我无法从Visual Studio 2019登录Azure服务

我的Visual Studio信息
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Preview
Version 16.7.0 Preview 4.0
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.7.03056

Installed Version: Community

ADL Tools Service Provider   1.0
This package contains services used by Data Lake tools

ASA Service Provider   1.0

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019   16.7.523.48425
ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019

ASP.NET Core Razor Language Services
Provides languages services for ASP.NET Core Razor.

ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2019   16.7.523.48425
For additional information, visit https://www.asp.net/

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0   16.7.523.48425
Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

Azure Data Lake Node   1.0
This package contains the Data Lake integration nodes for Server Explorer.

Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio   2.4.6000.0
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio

Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools   16.7.523.48425
Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools

Azure Stream Analytics Tools for Visual Studio   2.4.6000.0
Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Tools for Visual Studio

BusinessObjectEditor   1.0
Information about my package

C# Tools   3.7.0-4.20359.1+b90347a69117be7181e2f03a991790634981eddb
C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

CodeRush for Roslyn
DevExpress CodeRush for Roslyn package.

CodeRush for Roslyn Tool Windows
DevExpress CodeRush for Roslyn Tool Windows package.

Common Azure Tools   1.10
Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

ConvertToDevExtremeCommand Extension   1.0
ConvertToDevExtremeCommand Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

CreateLayoutWizard   1.0
Create layout wizard.

DevExpress Reporting Extension   1.0
A Visual Studio extension that invokes the Report Designer editor for report definition REPX files.

DevExpress Reporting Tools Extension   1.0
Extends Visual Studio with tools required for the Report Designer editor.

DevExpress.DeploymentTool   1.0
A useful tool for deploying DevExpress assemblies.

DevExpress.ExpressApp.Design.DynamicPackage   1.0
DevExpress VSIX Package

DevExpress.ExpressApp.DesignPackage   1.0
DevExpress VSIX Package

DevExpress.Win.LayoutAssistant Extension   1.0
DevExpress.Win.LayoutAssistant Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

IntelliCode Extension   1.0
IntelliCode Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

Microsoft Azure HDInsight Azure Node   2.4.6000.0
HDInsight Node under Azure Node

Microsoft Azure Hive Query Language Service   2.4.6000.0
Language service for Hive query

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Language Service   2.4.6000.0
Language service for Azure Stream Analytics

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Node   1.0
Azure Stream Analytics Node under Azure Node

Microsoft Azure Tools   2.9
Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 - v2.9.30701.1

Microsoft Continuous Delivery Tools for Visual Studio   0.4
Simplifying the configuration of Azure DevOps pipelines from within the Visual Studio IDE.

Microsoft JVM Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

Microsoft Library Manager   2.1.79+ge3567815aa.RR
Install client-side libraries easily to any web project

Microsoft MI-Based Debugger   1.0
Provides support for connecting Visual Studio to MI compatible debuggers

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Containers   1.1
Develop, run, validate your ASP.NET Core applications in the target environment. F5 your application directly into a container with debugging, or CTRL + F5 to edit & refresh your app without having to rebuild the container.

NuGet Package Manager   5.7.0
NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit https://docs.nuget.org/

ProjectServicesPackage Extension   1.0
ProjectServicesPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info

SQL Server Data Tools   16.0.62006.04220
Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

ToolWindowHostedEditor   1.0
Hosting json editor into a tool window

TypeScript Tools   16.0.20702.2001
TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic Tools   3.7.0-4.20359.1+b90347a69117be7181e2f03a991790634981eddb
Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual F# Tools for F# 4.7   16.7.0-beta.20329.1+19c9e2f1b21a66ec90fefae79988b33fc16744fc
Microsoft Visual F# Tools for F# 4.7

Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package   1.0
Interop layer for hosting Visual Studio Code debug adapters in Visual Studio

Visual Studio Container Tools Extensions (Preview)   1.0
View, manage, and diagnose containers within Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Tools for Containers   1.0
Visual Studio Tools for Containers

我无法从Visual Studio 2019登录Azure服务。

enter image description here

我还尝试通过Firefox使用用户名和密码登录https://portal.azure.com,并成功登录。但是,我无法使用相同的帐户从Visual Studio 2019 Community - 预览版登录Azure服务。

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转到Windows的“默认应用程序”,将“Web浏览器”更改为Internet Explorer,然后再试一次。有时,VS和其他微软应用程序无法与其他浏览器配合使用。 - Daniel Björk
现在错误解决了吗? - Leon Yue


关闭所有Visual Studio实例。




删除 %LocalAppData%.IdentityService 对我来说解决了这个问题。 - GerardF
删除 %LocalAppData%.IdentityService 对我也起了作用。我已经使用 Visual Studio 右上角的登录通过我的 AD 凭据登录了。但是,在“工具 | 选项 | Azure 服务身份验证 | 帐户选择”中,我没有看到“登录”按钮。该按钮完全隐藏了。删除 .IdentityService 文件夹并重新启动 VS 2022 后,该按钮出现了,我成功登录了我的 Azure 帐户。 - KettuJKL
对我来说,当我使用不同的帐户登录Visual Studio,然后切换回最初的帐户时,它起作用了。 - Bogdan Girnyk

我通过在Azure中创建一个新用户并将其添加到我的订阅中,然后分配Contributor角色来解决了这个问题。以下是创建新用户的步骤:Add a user to my Azure subscription 之后,您应该能够使用Visual Studio中的Cloud Explorer使用新创建的帐户进行身份验证,然后查看订阅资源(函数等)。


对我而言,在使用不同账户登录Visual Studio后再切换回最初的账户,问题得到了解决。

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的