB

Since the 3 colors red, green and blue are the only options for persons 2, 3 and 4, they are completely contained within these 3 people and they can therefore can all be eliminated from person 1, meaning person 1 must choose yellow. If person 1 were to choose anything but yellow, it would be impossible for the other people to choose their balls.

Putting it into my PHP program, I have these input values:

// The quantity of each ball
$balls = array(
    'r' => 1,
    'g' => 1,
    'b' => 1,
    'y' => 1,
// The options available for each person
$options = array(
    array('r', 'g', 'b', 'y'),
    array('r', 'g'),
    array('r', 'b'),
    array('b', 'g'),

However I can't think of how to loop through to find cases like this without iterating through every single possible combination of people. Any ideas how this could be done?

我很想看到这个问题的结果。你可以使用蛮力技术,但这样做相当不规范。 - Luke Joshua Park




class Ball {
    private $color;
    public function __construct($color) {
        $this->color = $color;
    public function getColor() {
        return $this->color;
class Ball_resource extends Ball {
    private $num_available;

    public function __construct($color, $number) {
        $this->num_available = $number;
    public function take() {

    public function isExhausted() {
        return $this->num_available <= 0;
class Person {
     * @var Ball
    private $allowed_balls = array();

    public function addConstraint($color) {
        $this->allowed_balls[$color] = new Ball($color);
        return $this;
    public function getConstraints() {
        return $this->allowed_balls;

    public function getNumberOfConstraints() {
        return count($this->allowed_balls);

     * return true if removal was successful; false otherwise
    public function removeConstraint(Ball $ball) { // todo remove
        if (isset ($this->allowed_balls [$ball->getColor()])) {
            unset ($this->allowed_balls [$ball->getColor()]);
            return true;
        else {
            // this means our puzzle isn't solvable
            return false;
class Simplifier {
     * @var Person
    private $persons = array ();
     * @var Ball_resource
    private $availableBalls = array ();

    public function addPerson(Person $person) {
        $this->persons[] = $person;
        return $this;
    public function addBallRessource(Ball_resource $ball_resource) {
        $this->availableBalls[] = $ball_resource;
        return $this;

    public function getChoices() {      
        $queue = $this->persons; // shallow copy

        while (count($queue) > 0) {
            // find most constrained person(s)
            $numberOfConstraints = 1; // each person must have at least one constraint
            while (true) {
                $resolve_queue = array();
                foreach($queue as $person) {
                    if ($person->getNumberOfConstraints() === $numberOfConstraints) {
                        $resolve_queue[] = $person;
                // find mutually dependent constraint groups connected with a person
                $first_run = true;
                foreach ($resolve_queue as $startPerson) {
                    // check if we havent already been removed via dependencies
                    if ($first_run || !self::contains($queue, $startPerson)) {
                        $dependent_persons = $this->findMutuallyDependentPersons($startPerson, $resolve_queue);
                        // make a set out of their combined constraints
                        $combinedConstraints = $this->getConstraintsSet($dependent_persons);
                        $this->removeFromQueue($dependent_persons, $queue);
                        // substract each ball of this set from all less constrained persons
                        $this->substractConstraintsFromLessConstrainedPersons($queue, $combinedConstraints, $numberOfConstraints);
                        $first_run = false;
                        continue 3;

        return $this->persons; // has been altered implicitly   

    private static function contains(array $haystack, Person $needle) {
        foreach ($haystack as $person) {
            if ($person === $needle) return true;
        return false;

    private function findMutuallyDependentPersons(Person $startPerson, array $persons) {
        // add recursion
        $output = array();
        //$output[] = $startPerson;
        foreach($persons as $person) {
            foreach ( $person->getConstraints () as $constraint ) {
                foreach ( $startPerson->getConstraints () as $targetConstraint ) {
                    if ($constraint->getColor () === $targetConstraint->getColor ()) {
                        $output [] = $person;
                        continue 3;
        return $output;

    private function getConstraintsSet(array $persons) {
        $output = array();
        foreach ($persons as $person) {
            foreach ($person->getConstraints() as $constraint) {
                foreach($output as $savedConstraint) {
                    if ($savedConstraint->getColor() === $constraint->getColor()) continue 2;                   
                $output[] = $constraint;
        return $output;

    private function substractConstraintsFromLessConstrainedPersons(array $persons, array $constraints, $constraintThreshold) {
        foreach ($persons as $person) {
            if ($person->getNumberOfConstraints() > $constraintThreshold) {
                foreach($constraints as $constraint) {
                    foreach($this->availableBalls as $availableBall) {
                        if ($availableBall->isExhausted()) {

    private function adjustResources(array $persons) {
        foreach($persons as $person) {
            foreach($person->getConstraints() as $constraint) {
                foreach($this->availableBalls as &$availableBall) {
                    if ($availableBall->getColor() === $constraint->getColor()) {

    private function removeFromQueue(array $persons, array &$queue) {       
        foreach ($persons as $person) {
            foreach ($queue as $key => &$availablePerson) {
                if ($availablePerson === $person) {

// Example 2
    $person1 = new Person();
    $person2 = new Person();
    $person3 = new Person();
    $person4 = new Person();

    $redBalls = new Ball_resource("R", 2);
    $greenBalls = new Ball_resource("G", 1);
    $blueBalls = new Ball_resource("B", 4);

    $simplifier = new Simplifier();
    $output = $simplifier->getChoices();


// Example 3
    $person1 = new Person();
    $person2 = new Person();
    $person3 = new Person();
    $person4 = new Person();

    $redBalls = new Ball_resource("R", 1);
    $greenBalls = new Ball_resource("G", 1);
    $blueBalls = new Ball_resource("B", 1);
    $yellowBalls = new Ball_resource("Y", 1);   

    $simplifier = new Simplifier();
    $output = $simplifier->getChoices();


Person 1: Y
Person 2: RG
Person 3: GB
Person 4: RB

我还没有机会仔细查看你的代码,但在我进行的几个测试中,它似乎正常工作。然而,也许你可以添加一些解释说明它是如何实现的,而不仅仅是发布代码。 - Mike
上面的代码远非完美(例如,removeConstraint() 的返回值从未被使用)...但如果我有时间,我会添加更多的解释。 - morido
我不确定是你的逻辑有误还是代码,然而在 Simplifier::getChoices() 方法中有一些看起来像错误的奇怪东西,例如 $first_run 总是为真(因此 self::contains() 从未执行),以及所有这些循环似乎只是为了找到第一个拥有最少约束的人。它似乎接近正确,但我想知道你的头脑中是否有正确的想法,只是没有在代码中表达出来。就像我之前说的,如果你解释一下它应该如何工作的逻辑,可能会帮助我更好地理解它。 - Mike
还有一件事需要记住,看起来你的回答是基于一个人所拥有的约束数量,但请记住这些约束可能是无关的。例如,人1可以选择球A和B,人2可以选择球D、E、F,而人3只能选择球G。因此,即使一个人比其他人更受限制,但在这种情况下,这些约束都是完全无关的,一个人的约束对另一个人没有影响。 - Mike
就像我之前说的,也许如果你解释一下它应该如何工作的逻辑,那么我就能更好地理解它了。- 你到底不理解现在的逻辑是什么?实际上,我觉得它非常简单明了...它确实有一些小问题和限制。但这是一个开始。 - morido

总组合数等于exp(2, count(balls))(即2^{球的类型}),所以如果我们有20种球,那么就有1048576种不同的球组合需要检查。如果要检查每一个组合,这将是太多的迭代,甚至在只有16个球颜色时我就已经耗尽了内存。
function getAllCombinations($balls) {
    // initialize by adding the empty set
    $results = array(array( ));

    foreach ($balls as $color => $number) {
        foreach ($results as $combination) {
            $results[] = array_merge(array($color), $combination);

    return $results;

 * This just gets a sum of the number of balls a person can choose
 * from
function getNumberOfOptions($person, $balls) {
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($person as $allowed_ball) {
        $n += $balls[$allowed_ball];
    return $n;

 * This function finds all the subsets of the balls array that we can look for
 * in the people array later to remove options from them
function getBallSubsets($balls, $max_n) {
    // initialize by adding the empty set
    $results = array(array( ));

    // Remove all balls that have more options than max_n
    foreach ($balls as $color => $number) {
        if ($number > $max_n) {

//    $n = 0;
    foreach ($balls as $color => $number) {
        foreach ($results as $combination) {
//            $n++;
            $set = array_merge(array($color), $combination);
            if (getNumberOfOptions($set, $balls) <= $max_n) {
                $results[] = $set;

//    echo $n; exit;  
    return $results;

function removeFromOthers($colors, $people, $skip_indexes) {
    foreach ($people as $p_index => $person) {
        if (array_search($p_index, $skip_indexes) === false) {
            foreach ($colors as $color) {
                $index = array_search($color, $person);
                if ($index !== false) {
    return $people;

function getOptions($people, $balls) {
    $ball_subsets = getBallSubsets($balls, count($people) -1);

    foreach ($ball_subsets as $sub) {
        $num_colors = count($sub);
        $num_people = getNumberOfOptions($sub, $balls);

        // Loop through people and if we find $n people with only the elements
        // from this subset, we can remove these elements from all other people
        $found = [];
        $found_colors = [];
        foreach ($people as $p_index => $person_arr) {
            foreach ($person_arr as $color) {
                // Contains another color, so skip this one
                if (array_search($color, $sub) === false) {
                    continue 2;
            $found[] = $p_index;
            foreach ($person_arr as $color) {
                if (array_search($color, $found_colors) === false) {
                    $found_colors[] = $color;
        if (count($found) === $num_people && count($found_colors) == $num_colors) {
            $people = removeFromOthers($sub, $people, $found);
        else {
    return $people;

// The quantity of each ball
$balls = array(
    'r' => 3,
    'g' => 2,
    'b' => 1,
    'k' => 16,
// The options available for each person
$people = array(
    array('r', 'g', 'b', 'k'),
    array('r', 'g'),
    array('r', 'b'),
    array('b', 'g'),

$options = getOptions($people, $balls);

这似乎适用于我尝试过的任何值。在上面的例子中,我们有4种不同的球颜色(2 ^ 4 = 16种组合),但是我们只需要在getBallSubsets()函数中进行6次迭代,因此这比强制执行每个可能的组合要高效得多。

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