iOS 9上进程列表的访问权限


自iOS 9起,苹果决定阻止sysctl获取运行进程列表 (。

在搜索私有API后,我找到了一个名为"THIRDPartyApps"的类,看起来就是我需要的(进程名称和WiFi与WWAN中的数据使用情况)。 但是,我不知道如何检索THIRDPartyApps的列表。



通过Symbolication.framework发现2个类:VMUProcList和VMUProcInfo。 在第一个类中,有一个名为allProcInfos的方法,返回一个VMUProcInfo的NSArray。

可以在7.1.2设备上使用(我想它在8.X设备上也可以使用),但在iOS 9设备上不再适用。控制台中会出现一个美丽的错误:


等待答案... - tounaobun
是的,这是个大问题……我知道可以做到,但是找不到方法 ((( - Dmitry Isakov

我刚刚观看了关于安全和隐私的WWDC 2015会议,并整理了一些关于iOS 9引入的变化的笔记,我认为这些变化很有趣。 应用程序传输安全性

这是一个重要的变化:默认情况下,在iOS 9上,应用程序将不再允许启动纯文本HTTP连接,并且必须使用具有最强TLS配置(TLS 1.2和PFS密码套件)的HTTPS:


总体而言,这是一个非常好的变化,这甚至可能是将强制要求HTTPS作为App Store政策的第一步。 阻止已安装应用程序的检测


The first technique was to use the sysctl() function to retrieve the process table (a remnant of OS X), which includes the list of running Apps. In iOS 9, sysctl() was modified to no longer allow sandboxed Apps to retrieve information about other running processes.

The second technique relied on the UIApplication canOpenUrl method to try known URI schemes implemented by specific Apps, in order to detect if these Apps were installed on the device. This was made famous by Twitter, which used a list of 2500 URI schemes to detect which Apps were installed on the device. In iOS 9, Apps have to explicitly declare which schemes they would like to use in their Info.plist file. For Apps targeting iOS 8 but running on an iOS 9 device, there is also a hard limit of 50 URI schemes that can be checked at most.

There was a third technique which relied on the icon cache being accessible to sandboxed Apps. Although it wasn’t even mentionned in the WWDC video, this privacy leak has also been addressed in iOS 9.


这些都是真的。但是有一个名为Moment的应用程序:。它显示其他应用程序的使用时间信息,目标是iOS 9及以上版本。我不明白他们是如何做到的。 - Manan Devani

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