如何在使用C++ std::visit时改善编译器错误信息?

template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;

using Foo = std::variant<A, B, /* ... many more alternatives ... */>;

Foo foo;

    [](A const& a) { /* ... */ },
    [](B const& b) { /* ... */ },
    /* ... forgot 1+ alternatives ... */
    }, foo
example.cc:8-13: error: Non-exhaustive visitor -- missing alternative of type 'X'

除非编写自己的 visit 封装器,否则无法解决这个问题。但是尽管错误很可怕,但可能的原因并不太多:要么是缺少备选项,要么是返回类型不匹配。 - HolyBlackCat
很遗憾,不行。欢迎来到C++世界,在这里编译错误通常会比正在编译的代码还要长。 - Sam Varshavchik
晦涩难懂的错误信息长期以来一直困扰着C++。Bjarne多次提到了这个问题,并希望在C++中能够改进这个领域。 - Eljay
你可以使用编译器浏览器同时运行g++clang++MSVC。其中一个希望会给出一个可理解的错误信息 :-) - Ted Lyngmo
@HolyBlackCat 我该如何编写这个包装器?实现起来是否相当简单,还是说我基本上要重写 std::visit() - jinscoe123




#include <iostream>
#include <variant>

template <typename> class Test { };

using Foo = std::variant<
    Test<struct A>,
    Test<struct B>,
    Test<struct C>,
    Test<struct D>

using Bar = std::variant<
    Test<struct E>,
    Test<struct F>,
    Test<struct G>,
    Test<struct H>,
    Test<struct I>,
    Test<struct J>,
    Test<struct K>,
    Test<struct L>

template <typename T>
struct DefineVirtualFunctor
    virtual int operator()(T const&) const = 0;

template <template <typename> typename Modifier, typename... Rest>
struct ForEach { };
template <template <typename> typename Modifier, typename T, typename... Rest>
struct ForEach<Modifier, T, Rest...> : Modifier<T>, ForEach<Modifier, Rest...> { };

template <typename Variant>
struct Visitor;
template <typename... Alts>
struct Visitor<std::variant<Alts...>> : ForEach<DefineVirtualFunctor, Alts...> { };

struct FooVisitor final : Visitor<Foo>
    int operator()(Test<A> const&) const override { return  0; }
    int operator()(Test<B> const&) const override { return  1; }
    int operator()(Test<C> const&) const override { return  2; }
    int operator()(Test<D> const&) const override { return  3; }

struct BarVisitor final : Visitor<Bar>
    int operator()(Test<E> const&) const override { return  4; }
    int operator()(Test<F> const&) const override { return  5; }
    int operator()(Test<G> const&) const override { return  6; }
    int operator()(Test<H> const&) const override { return  7; }
    int operator()(Test<I> const&) const override { return  8; }
    int operator()(Test<J> const&) const override { return  9; }
    int operator()(Test<K> const&) const override { return 10; }
    int operator()(Test<L> const&) const override { return 11; }

int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
    Foo foo;
    Bar bar;
    switch (argc) {
    case  0: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<0> }; break;
    case  1: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<1> }; break;
    case  2: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<2> }; break;
    default: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<3> }; break;
    switch (argc) {
    case  0: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<0> }; break;
    case  1: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<1> }; break;
    case  2: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<2> }; break;
    case  3: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<3> }; break;
    case  4: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<4> }; break;
    case  5: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<5> }; break;
    case  6: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<6> }; break;
    default: bar = Bar{ std::in_place_index<7> }; break;
    std::cout << std::visit(FooVisitor{ }, foo) << "\n";
    std::cout << std::visit(BarVisitor{ }, bar) << "\n";

    return 0;


$ g++ -std=c++17 -o example example.cc
example.cc: In function ‘int main(int, const char**)’:
example.cc:87:41: error: invalid cast to abstract class type ‘BarVisitor’
   87 |     std::cout << std::visit(BarVisitor{ }, bar) << "\n";
      |                                         ^
example.cc:51:8: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within ‘BarVisitor’:
   51 | struct BarVisitor final : Visitor<Bar>
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~
example.cc:29:17: note:     ‘int DefineVirtualFunctor<T>::operator()(const T&) const [with T = Test<J>]’
   29 |     virtual int operator()(T const&) const = 0;
      |                 ^~~~~~~~



我认为你可以将重载集合包装在一个函数对象中,该函数对象在未命中情况下执行默认例程(就像 switch 语句中的 default 部分一样)。并且我将默认重载放在开头,以免遗忘:

auto any_visitor=[](auto&& val, auto&& default_fn,auto ...fn){
    overloaded vis{fn ...};
    if constexpr(std::is_invokable_v<decltype(vis), decltype(val)>)
        return vis(std::forward(val));
        return std::invoke(std::forward(default_fn), std::forward(val));

            /* default visitor logic for missed cases*/
        [](A const& a) { /* ... */ },
        [](B const& b) { /* ... */ },
        /* ... forgot 1+ alternatives ... */


namespace par=std::placeholders;

        any_visitor, par::_1//keep the front parameter
            /* default visitor logic for missed cases*/
        [](A const& a) { /* ... */ },
        [](B const& b) { /* ... */ },
        /* ... forgot 1+ alternatives ... */

很遗憾,我无法测试这个,因为我没有访问支持C++23的编译器,并且我的C++知识不足以将其转换为C++17。 - jinscoe123
@jinscoe123 这只是这个想法的一个示例。我编辑了答案,但仍然可能有人发现其中存在问题。基本思路是有条件地调用提供的重载或接受任何内容的回退默认重载。因为你不能简单地让通用重载与继承一起工作。你通过继承组合来捕获普通重载,并通过编译时条件(if constexpr)回退到通用默认值。 - Red.Wave

#include <concepts>
#include <variant>

template <class Visitor, class... Ts>
requires (std::invocable<Visitor, Ts> && ...)
auto my_visit(Visitor&& vis, std::variant<Ts...> const& var) 
    return std::visit(std::forward<Visitor>(vis), var);

使用这个包装器可以将clang的错误信息从184行减少到28行。 实时演示(请注意,此实现仅涵盖const std::variant<...>&,一次仅处理一个变量,而std::visit可以同时处理任意数量的变量。)

不幸的是,我更喜欢等到C++20得到更广泛支持之后再使用它,但我点赞了你的答案,因为它是一个非常优雅的解决方案。不过,我迫不及待地想在不久的将来开始使用概念! :) - jinscoe123




#include <variant>

[](auto... __args) { \
    static_assert(always_false_v<decltype(__args)...>, "non-exhaustive visitor"); \

template <typename... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template <typename... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;

template <typename> constexpr bool always_false_v = false;

template <typename> class Test { };

using Foo = std::variant<
    Test<struct A>,
    Test<struct B>,
    Test<struct C>,
    Test<struct D>,
    Test<struct E>,
    Test<struct F>,
    Test<struct G>,
    Test<struct H>,
    Test<struct I>,
    Test<struct J>,
    Test<struct K>,
    Test<struct L>,
    Test<struct M>,
    Test<struct N>,
    Test<struct O>,
    Test<struct P>,
    Test<struct Q>,
    Test<struct R>,
    Test<struct S>,
    Test<struct T>,
    Test<struct U>,
    Test<struct V>,
    Test<struct W>,
    Test<struct X>,
    Test<struct Y>,
    Test<struct Z>

int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
    Foo foo;

    switch (argc) {
    case  0: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 0> }; break;
    case  1: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 1> }; break;
    case  2: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 2> }; break;
    case  3: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 3> }; break;
    case  4: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 4> }; break;
    case  5: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 5> }; break;
    case  6: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 6> }; break;
    case  7: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 7> }; break;
    case  8: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 8> }; break;
    case  9: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index< 9> }; break;
    case 10: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<10> }; break;
    case 11: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<11> }; break;
    case 12: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<12> }; break;
    case 13: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<13> }; break;
    case 14: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<14> }; break;
    case 15: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<15> }; break;
    case 16: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<16> }; break;
    case 17: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<17> }; break;
    case 18: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<18> }; break;
    case 19: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<19> }; break;
    case 20: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<20> }; break;
    case 21: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<21> }; break;
    case 22: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<22> }; break;
    case 23: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<23> }; break;
    case 24: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<24> }; break;
    case 25: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<25> }; break;
    default: foo = Foo{ std::in_place_index<26> }; break;

    return std::visit(overloaded{
        [](std::monostate) { return  0; },
        [](Test<A> const&) { return  1; },
        [](Test<B> const&) { return  2; },
        [](Test<C> const&) { return  3; },
        [](Test<D> const&) { return  4; },
        [](Test<E> const&) { return  5; },
        [](Test<F> const&) { return  6; },
        [](Test<G> const&) { return  7; },
        [](Test<H> const&) { return  8; },
        [](Test<I> const&) { return  9; },
        [](Test<J> const&) { return 10; },
        [](Test<K> const&) { return 11; },
        [](Test<L> const&) { return 12; },
        [](Test<M> const&) { return 13; },
        [](Test<N> const&) { return 14; },
        [](Test<O> const&) { return 15; },
        [](Test<P> const&) { return 16; },
        [](Test<Q> const&) { return 17; },
        [](Test<R> const&) { return 18; },
        [](Test<S> const&) { return 19; },
        [](Test<T> const&) { return 20; },
        [](Test<U> const&) { return 21; },
        [](Test<V> const&) { return 22; },
        [](Test<W> const&) { return 23; },
//      [](Test<X> const&) { return 24; },  // Whoops...
        [](Test<Y> const&) { return 25; },
        [](Test<Z> const&) { return 26; },
        }, foo



$ g++ -std=c++17 -fmax-errors=1 -o example example.cc
example.cc:5:19: error: static assertion failed: non-exhaustive visitor
    5 |     static_assert(always_false_v<decltype(__args)...>, "non-exhaustive visitor"); \
      |                   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
example.cc:107:9: note: in expansion of macro ‘STD_VISIT_IMPROVE_COMPILER_ERRORS_LAMBDA’
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated due to -fmax-errors=1.

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