




好的,现在我想将分支source合并到分支target中,注意我确保在最后一次切换之前,两者是同步的。我的第一次尝试使用git merge <source>导致数千个冲突,关于在一侧或另一侧更改/删除的文件的投诉等。




$ git merge -s ours SHA



[user@host src] git merge --no-commit next_unmerged_commit
Auto-merging /path/to/file/changed/foo.c
warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files.
warning: you may want to set your merge.renamelimit variable to at least 5384 and retry the command.
Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested


我注意到你在第二个例子中使用了 --no-commit。如果你在第一个例子中也这样做了(git merge -s ours),那么这就可以解释问题了。如果不是这样,提供更多关于你如何陷入这种情况的细节可能会有所帮助(你发布的第一个链接谈到了使用子树合并,因此更多细节可能很重要)。 - torek
我的问题是:你将来要提交的新分支,是在最初的大合并之前还是之后创建的分支?在你描述的情况下,我预计这样的未来合并会很快,只有来自于大合并之前的分支合并才会很慢。你的工作流程是否允许放弃先于大合并的分支,或者至少逐步淘汰它们? - joanis
第二个问题,旨在更直接地回答您的问题:git merge-base master target 指向超级合并之前还是之后的提交?第三个问题:sourcetarget中的文件名是否相同,还是重命名前后的名称? - joanis
@joanis 在大合并之前,sourcetarget都已经创建了。是的,我们最终会放弃source,但至少还需要几个月的时间。 - tanager
问题3:我认为初始的git merge -s ours之后的所有合并都应该是针对发生在重新统一之后的提交,这意味着文件名不应更改。我故意选择了SHA(如上面的示例),以便git merge -s ours SHA将包括作为重新统一一部分的所有活动。 - tanager

这个回答并不是很好,因为它更多地涉及到你使用的脚本 - 或者我应该说,你没有使用的脚本,因为你在评论中说你使用了基于链接脚本的脚本。但是我将展示一下在某些原始仓库的假设脚本转换中得到的相当混乱的图形。请注意,这个特定的脚本让所有的转换都有一个合并基础提交,实际上是提交B,而提交B本身是空的。
如下所示,所有新的分支都以它们来自的项目命名 - 没有明确的方法将sourcetarget映射到P或Q等。但如果你运行:
git checkout P/master
git merge Q/master

在下面所示的过程之后,此git merge的合并基础将是空提交-B,合并将顺利进行:Git会将我绘制的提交视为分别是DH,跟踪它们的祖先,找到提交B作为它们的合并基础,并运行两个git diff

git diff <hash-of-B> <hash-of-D>   # what we did on P/master
git diff <hash-of-B> <hash-of-H>   # what they did on H/master

这些git diff的输出会说每个文件都是从头开始创建的,并且它们的名称都不同:在P/master中的所有内容都被命名为P/*,而在H/master中的所有内容都被命名为Q/*。没有名称冲突,合并将自行完成。
git checkout P/master                 # just to be somewhere that's not master
git branch -d master                  # discard existing master branch name
git checkout --orphan master          # arrange to create new master
git merge P/master Q/master R/master  # make big octopus merge to marry all projects

我从未面对过这个特定的问题,但脚本中的方法似乎是一个不错的起点。我可能会以稍微不同的方式做,不需要空的合并基础,并使用git read-treegit commit-tree来构建和创建最终的章鱼合并。主要关键是在下面的草图中在每个传入的项目分支(P/*Q/*等)末尾添加一个重命名提交。
  1. Make empty repo.
  2. Make two iniial commits:

    A--B   <-- master



  1. Loop, for all three projects. Here I have expanded the loop to view what's happening.

  2. (loop iteration 1) git remote add P <url> and git fetch P (with --tags!?). We're going to assume here that P has master and dev.

    A--B   <-- master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
            Pd   <-- origin/P/dev
  3. Use git ls-remote --heads to find names for commits in P, i.e., the same set of names we have in refs/remotes/P/*. (Assumes the remote hsa not changed during fetch -- unwise but probably OK.)

    Loop over these names. Result again expanded in line for illustration...

  4. Run git checkout -b P/master master. Effect:

    A--B   <-- master, P/master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
            Pd   <-- origin/P/dev
  5. Run git reset --hard for no apparent reason: no effect. Perhaps this might have some effect on some later step.

  6. Run git clean -d --force for no apparent reason: no effect.

  7. Run git merge --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit remotes/P/master" (does merge, but does not commit yet) and then rungit commit -m ...`. Effect:

    A--B   <-- master
         \-------C   <-- P/master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
            Pd   <-- origin/P/dev
  8. Maybe rename files, with somewhat squirrelly code (lines 160-180): if project P has one top level directory named P, do nothing, otherwise create directory named P (with no check to see if this fails) and then in effect:

    git mv all-but-P P/
    git commit -m "[Project] Move ${sub_project} files into sub directory"


    A--B   <-- master
         \-------C--D   <-- P/master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
            Pd   <-- origin/P/dev

    Note that the git mv is given -k so that it does nothing if one of the git mv operations would have failed. However, except for subdirectory P and .git itself, all files in the top level of the work-tree should be in the index and the git mv should succeed unless one of them is named P (in which case, yikes!).

    I assume here that we did the mv, otherwise commit D does not exist.

  9. Repeat loop (see step 5) for dev. Run git checkout -b P/dev master:

    A--B   <-- master, P/dev
         \-------C--D   <-- P/master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
            Pd   <-- origin/P/dev
  10. Presumably-ineffectual git reset and git clean again as in steps 7 and 8. (This might do something if the git mv in step 10 went really badly?) Do a funky two step merge as in step 9, giving:

    A--B   <-- master
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
         \  Pd   <-- origin/P/dev
          \   \
           \---E   <-- P/dev

    where the line down from B connects to the one up from E. The graph has gotten rather out of hand at this point.

  11. Rename and commit as in step 10. I assume here that the project isn't already in a subdirectory, in both master, as already assumed, and dev.

    A--B   <-- master
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
    P1-P2-...-Pm   <-- origin/P/master
         \  Pd   <-- origin/P/dev
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
  12. Really ugly attempt to rename tags, at lines 190-207. This should have been done at fetch time, using a clever refspec. Whoever wrote this probably was not aware of annotated vs lightweight tags. It is not clear to me whether this works correctly and I did not look closely. Let's just assume no tags for now.

  13. Remove remote P. This removes the origin/P/* names too, but of course the commits stick around as they're retained by the new P/* branches:

    A--B   <-- master
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
         \  Pd
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
  14. Repeat outer loop (step 3) with remote Q. We'll add Q and fetch (again with --tags, not a good plan as noted in step 14, but let's just assume no tags). So now we get another disjoint subgraph with origin/Q/* names. For simplicity let's just assume that only origin/Q/master exists this time:

    A--B   <-- master
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
         \  Pd
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
    Q1-Q2-...-Qm   <-- origin/Q/master
  15. Run git checkout -b Q/master master:

    A--B   <-- master, Q/master
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
         \  Pd
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
    Q1-Q2-...-Qm   <-- origin/Q/master
  16. Run the (probably ineffectual and still mysterious) git reset --hard and git clean steps.

  17. Use the funky two step merge with --allow-unrelated-histories to create new commit G like this:

         ---------------G   <-- Q/master
        /               |
    A--B   <-- master   | (down to Qm)
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
         \  Pd
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
                 / (up to G)
    Q1-Q2-...-Qm   <-- origin/Q/master
  18. Again, optional: rename all files in G to live in Q/ and commit. Again let's assume this does happen:

         ---------------G--H   <-- Q/master
        /               |
    A--B   <-- master   | (down to Qm)
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
         \  Pd
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
                 / (up to G)
    Q1-Q2-...-Qm   <-- origin/Q/master
  19. Ugly attempt to rename tags; we'll ignore this.

  20. Remove remote Q and origin/Q/* names. (No need to draw this.)

  21. Repeat outer loop for repository R. Assuming it has only its own master, we'll get a tangled graph like this:

         --------------------I--J   <-- R/master
        /                    | (down to Rm)
       | ---------------G--H   <-- Q/master
       |/               |
    A--B   <-- master   | (down to Qm)
       | \-------C--D   <-- P/master
         \  Pd
          \   \
           \---E--F   <-- P/dev
                 / (up to G)
                    / (up to I)

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