
  • 性能 - 类定义、对象构造和基类方法调用过程中的开销更少

  • 灵活性 - 优化了新的ECMAScript 5兼容浏览器(例如Chrome),但为旧的浏览器(例如IE6)提供了等效的“shim”

  • 兼容性 - 在严格模式下验证并提供更好的工具兼容性(例如VSDoc/JSDoc注释、Visual Studio IntelliSense等)

  • 简单性 - 您不必成为“忍者”来理解源代码(如果您失去ECMAScript 5功能,它甚至更简单)

  • 健壮性 - 通过更多的“边角案例”单元测试(例如在IE中覆盖toString)


function classify(base, properties)
    /// <summary>Creates a type (i.e. class) that supports prototype-chaining (i.e. inheritance).</summary>
    /// <param name="base" type="Function" optional="true">The base class to extend.</param>
    /// <param name="properties" type="Object" optional="true">The properties of the class, including its constructor and members.</param>
    /// <returns type="Function">The class.</returns>

    // quick-and-dirty method overloading
    properties = (typeof(base) === "object") ? base : properties || {};
    base = (typeof(base) === "function") ? base : Object;

    var basePrototype = base.prototype;
    var derivedPrototype;

    if (Object.create)
        // allow newer browsers to leverage ECMAScript 5 features
        var propertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties);
        var propertyDescriptors = {};

        for (var i = 0, p; p = propertyNames[i]; i++)
            propertyDescriptors[p] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, p);

        derivedPrototype = Object.create(basePrototype, propertyDescriptors);
        // provide "shim" for older browsers
        var baseType = function() {};
        baseType.prototype = basePrototype;
        derivedPrototype = new baseType;

        // add enumerable properties
        for (var p in properties)
            if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p))
                derivedPrototype[p] = properties[p];

        // add non-enumerable properties (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/ECMAScript_DontEnum_attribute)
        if (!{ constructor: true }.propertyIsEnumerable("constructor"))
            for (var i = 0, a = [ "constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf" ], p; p = a[i]; i++)
                if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p))
                    derivedPrototype[p] = properties[p];

    // build the class
    var derived = properties.hasOwnProperty("constructor") ? properties.constructor : function() { base.apply(this, arguments); };
    derived.prototype = derivedPrototype;
    derived.prototype.constructor = derived;
    derived.prototype.base = derived.base = basePrototype;

    return derived;

用法几乎与Resig的相同,除了构造函数名称(constructor vs. init)和基类方法调用的语法。

/* Example 1: Define a minimal class */
var Minimal = classify();

/* Example 2a: Define a "plain old" class (without using the classify function) */
var Class = function()
    this.name = "John";

Class.prototype.count = function()
    return this.name + ": One. Two. Three.";

/* Example 2b: Define a derived class that extends a "plain old" base class */
var SpanishClass = classify(Class,
    constructor: function()
        this.name = "Juan";
    count: function()
        return this.name + ": Uno. Dos. Tres.";

/* Example 3: Define a Person class that extends Object by default */
var Person = classify(
    constructor: function(name, isQuiet)
        this.name = name;
        this.isQuiet = isQuiet;
    canSing: function()
        return !this.isQuiet;
    sing: function()
        return this.canSing() ? "Figaro!" : "Shh!";
    toString: function()
        return "Hello, " + this.name + "!";

/* Example 4: Define a Ninja class that extends Person */
var Ninja = classify(Person,
    constructor: function(name, skillLevel)
        Ninja.base.constructor.call(this, name, true);
        this.skillLevel = skillLevel;
    canSing: function()
        return Ninja.base.canSing.call(this) || this.skillLevel > 200;
    attack: function()
        return "Chop!";

/* Example 4: Define an ExtremeNinja class that extends Ninja that extends Person */
var ExtremeNinja = classify(Ninja,
    attack: function()
        return "Chop! Chop!";
    backflip: function()
        return "Woosh!";

var m = new Minimal();
var c = new Class();
var s = new SpanishClass();
var p = new Person("Mary", false);
var n = new Ninja("John", 100);
var e = new ExtremeNinja("World", 200);

这是我的 QUnit 测试,它们全部通过:

equals(m instanceof Object && m instanceof Minimal && m.constructor === Minimal, true);
equals(c instanceof Object && c instanceof Class && c.constructor === Class, true);
equals(s instanceof Object && s instanceof Class && s instanceof SpanishClass && s.constructor === SpanishClass, true);
equals(p instanceof Object && p instanceof Person && p.constructor === Person, true);
equals(n instanceof Object && n instanceof Person && n instanceof Ninja && n.constructor === Ninja, true);
equals(e instanceof Object && e instanceof Person && e instanceof Ninja && e instanceof ExtremeNinja && e.constructor === ExtremeNinja, true);

equals(c.count(), "John: One. Two. Three.");
equals(s.count(), "Juan: Uno. Dos. Tres.");

equals(p.isQuiet, false);
equals(p.canSing(), true);
equals(p.sing(), "Figaro!");

equals(n.isQuiet, true);
equals(n.skillLevel, 100);
equals(n.canSing(), false);
equals(n.sing(), "Shh!");
equals(n.attack(), "Chop!");

equals(e.isQuiet, true);
equals(e.skillLevel, 200);
equals(e.canSing(), false);
equals(e.sing(), "Shh!");
equals(e.attack(), "Chop! Chop!");
equals(e.backflip(), "Woosh!");
equals(e.skillLevel, 201);
equals(e.canSing(), true);
equals(e.sing(), "Figaro!");
equals(e.toString(), "Hello, World!");

我的方法与John Resig的原始方法相比,有什么问题吗?欢迎提出建议和反馈!


我建议使用Object.createtraitsjs。在JavaScript中,继承并不好用,应该使用对象组合。 - Raynos
也许我只是还不习惯,但是 traits 的语法让我感到头晕。我想我会等待它有更多的追随者之后再尝试。 - Will




var Person = Class.extend({
    init: function(isDancing) {
        this.dancing = isDancing;

    dance: function() {
        return this.dancing;

var Ninja = Person.extend({
    init: function() {

    swingSword: function() {
        return true;


使用标准JS和Object.create()(这是一个ECMAScript 5函数,但为了我们的目的可以用自定义的ES3 clone()实现替代):

function Person(isDancing) {
    this.dancing = isDancing;

Person.prototype.dance = function() {
    return this.dancing;

function Ninja() {
    Person.call(this, false);

Ninja.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);

Ninja.prototype.swingSword = function() {
    return true;


我曾经和你有同样的想法,但现在我不得不反对了。基本上,John Resig 和我所做的就是创建一个单一方法(“extend”),它可以连接你在上面例子中拥有的确切的对象/原型行为(即它不是一个新的对象系统)。唯一的区别是使用 extend 方法时语法更短、更紧凑、更少出错。 - Will
经过反思,我同意使用标准的 wire-up 语法和使用 extend 语法一样简洁。但我仍然认为后者更加清晰、更少出错,并且更符合“约定优于配置”的理念,如果这样说可以的话。 - Will
我曾经费尽心思地思考Resig的方法,但却无法理解。这个方法非常简单明了。谢谢! - Big McLargeHuge
等一下...你如何定义自定义构造函数?例如,在定义新忍者时设置Ninja.strength = function() { Math.random(); } - Big McLargeHuge




var p = new Person(true);
alert("p.dance()? " + p.dance()); => true

var n = new Ninja();
alert("n.dance()? " + n.dance()); => false
n.dancing = true;
alert("n.dance()? " + n.dance()); => false

base 只是另一个使用默认成员初始化的对象,让你认为它可以工作。

编辑:记录一下,这是我自己在 2006 年制作的类似 Java 继承的 Javascript 实现(尽管更冗长),当时我受到 Dean Edward's Base.js 的启发(当 他说 John 的版本只是他的 Base.js 重写时,我同意他的观点)。您可以在此处查看它的操作(并在 Firebug 中进行逐步调试)

 * A function that does nothing: to be used when resetting callback handlers.
 * @final
EMPTY_FUNCTION = function()
  // does nothing.

var Class =
   * Defines a new class from the specified instance prototype and class
   * prototype.
   * @param {Object} instancePrototype the object literal used to define the
   * member variables and member functions of the instances of the class
   * being defined.
   * @param {Object} classPrototype the object literal used to define the
   * static member variables and member functions of the class being
   * defined.
   * @return {Function} the newly defined class.
  define: function(instancePrototype, classPrototype)
    /* This is the constructor function for the class being defined */
    var base = function()
      if (!this.__prototype_chaining 
          && base.prototype.initialize instanceof Function)
        base.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

    base.prototype = instancePrototype || {};

    if (!base.prototype.initialize)
      base.prototype.initialize = EMPTY_FUNCTION;

    for (var property in classPrototype)
      if (property == 'initialize')

      base[property] = classPrototype[property];

    if (classPrototype && (classPrototype.initialize instanceof Function))

    function augment(method, derivedPrototype, basePrototype)
      if (  (method == 'initialize')
          &&(basePrototype[method].length == 0))
        return function()
          derivedPrototype[method].apply(this, arguments);

      return function()
        this.base = function()
                      return basePrototype[method].apply(this, arguments);

        return derivedPrototype[method].apply(this, arguments);
        delete this.base;

     * Provides the definition of a new class that extends the specified
     * <code>parent</code> class.
     * @param {Function} parent the class to be extended.
     * @param {Object} instancePrototype the object literal used to define
     * the member variables and member functions of the instances of the
     * class being defined.
     * @param {Object} classPrototype the object literal used to define the
     * static member variables and member functions of the class being
     * defined.
     * @return {Function} the newly defined class.
    function extend(parent, instancePrototype, classPrototype)
      var derived = function()
        if (!this.__prototype_chaining
            && derived.prototype.initialize instanceof Function)
          derived.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

      parent.prototype.__prototype_chaining = true;

      derived.prototype = new parent();

      delete parent.prototype.__prototype_chaining;

      for (var property in instancePrototype)
        if (  (instancePrototype[property] instanceof Function)
            &&(parent.prototype[property] instanceof Function))
            derived.prototype[property] = augment(property, instancePrototype, parent.prototype);
          derived.prototype[property] = instancePrototype[property];

      derived.extend =  function(instancePrototype, classPrototype)
                          return extend(derived, instancePrototype, classPrototype);

      for (var property in classPrototype)
        if (property == 'initialize')

        derived[property] = classPrototype[property];

      if (classPrototype && (classPrototype.initialize instanceof Function))

      return derived;

    base.extend = function(instancePrototype, classPrototype)
                    return extend(base, instancePrototype, classPrototype);
    return base;


var Base = Class.define(
  initialize: function(value) // Java constructor equivalent
    this.property = value;

  property: undefined, // member variable

  getProperty: function() // member variable accessor
    return this.property;

  foo: function()
    alert('inside Base.foo');
    // do something

  bar: function()
    alert('inside Base.bar');
    // do something else
  initialize: function() // Java static initializer equivalent
    this.property = 'Base';

  property: undefined, // static member variables can have the same
                                 // name as non static member variables

  getProperty: function() // static member functions can have the same
  {                                 // name as non static member functions
    return this.property;

var Derived = Base.extend(
  initialize: function()
    this.base('derived'); // chain with parent class's constructor

  property: undefined, 

  getProperty: function()
    return this.property;

  foo: function() // override foo
    alert('inside Derived.foo');
    this.base(); // call parent class implementation of foo
    // do some more treatments
  initialize: function()
    this.property = 'Derived';

  property: undefined, 

  getProperty: function()
    return this.property;

var b = new Base('base');
alert('b instanceof Base returned: ' + (b instanceof Base));
alert('b.getProperty() returned: ' + b.getProperty());
alert('Base.getProperty() returned: ' + Base.getProperty());


var d = new Derived('derived');
alert('d instanceof Base returned: ' + (d instanceof Base));
alert('d instanceof Derived returned: ' + (d instanceof Derived));
alert('d.getProperty() returned: ' + d.getProperty());  
alert('Derived.getProperty() returned: ' + Derived.getProperty());


糟糕,谢谢你指出这个重大缺陷。我会再试一次,但最终可能还是会回到John Resig的原始功能上。 - Will
约翰的函数很完美(尽管他应该给迪恩·爱德华兹以功劳)。无论如何,就像当时我所做的那样,继续尝试它是有趣的,并且理解语言的内部工作将使你成为更好的程序员。有趣的是,我从未真正使用过我的实现,它只是为了好玩:)此外,我真的看不出试图将最大数量的逻辑缩减为最小量代码的意义: 当然,我的版本很冗长,但每次我返回阅读它时,我都明白正在发生什么。 - Gregory Pakosz
我相信现在一切都正常了。我对基本方法调用进行了微小的更改,使用“base.method.call(this)”语法来修复您报告的问题。您是否看到实现中还有其他问题?我不确定这是否是一个无意义的练习。我相信大多数开发人员避开JavaScript继承的原因之一是涉及理解实现的“黑魔法”,或者他们被迫使用丑陋的继承语法。我相信这有助于解决这两个问题(前提是它是正确的)。 - Will
了解内部机制并不是毫无意义的。然而,我一直认为在jQuery、Mootools等之间进行大小竞赛没有多少意义;但是,在我的个人项目中,我从未真正面临由臃肿脚本引起的页面加载减慢问题。那么,我不够专业(尽管我相信我在实现类似Java继承方面做得很好)来决定这是正确的方法:像Douglas Crockford这样的专家认为,人们应该努力“充分拥抱原型主义”,并“摆脱古典模型的限制”。 - Gregory Pakosz



// copyPrototype is used to do a form of inheritance.  See http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2006/01/17/javascript-inheritance/#
// Example:
//    function Bug() { this.legs = 6; }
//    Insect.prototype.getInfo = function() { return "a general insect"; }
//    Insect.prototype.report = function() { return "I have " + this.legs + " legs"; }
//    function Millipede() { this.legs = "a lot of"; }
//    copyPrototype(Millipede, Bug);  /* Copy the prototype functions from Bug into Millipede */
//    Millipede.prototype.getInfo = function() { return "please don't confuse me with a centipede"; } /* ''Override" getInfo() */
function copyPrototype(descendant, parent) {
  var sConstructor = parent.toString();
  var aMatch = sConstructor.match(/\s*function (.*)\(/);
  if (aMatch != null) { descendant.prototype[aMatch[1]] = parent; }
  for (var m in parent.prototype) {

    descendant.prototype[m] = parent.prototype[m];

这确实很简单,但在我看来并不是很有用(没有基类/超级访问权限),也不太美观。 - Will
@Will:你可以访问父类的方法。请查看链接以获取更多解释。 - John Fisher
@JohnFisher 我认为你在代码注释中想说的是 Bug.prototype 而不是 Insert.prototype - Larry Battle
@LarryBattle:我并没有什么意思,因为这不是我写的代码。它来自网站。 - John Fisher

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