
什么是在“深层”对象层次结构中使用Builder模式的最佳实践?更具体地说,我探索了Joshua Bloch提出的Builder模式,并将其应用于我的XML绑定代码(我正在使用SimpleXML,但此问题适用于任何情况)。我的对象层次结构有4个层级,复杂程度各不相同。我的意思是,在某些层面上,我的对象只有几个属性,而在其他层面上,我的对象可能多达10个。因此,考虑以下假设示例(为简洁起见,我省略了Simple XML注释)。
public class Outermost {

    private String title;
    private int channel;
    private List<Middle> middleList;


class Middle{
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private boolean senior;
    /* ... ... 10 such properties */

    private Innermost inner;

class Innermost{
    private String something;
    private int foo;
    /* ... Few more of these ..*/
如果我想使用构建器强制创建 Outermost 对象,那么最好的方法是什么?最明显的答案是为每个以上类别都创建一个 inner static Builder 类。但是,这难道不会使事情变得像Builder模式试图解决的问题一样笨重吗?我考虑到一些东西 - 这将强制采用“自内向外”的方法 - 意味着在可以将 Innermost 对象添加到 Middle 对象之前,必须完全构建和实例化它。但我们都知道,在实践中(特别是当我们正在构建XML或JSON时),我们很少有“及时”的信息可以完成这项任务。有可能,人们最终会为每个属性都拥有变量-跨越所有级别;并在最后创建对象。要么,人们最终会在代码中漂浮着多层级别的Builder,增加了混乱。那么,有没有关于如何优雅地完成这个任务的想法呢?

如果您正在使用构建器模式,则应将所有私有字段设为final。在我看来,这是最好的实践。 - Adam Gent
@AdamGent 感谢您指出这一点。它们在我的应用程序中确实是final的。在此发布问题时不知道怎么错过了这一点。 - curioustechizen





 public OuterBuilder {
     // some outer attributes here

     private ArrayList<MiddleBuilder> m_middleList;

     public OuterBuild( mandatory params for Outers ){
          // populate some outer attributes
          // create empty middle array

     public addMiddle(MiddleBuilder middler) {

 while (middleDataIter.hasNext() ) {
      MiddleData data =;
      // make a middle builder, add it.

针对您提出的第二个问题,我们不会边构建边进行,相反,我们有效地使用构建器作为数据累加点。最终,我们调用“Go and Build”方法,但此时我们应该已经准备好所有数据,因此整个层次结构就会构建完成。

那很详细,那也很快!好吧,我确实是指您指出的Builder的前一种描述。但我不确定我理解您在这里建议什么。您是说我有一个Builder对象层次结构,与我的类层次结构相似吗?也许对此的答案将帮助我理解为什么您认为“Go and Build”不需要从内到外。 - curioustechizen
是的,我考虑到了外部构建器知道中间构建器,中间构建器知道内部构建器。我认为你的担忧是我们可能会按某种顺序接收数据,这将不允许我们从外向内构建。因此,对于数据解释,我声称我们可以按任何顺序构建构建器,最有可能是从外向内,并根据需要在构建器中累积数据。在某个时刻,我们拥有了所有需要的东西,然后告诉外部开始构建,外部递归地向内部工作。因此,最内层的对象很可能首先被构建。 - djna
是的 - 我现在明白你的观点了。我将尝试这种方法并在此更新我的发现。 - curioustechizen

class Shape
    private final double opacity;

    public double getOpacity()
        return opacity;

    public static abstract class Builder<T extends Shape> {

        private double opacity;

        public Builder<T> opacity(double opacity) {
            this.opacity = opacity;
            return this;

        public abstract T build();

    public static Builder<?> builder() {
        return new Builder<Shape>()
                    public Shape build()
                    return new Shape(this);

    protected Shape(Builder<?> builder) {
        this.opacity = builder.opacity;

class Rectangle extends Shape {

    private final double height;
    private final double width;

    public double getHeight()
        return height;

    public double getWidth()
        return width;

    public static abstract class Builder<T extends Rectangle> extends Shape.Builder<T> {
        private double height;
        private double width;

        public Builder<T> height(double height) {
            this.height = height;
            return this;

        public Builder<T> width(double width) {
            this.width = width;
            return this;

    public static Builder<?> builder() {
        return new Builder<Rectangle>()
                    public Rectangle build()
                    return new Rectangle(this);

    protected Rectangle(Builder<?> builder) {
        this.height = builder.height;
        this.width = builder.width;

Rectangle r = Rectangle.builder().opacity(0.5).height(50).width(100).build();


Rectangle r = Rectangle.builder().height(50).width(100).opacity(0.5).build();


class Shape
    private final double opacity;

    public double getOpacity ()
        return opacity;

    public static abstract class ShapeBuilder<S extends Shape, B extends ShapeBuilder<S, B>>

        private double opacity;

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        public B opacity ( double opacity )
            this.opacity = opacity;
            return (B) this;

        public abstract S build ();

    private static class DefaultShapeBuilder extends ShapeBuilder<Shape, DefaultShapeBuilder>
        public Shape build ()
            return new Shape( this );

    public static ShapeBuilder<?, ?> builder ()
        return new DefaultShapeBuilder();

    protected Shape ( ShapeBuilder<?, ?> builder )
        this.opacity = builder.opacity;

class Rectangle extends Shape

    private final double height;
    private final double width;

    public double getHeight ()
        return height;

    public double getWidth ()
        return width;

    public static abstract class RectangleBuilder<S extends Rectangle, B extends RectangleBuilder<S, B>> extends ShapeBuilder<S, B>
        private double height;
        private double width;

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        public B height ( double height )
            this.height = height;
            return (B) this;

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        public B width ( double width )
            this.width = width;
            return (B) this;

    public static RectangleBuilder<?, ?> builder ()
        return new DefaultRectangleBuilder();

    protected Rectangle ( RectangleBuilder<?, ?> builder )
        super( builder );
        this.height = builder.height;
        this.width = builder.width;

    private static class DefaultRectangleBuilder extends RectangleBuilder<Rectangle, DefaultRectangleBuilder>
        public Rectangle build ()
            return new Rectangle( this );

class RotatedRectangle extends Rectangle
    private final double theta;

    public double getTheta ()
        return theta;

    public static abstract class RotatedRectangleBuilder<S extends RotatedRectangle, B extends RotatedRectangleBuilder<S, B>> extends Rectangle.RectangleBuilder<S, B>
        private double theta;

        @SuppressWarnings( "Unchecked" )
        public B theta ( double theta )
            this.theta = theta;
            return (B) this;

    public static RotatedRectangleBuilder<?, ?> builder ()
        return new DefaultRotatedRectangleBuilder();

    protected RotatedRectangle ( RotatedRectangleBuilder<?, ?> builder )
        super( builder );
        this.theta = builder.theta;

    private static class DefaultRotatedRectangleBuilder extends RotatedRectangleBuilder<RotatedRectangle, DefaultRotatedRectangleBuilder>
        public RotatedRectangle build ()
            return new RotatedRectangle( this );

class BuilderTest
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        RotatedRectangle rotatedRectangle = RotatedRectangle.builder()
                .theta( Math.PI / 2 )
                .width( 640 )
                .height( 400 )
                .height( 400 )
                .opacity( 0.5d ) // note attribs can be set in any order
                .width( 111 )
                .opacity( 0.5d )
                .width( 222 )
                .height( 400 )
                .width( 640 )
                .width( 640 )
        System.out.println( rotatedRectangle.getTheta() );
        System.out.println( rotatedRectangle.getWidth() );
        System.out.println( rotatedRectangle.getHeight() );
        System.out.println( rotatedRectangle.getOpacity() );

请注意@SuppressWarnings注释; 如果一个子类违反了FooBuilder总是扩展FooSuperclassBuilder<Foo,FooBuilder>的约定,则系统会崩溃。

你的回答非常详细,但我认为你误解了原始问题。我不是要将 Builder 模式应用于继承树。相反,我需要解决的问题是当一个对象由其他非原始字段组成时应用 Builder 模式。问题中的示例就是这样。 - curioustechizen


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