
Name | Age | Class | school
Anna,     23, grade 2, Havard
Kendricks,34, grade 2, Havard
Vikander, 27, grade 3, Covenant
Hathaway, 18, grade1,  Covenant
Gemma,    23, grade 4, Bowen
Jolie,    23, grade 5, Havard
Arteton,  24, grade 1, Bayero
Ana Armas 30, grade 2, Coventry


// filterParam - is the field(class, school)
// then how do I select the distinct values...

  public IEnumerable<ScbDataInfo> GetScbOptionsByFilter(string filterParam) {
            using (SRSContext entityContext = new SRSContext()) {

                var query = (from e in entityContext.Set<ScbDataInfo>()

                             where e[filterParam] == searchParam   //i passed it here
                             orderby e.RefNo, e.datepmt                             
                             select e).Distinct();

                return query.ToArray();


不支持该操作。您需要构建自己的谓词生成器,或者可以集成 NuGet 包,例如 DynamicQueryable - Igor
可能是[动态列名在where子句中。Entity Framework]的重复问题(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12421916/dynamic-column-name-in-where-clause-entity-framework)。 - Jota.Toledo


这是我从DataTables.Queryable(由Alexander Krutov开发,遵循MIT协议)中整理出来的一些代码:


/// <summary>
/// Creates predicate expression like 
/// <code>(T t) => t.SomeProperty.Contains("Constant")</code> 
/// where "SomeProperty" name is defined by <paramref name="stringConstant"/> parameter, and "Constant" is the <paramref name="stringConstant"/>.
/// If property has non-string type, it is converted to string with <see cref="object.ToString()"/> method.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Data type</typeparam>
/// <param name="propertyName">Property name</param>
/// <param name="stringConstant">String constant to construnt the <see cref="string.Contains(string)"/> expression.</param>
/// <param name="caseInsensitive">Case insenstive Contains Predicate?</param>
/// <returns>Predicate instance</returns>
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> BuildStringContainsPredicate<T>(string propertyName, string stringConstant, bool caseInsensitive)
    var type = typeof(T);
    var parameterExp = Expression.Parameter(type, "e");
    var propertyExp = BuildPropertyExpression(parameterExp, propertyName);

    Expression exp = propertyExp;

    // if the property value type is not string, it needs to be casted at first
    if (propertyExp.Type != typeof(string))
        // If we have an Enum, the underlying Entity Framework Provider can not translate the Enum to SQL.
        // Therefore we converting it first to the underlying primitive type (byte, int16, int32, int64 etc)
        //Todo: Sideeffects beobachten
        //Todo: Evtl möglichkeit finden Display Attribute zu implementieren um eine String Suche zu ermöglichen?
        //Todo: Notwendigkeit in NET Core 2.1 überprüfen
        if (propertyExp.Type.IsEnum)
            exp = Expression.Convert(exp, Enum.GetUnderlyingType(propertyExp.Type));

        exp = Expression.Call(exp, ObjectToString);

    // call ToLower if case insensitive search
    if (caseInsensitive)
        exp = Expression.Call(exp, StringToLower);
        stringConstant = stringConstant.ToLower();
    var someValue = Expression.Constant(stringConstant, typeof(string));
    var containsMethodExp = Expression.Call(exp, StringContains, someValue);
    return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(containsMethodExp, parameterExp);

/// <summary>
/// Builds the property expression from the full property name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="param">Parameter expression, like <code>e =></code></param>
/// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property</param>
/// <returns>MemberExpression instance</returns>
private static MemberExpression BuildPropertyExpression(ParameterExpression param, string propertyName)
    var parts = propertyName.Split('.');
    Expression body = param;
    foreach (var member in parts)
        body = Expression.Property(body, member);
    return (MemberExpression)body;

/// <summary>
/// <see cref="object.ToString()"/> method info. 
/// Used for building search predicates when the searchable property has non-string type.
/// </summary>
private static readonly MethodInfo ObjectToString = typeof(object).GetMethod(nameof(ToString));

/// <summary>
/// <see cref="string.ToLower()"/> method info. 
/// Used for conversion of string values to lower case.
/// </summary>
private static readonly MethodInfo StringToLower = typeof(string).GetMethod(nameof(string.ToLower), new Type[] { });

/// <summary>
/// <see cref="string.Contains(string)"/> method info. 
/// Used for building default search predicates.
/// </summary>
private static readonly MethodInfo StringContains = typeof(string).GetMethod(nameof(string.Contains), new[] { typeof(string) });

这将创建一个过滤表达式,其中propertyName是列名,stringConstant是搜索值,bool值用于指定搜索是否区分大小写。 T是您的IQueryable<T>类型。
public static IQueryable<T> FilterColumns(this IQueryable<T> query, IEnumerable<string> columns, string searchValue)
    Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = null;
    foreach (var column in columns)
        var expr = BuildStringContainsPredicate<T>(column,
                       searchValue, false);
        predicate = predicate == null ? PredicateBuilder.Create(expr) : predicate.Or(expr);
    return query.Where(predicate);

    .FilterColumns(columnNames, searchValue)
    .OrderBy(e => e.RefNo)
    .ThenBy(e => e.datepm)

我希望使用Expressions来实现它。 - Sebastian Oscar Lopez



    /// <summary>
    /// Filter ScbDataInfo with de field and value indicated
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filterParam">Field name</param>
    /// <param name="searchParam">Value used in filter</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IEnumerable<ScbDataInfo> GetScbOptionsByFilter(string filterParam, string searchParam)
        // Here get property using reflection 
        var typeScbDataInfo = typeof(ScbDataInfo);
        var property = typeScbDataInfo.GetProperty(filterParam);

        //var filterExpression =
        using (var context = new SRSContext())
            var query = context.ScbDataInfo
                .ToArray() // It force linq to sql to obtain all records from database. A poor implementation
                    m => property.GetValue(m) // Get entity with reflection
                            .ToString() // Convert to string because searchParam is string. It could be changed for the correct type or using dynamic type
                            .Equals(searchParam) // Simple equals for filter
            return query.ToArray(); // Return array. Poor implementation

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Filter NAME:");
        var filterName = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.WriteLine("Filter VALUE:");
        var filterValue = Console.ReadLine();

        var program = new Program();
        var results = program.GetScbOptionsByFilter(filterName, filterValue);

        Console.WriteLine($"Total results: {results.Count()}");




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