如何在Python 3.7中遍历一个大型有序字典?

最近,我将一些Bash脚本重构为Python 3.7,既作为学习练习,也用于实际项目。最终的实现使用了一个非常大的有序字典,大约包含2到3百万条目。以这种方式存储数据具有一些显着优点,可以减少代码复杂性和处理时间。然而,有一个任务让我无法应对:如何从已知的起始点遍历字典
dd = { #   key:  (  phonetic, letter, ascii, ebcedic, baudot, morse,  hollerith, strokes,  kind     )
    4296433290:  ( 'Alfa',     'A',    65,     193,     3,    '.-',     (12,1),     3,    'vowl'    ),
    5046716526:  ( 'Echo',     'E',    69,     197,     1,    '.',      (12,5),     4,    'vowl'    ),
    5000200584:  ( 'India',    'I',    73,     201,     6,    '..',     (12,9),     3,    'vowl'    ),
    5000971262:  ( 'Oscar',    'O',    79,     214,     24,   '---',    (11,6),     1,    'vowl'    ),
    5000921625:  ( 'Uniform',  'U',    85,     228,     7,    '..-',    (0,4),      1,    'vowl'    ),
    4297147083:  ( 'Yankee',   'Y',    89,     232,     21,   '-.--',   (0,8),      3,    'vowl'    ),
    4297256046:  ( 'Bravo',    'B',    66,     194,     25,   '-...',   (12,2),     3,    'cons'    ),
    4298140290:  ( 'Charlie',  'C',    67,     195,     14,   '-.-.',   (12,3),     1,    'cons'    ),
    5036185622:  ( 'Delta',    'D',    68,     196,     9,    '-..',    (12,4),     2,    'cons'    ),
    5036854221:  ( 'Foxtrot',  'F',    70,     198,     13,   '..-.',   (12,6),     3,    'cons'    ),
    5037458768:  ( 'Golf',     'G',    71,     199,     26,   '--.',    (12,7),     2,    'cons'    ),
    5035556903:  ( 'Hotel',    'H',    72,     200,     20,   '....',   (12,8),     3,    'cons'    ),
    5037119814:  ( 'Juliett',  'J',    74,     209,     11,   '.---',   (11,1),     2,    'cons'    ),
    5035556831:  ( 'Kilo',     'K',    75,     210,     15,   '-.-',    (11,2),     3,    'cons'    ),
    4296755665:  ( 'Lima',     'L',    76,     211,     18,   '.-..',   (11,3),     2,    'cons'    ),
    5035557110:  ( 'Mike',     'M',    77,     212,     28,   '--',     (11,4),     4,    'cons'    ),
    5037118125:  ( 'November', 'N',    78,     213,     12,   '-.',     (11,5),     3,    'cons'    ),
    5000423356:  ( 'Papa',     'P',    80,     215,     22,   '.--.',   (11,7),     2,    'cons'    ),
    5000923300:  ( 'Quebec',   'Q',    81,     216,     23,   '--.-',   (11,8),     2,    'cons'    ),
    5000969482:  ( 'Romeo',    'R',    82,     217,     10,   '.-.',    (11,9),     3,    'cons'    ),
    5035943840:  ( 'Sierra',   'S',    83,     226,     5,    '...',    (0,2),      1,    'cons'    ),
    5045251209:  ( 'Tango',    'T',    84,     227,     16,   '-',      (0,3),      2,    'cons'    ),
    5000168680:  ( 'Victor',   'V',    86,     229,     30,   '...-',   (0,5),      2,    'cons'    ),
    4296684445:  ( 'Whiskey',  'W',    87,     230,     19,   '.--',    (0,6),      4,    'cons'    ),
    5000923277:  ( 'Xray',     'X',    88,     231,     29,   '-..-',   (0,7),      2,    'cons'    ),
    4296215569:  ( 'Zulu',     'Z',    90,     233,     17,   '--..',   (0,9),      3,    'cons'    ),


vowlbeg = 4296433290 # key of first vowel
consbeg = 4297256046 # key of first consonant


beg = 8 # begin processing with 8th consonant
end = 12 # end processing with 11th consonant
kind = 'cons' # desired group
for d in dd.items():
    if d[1][-1] is not kind: continue
    i += 1
    if i < beg: continue
    if i >= end: break
    print('processing:', i, d)


processing: 8 (5035556831, ('Kilo', 'K', 75, 210, 15, '-.-', (11, 2), 3, 'cons'))
processing: 9 (4296755665, ('Lima', 'L', 76, 211, 18, '.-..', (11, 3), 2, 'cons'))
processing: 10 (5035557110, ('Mike', 'M', 77, 212, 28, '--', (11, 4), 4, 'cons'))
processing: 11 (5037118125, ('November', 'N', 78, 213, 12, '-.', (11, 5), 3, 'cons'))



  • 组,例如元音和辅音,确实被分组而不是散布。
  • 在每个组内,条目按已知的期望顺序排序。
  • 每个组的开始键



字典是用于键查找的。您正在尝试通过(部分)值进行查找。您应该实现一个索引字典,将要查找的值映射到它们所在的一系列键序列。 - Klaus D.
你是否曾通过键访问数据?如果没有,请保留“有序”部分并将其作为列表。即使是这样,您也可以将键映射到它们在顺序中的索引,以便具有两种访问模式而不重复。 - Davis Herring
我确实通过键访问数据,事实上,这种用法是算法的主要核心。按顺序遍历列表的需求只是一个次要的行政任务。 - TheStumbler



dd_list = LinkedList("4296433290", "5046716526", "5000200584", ... "4296215569")

dd = { 
    4296433290:  ( <reference to the linked-list entry of 4296433290>, 'Alfa', ...),
    5046716526:  ( <reference to the linked-list entry of 5046716526>, 'Echo', ...),
    4296215569:  ( <reference to the linked-list entry of 4296215569>, 'Zulu', ...)


entry_iterator = dd['4297256046'][0]
i = 0
while i < 5:
    # Skip 5 entries
    entry_iterator = entry_iterator.next()
    i += 1

num_iterations = 0
while num_iterations < 3:
    key = entry_iterator.value
    entry = dd[key]
    entry_iterator = entry_iterator.next()
    num_iterations += 1





dd_list = ["4296433290", "5046716526", "5000200584", ... "4296215569"]

dd = { 
    4296433290:  ( 0, 'Alfa', ...),
    5046716526:  ( 1, 'Echo', ...),
    4296215569:  ( 25, 'Zulu', ...)

entry_index = dd['4297256046'][0]
# Skip 5 entries
entry_index += 5

num_iterations = 0
while num_iterations < 3:
    key = dd_list[entry_index]
    entry = dd[key]
    entry_index += 1
    num_iterations += 1

我不确定我是否理解你的示例代码,但是你的概念是正确的。我可以在一个单独的列表中复制这些键。在我的应用程序中,我看不到使用链表的理由,因为字典基本上是常量。 - TheStumbler
那段代码只是伪代码,因为Python中没有内置的链表。如果它是常量,那么你可以简单地使用数组代替链表。我会为数组情况编辑代码。 - Anmol Singh Jaggi
检查修改。我还改进了旧代码。有一个错误。 - Anmol Singh Jaggi




1> data = {id: (id, "a") for id in range(10)}

2> data
{0: (0, 'a'), 1: (1, 'a'), 2: (2, 'a'), 3: (3, 'a'), 4: (4, 'a'), 5: (5, 'a'), 6: (6, 'a'), 7: (7, 'a'), 8: (8, 'a'), 9: (9, 'a')}

3> data.keys()
dict_keys([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

4> data.keys()[5]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

5> keys = list(data.keys())

6> keys[5]

7> data[keys[5]]
(5, 'a')
  • 步骤1:创建类似于你的一些示例数据
  • 步骤2:展示结构
  • 步骤3:获取结构的字典键
  • 步骤4:展示在字典键的本机形式中无法跳转到列表中的特定点
  • 步骤5:将字典键实现为实际列表结构
  • 步骤6:演示从列表中任何位置获取键
  • 步骤7:使用任意键从字典中获取数据
最初的回答: 这是一个关于如何使用Python中的字典键获取数据的指南。首先,我们需要创建一些类似于您的示例数据,然后展示其结构并获取其字典键。尽管字典键的本机形式无法直接跳转到列表的特定点,但可以将其实现为实际列表结构,然后演示从列表的任何位置获取键,并使用任意键从字典中获取数据。




  1. Look into storing this into a dataframe. There's a reason why the pandas package is widely adopted: it uses backend optimizations (someone correct me if I'm wrong: numpy, and by extension pandas, uses some C-style or actual C compilations) that trumps whatever base Python can do. This would be a fairly easy task with either pandas or dask and would perform reasonably well.

    # file.py
    import pandas as pd
    cols =  ['key', 'phonetic', 'letter', 'ascii', 'ebcedic', 'baudot', 'morse',  'hollerith', 'strokes',  'kind']
    test = pd.DataFrame(dd).transpose().reset_index()
    test.columns = cols
    def get_letters(begin, end, kind):
        return test[test['kind'] == kind].reset_index(drop=True).iloc[begin-1:end-1]
    output = get_letters(8,12,'cons')
    final = output.set_index('key').transpose().to_dict('list')
    # runtime >>> mean 6.82 ms, std: 93.9 us
  2. If you're intent on using base Python structures, comprehensions is definitely the way to go. When you're trying to create a new "group" Python object (like lists, dicts or tuples) from another group Python object, comprehensions often scale way better than the standard "loop and append" tactic. the if-else loops should be left to things where you actually aren't creating new grouped objects. Even when you have some complicated control flow and logic to do before creating the new grouped object, i always elect to use comprehensions, and often just create "helper" functions for readability. I'd do it this way:

    def helper(dictionary, begin, end, cons):
        filtered = {k:v for k,v in dictionary.items() if v[8] == 'cons'}
        return [d for n, d in enumerate(filtered.values()) if n in range(begin-1, end-1)]
    # runtime >>> mean: 1.61ms, std: 58.5 us
注意:尽管运行时似乎显示基础Python作为更快的机制,但我有信心说在更大的字典上,pandas / dask方法将优于基础代码。


如果您想尝试使用 dask 实现此操作,这里有两种可能的方法:


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as ddd
from dask import delayed, compute
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
import time


h = [

使用(参见此SO帖子)从字典dd创建Dask DataFrame

def make_df(d):
    return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index')

dpd = [delayed(make_df)(dd)]
ddf = ddd.from_delayed(dpd)
ddf.columns = h
           phonetic letter  ascii  ebcedic  baudot morse hollerith  strokes  kind
4296433290     Alfa      A     65      193       3    .-   (12, 1)        3  vowl
5046716526     Echo      E     69      197       1     .   (12, 5)        4  vowl
5000200584    India      I     73      201       6    ..   (12, 9)        3  vowl
5000971262    Oscar      O     79      214      24   ---   (11, 6)        1  vowl
5000921625  Uniform      U     85      228       7   ..-    (0, 4)        1  vowl

获取 DataFrame 中的分区数

  • 以下的2个Dask方法仅适用于DataFrame的一个分区。

Dask方法1 - 使用.map_partitions

  • 在这里,您定义了一个帮助函数来执行对kind列的切片,
def slicer(df, kind):
    return df[df['kind']==kind]

ddf2 = ddf.map_partitions(slicer, 'cons', meta=ddf.head(1))
with ProgressBar():

CPU times: user 3 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 4 µs
Wall time: 8.82 µs
[########################################] | 100% Completed |  0.1s
         index  phonetic letter  ascii  ebcedic  baudot morse hollerith  strokes  kind
7   5035556831      Kilo      K     75      210      15   -.-   (11, 2)        3  cons
8   4296755665      Lima      L     76      211      18  .-..   (11, 3)        2  cons
9   5035557110      Mike      M     77      212      28    --   (11, 4)        4  cons
10  5037118125  November      N     78      213      12    -.   (11, 5)        3  cons

Dask方法2 - 使用.loc

with ProgressBar():
    print(ddf[ddf['kind'] == 'cons'].reset_index().loc[8-1:12-2].compute().head())

CPU times: user 4 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 5 µs
Wall time: 9.06 µs
[########################################] | 100% Completed |  0.1s
         index  phonetic letter  ascii  ebcedic  baudot morse hollerith  strokes  kind
7   5035556831      Kilo      K     75      210      15   -.-   (11, 2)        3  cons
8   4296755665      Lima      L     76      211      18  .-..   (11, 3)        2  cons
9   5035557110      Mike      M     77      212      28    --   (11, 4)        4  cons
10  5037118125  November      N     78      213      12    -.   (11, 5)        3  cons


df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dd, orient='index', columns=h)

CPU times: user 3 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 4 µs
Wall time: 8.82 µs
         index  phonetic letter  ascii  ebcedic  baudot morse hollerith  strokes  kind
7   5035556831      Kilo      K     75      210      15   -.-   (11, 2)        3  cons
8   4296755665      Lima      L     76      211      18  .-..   (11, 3)        2  cons
9   5035557110      Mike      M     77      212      28    --   (11, 4)        4  cons
10  5037118125  November      N     78      213      12    -.   (11, 5)        3  cons



Wall time: 8.82 µs

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