管理C++ STL POD类型向量回收的简便方法






// Port of vectors of POD types.
struct PODvectorPort 
  std::size_t Nlent; // Number of dispatched containers.
  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > X; // Container pool.
  PODvectorPort() { Nlent = 0; }

// Functor that manages the port.
struct PODvectorPortOffice
  std::size_t initialNlent; // Number of already-dispatched containers
  // when the office is set up.
  PODvectorPort *p; // Pointer to the port.
  PODvectorPortOffice(PODvectorPort &port) 
    p = &port; 
    initialNlent = p->Nlent;
  template<typename X, typename Y>
  std::vector<X> & repaint(std::vector<Y> &y) // Repaint the container.
    // return *((std::vector<X>*)(&y)); // UB although works
    std::vector<X> *rst = nullptr;
    std::memcpy(&rst, &y, std::min(
      sizeof(std::vector<X>*), sizeof(std::vector<Y>*)));
    return *rst; // guess it makes no difference. Should still be UB.
  template<typename T>
  std::vector<T> & lend()
    // Ensure sufficient container pool size:
    while (p->X.size() < p->Nlent) p->X.push_back( std::vector<size_t>(0) );
    return repaint<T, std::size_t>( p->X[p->Nlent - 1] );

  void recall() { p->Nlent = initialNlent; }
  ~PODvectorPortOffice() { recall(); }

struct ArbitraryPODstruct
  char a[11]; short b[7]; int c[5]; float d[3]; double e[2];

// Example f1():
// f2(), f3(), ..., f50() are similarly defined.
// All functions are called a few million times in certain 
// order in main(). 
// port is defined in main().
void f1(other arguments..., PODvectorPort &port)
  PODvectorPort portOffice(port);
  // Oh, I need a buffer of chars:
  std::vector<char> &tmpchar = portOffice.lend();
  tmpchar.resize(789); // Trivial if container already has sufficient capacity.
  // ... do things
  // Oh, I need a buffer of shorts:
  std::vector<short> &tmpshort = portOffice.lend();
  tmpshort.resize(456);  // Trivial if container already has sufficient capacity.
  // ... do things.
  // Oh, I need a buffer of ArbitraryPODstruct:
  std::vector<ArbitraryPODstruct> &tmpArb = portOffice.lend();
  tmpArb.resize(123);  // Trivial if container already has sufficient capacity.
  // ... do things.
  // Oh, I need a buffer of integers, but also tmpArb is no longer 
  // needed. Why waste it? Cache hot.
  std::vector<int> &tmpint = portOffice.repaint(tmpArb);
  tmpint.resize(300); // Trivial.
  // ... do things.

尽管代码可以通过gcc-8.3MSVS 2019使用-O2-Ofast进行编译,并通过所有选项的广泛测试,但由于PODvectorPortOffice :: repaint()的hacky性质,“转换”向量类型原地,我希望能够得到批评。
  1. std::vector<T>存储底层缓冲区的&[0]&[0] + .size()&[0] + .capacity()这3个指针。
  2. std::vector<T>的配置器调用了malloc()
  3. malloc()返回8字节(或sizeof(std::size_t))对齐的地址。
// -std=c++17
#include <cstring>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>

// POD: plain old data.
// Idea: design a class that can let you maximally reuse temporary 
// containers during a program.
// Port of vectors of POD types.
template <std::size_t portsize = 42>
class PODvectorPort 
  static constexpr std::size_t Xsize = portsize;
  std::size_t signature;
  std::size_t Nlent; // Number of dispatched containers.
  std::vector<std::size_t> X[portsize]; // Container pool.
  PODvectorPort(const PODvectorPort &);
  PODvectorPort & operator=( const PODvectorPort& );
  std::size_t Ndispatched() { return Nlent; }
  std::size_t showSignature() { return signature; }
  PODvectorPort() // Permuted random number generator.
    std::size_t state = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
    state ^= (uint64_t)(&std::memmove);
    signature = ((state >> 18) ^ state) >> 27;
    std::size_t rot = state >> 59;
    signature = (signature >> rot) | (state << ((-rot) & 31));
    Nlent = 0; 
  template<typename podvecport>
  friend class PODvectorPortOffice;

// Functor that manages the port.
template<typename podvecport>
class PODvectorPortOffice
  // Number of already-dispatched containers when the office is set up.
  std::size_t initialNlent; 
  podvecport *p; // Pointer to the port.
  PODvectorPortOffice( const PODvectorPortOffice& ); // non construction-copyable
  PODvectorPortOffice& operator=( const PODvectorPortOffice& ); // non copyable
  constexpr void check()
    while (__cplusplus < 201703)
      std::cerr << "PODvectorPortOffice: C++ < 17, Stall." << std::endl;
    // Check if allocation will be 8-byte (or more) aligned.
    // Intend it not to work on machine < 64-bit.
    constexpr std::size_t aln = alignof(std::max_align_t);
    while (aln < 8)
      std::cerr << "PODvectorPortOffice: Allocation is not at least 8-byte aligned, Stall." <<
    while ((aln & (aln - 1)) != 0)
      std::cerr << "PODvectorPortOffice: Alignment is not a power of 2 bytes. Stall." << std::endl;
    // Random checks to see if sizeof(vector<S>) != sizeof(vector<T>).
      std::size_t vecHeadSize[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
      vecHeadSize[0] = sizeof(std::vector<char>(0));
      vecHeadSize[1] = sizeof(std::vector<short>(1));
      vecHeadSize[2] = sizeof(std::vector<int>(2));
      vecHeadSize[3] = sizeof(std::vector<long>(3));
      vecHeadSize[4] = sizeof(std::vector<std::size_t>(5));
      vecHeadSize[5] = sizeof(std::vector<float>(7));
      vecHeadSize[6] = sizeof(std::vector<double>(11));
      vecHeadSize[7] = sizeof(std::vector<std::vector<char> >(13));
      vecHeadSize[8] = sizeof(std::vector<std::vector<int> >(17));
      vecHeadSize[9] = sizeof(std::vector<std::vector<double> >(19));
      struct tmpclass1 { char a; short b; };
      struct tmpclass2 { char a; float b; };
      struct tmpclass3 { char a; double b; };
      struct tmpclass4 { int a; char b; };
      struct tmpclass5 { double a; char b; };
      struct tmpclass6 { double a[5]; char b[3]; short c[3]; };
      vecHeadSize[10] = sizeof(std::vector<tmpclass1>(23));
      vecHeadSize[11] = sizeof(std::vector<tmpclass2>(29));
      vecHeadSize[12] = sizeof(std::vector<tmpclass3>(31));
      vecHeadSize[13] = sizeof(std::vector<tmpclass4>(37));
      vecHeadSize[14] = sizeof(std::vector<tmpclass4>(41));
      vecHeadSize[15] = sizeof(std::vector<tmpclass4>(43));
      std::size_t notSame = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) 
        notSame += vecHeadSize[i] != sizeof(std::size_t) * 3;
      while (notSame)
        std::cerr << "sizeof(std::vector<S>) != sizeof(std::vector<T>), \
PODvectorPortOffice cannot handle. Stall." << std::endl;
  void recall() { p->Nlent = initialNlent; }
  PODvectorPortOffice(podvecport &port) 
    p = &port; 
    initialNlent = p->Nlent;
  template<typename X, typename Y>
  std::vector<X> & repaint(std::vector<Y> &y) // Repaint the container.
    while (std::is_same<bool, X>::value)
      std::cerr << "PODvectorPortOffice: Cannot repaint the vector to \
std::vector<bool>. Stall." << std::endl;
    std::vector<X> *x;
    std::vector<Y> *yp = &y;
    std::memcpy(&x, &yp, sizeof(x));
    return *x; // Not compliant with strict aliasing rule.
  template<typename T>
  std::vector<T> & lend()
    while (p->Nlent >= p->Xsize)
      std::cerr << "PODvectorPortOffice: No more containers. Stall." << std::endl;
    return repaint<T, std::size_t>( p->X[p->Nlent - 1] );
    // Because p->signature can only be known at runtime, an aggressive,
    // compliant compiler (ACC) will never remove this 
    // branch. Volatile might do, but trustworthiness?
    if(p->signature == 0)
      constexpr std::size_t sizeofvec = sizeof(std::vector<std::size_t>);
      char dummy[sizeofvec * p->Xsize];    
      std::memcpy(dummy, p->X, p->Nlent * sizeofvec);
      std::size_t ticketNum = 0;
      char *xp = (char*)(p->X);
      for(int i = 0, iend = p->Nlent * sizeofvec; i < iend; ++i)
        xp[i] &= xp[iend - i - 1] * 5;
        ticketNum += xp[i] ^ ticketNum;
      std::cerr << "Congratulations! After the port office was decommissioned, \
you found a winning lottery ticket. The odds is less than 2.33e-10. Your \
ticket number is " << ticketNum << std::endl;
      std::memcpy(p->X, dummy, p->Nlent * sizeofvec);
      // According to the strict aliasing rule, a char* can point to any memory
  // block pointed by another pointer of any type T*. Thus given an ACC, 
  // the writes to that block via the char* must be fully acknowledged in 
  // time by T*, namely, for reading contents from T*, a reload instruction 
  // will be kept in the assembly code to achieve a sort of 
  // "register-cache-memory coherence" (RCMC).
  // We also do not care about the renters' (who received the reference via
  // .lend()) RCMC, because PODvectorPortOffice never accesses the contents
  // of those containers.


由于这种hacky的本质,我预计会受到批评。你的直觉完全正确。那个转换将严重违反 the strict aliasing rule。一旦编译器开始优化你的代码,一切都会迅速崩溃。这是未定义行为。如果你想进行比特级操作,你应该写汇编代码,而不是C ++。 - Silvio Mayolo
@SilvioMayolo 已经明白了。谢谢。 - user2961927
嗯...我曾经在一个C程序中使用了私有缓冲池来保存许多分配/释放操作。不确定这是否真的适用于此处,但您可以尝试为您的向量使用自定义分配器。 - Serge Ballesta
你能轻松“reserve”的大小有上限吗? - Caleth
@SergeBallesta 很有趣。你是如何处理别名问题的?还是为不同类型分配了不同的缓冲区? - user2961927

  • 解决方案必须使用std::vector。在我看来,这是最不幸的要求,原因在此不表。
  • 解决方案必须符合标准,并且不能违反规则,例如严格别名规则。
  • 解决方案必须要么减少执行的分配数量,要么将分配的开销降至可以忽略的程度。
在我看来,这绝对是自定义分配器的工作。有几个现成的选项接近于实现您想要的功能,例如Boost Pool Allocators。你最感兴趣的是boost::pool_allocator。该分配器将为每个不同的对象大小(注意:不是对象类型)创建一个单例“池”,该池根据需要增长,但在显式清除之前永远不会缩小。
// be careful with this, probably want [[nodiscard]], this is code
// is just rough guidance:
void force_pool_sizes(void)
    std::vector<int, boost::pool_allocator<int>> size_int_vect;
    std::vector<SomePodSize16, boost::pool_allocator<SomePodSize16>> size_16_vect;
    size_int_vect.resize(100); // probably makes malloc calls
    size_16_vect.resize(200);  // probably makes malloc calls

    // on return, objects go out of scope, but singleton pools
    // with allocated blocks of memory remain for future use
    // until explicitly purged.

void expensive_long_running(void)

    std::vector<int, boost::pool_allocator<int>> data1;
    ... do stuff, malloc/free will never be called...

    std::vector<SomePodSize16, boost::pool_allocator<SomePodSize16>> data2;
    ... do stuff, malloc/free will never be called...

    // free everything:
    boost::singleton_pool<boost::pool_allocator_tag, sizeof(int)>::release_memory();


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