能否在Gherkin中编写一个“Given When Then When Then”的测试?


在Gherkin中编写“Given When Then When Then”测试是可接受的吗?以下是一个实际例子: AllPlayers.com

Scenario: Successfully register a user
  Given I am on homepage
    And I am not logged into an account
  When I follow "create a new account"
    And I fill in "First Name" with "Bobby"
    And I fill in "Last Name" with "Bricks"
    And I fill in "E-mail" with "bbricks@example.com"
    And I select "Jun" from "Birthday Month"
    And I select "22" from "Birthday Day"
    And I select "1985" form "Birthday Year"
    And I select "Male" from "Gender"
    And I fill in "Password" with "123testing"
    And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "123testing"
    And I solve the captcha math problem
    And I click "Create new account"
  Then I should see "the user dashboard"
    And I should see the Registration Wizard
  When I push "Proceed to next step"
  Then the "First Name" field should contain "Bobby"
    And the "Last Name" field should contain "Bricks".
我知道如何使用behat,因此解析它不是问题。我只是想编写更好的测试。我可以在第一个then中写下And the Registration Wizard should be filled out with data,但那似乎不够具体...建议?

我认为这个问题有所帮助,但在这个特定的应用程序中,是QA与开发一起编写这些测试。我们想要尽可能多地使用mink和behat来使用selenium。但是,根据我目前所了解的内容,mink具有这种能力,有点违背了书面测试用例的核心。然而,同时我也想以一种方式编写测试用例,实现完整的测试覆盖。 - General Redneck
我撤销了对我的问题的编辑,因为它不再代表原始的例子verbetium... 此外,在"And"步骤之前使用制表符是完全可以接受的,并且可以在文档这里中看到。 - General Redneck




Scenario: Should be able to successfully register on website
    Given I am new to the website
    And I want to register for a user account
    When I go to the registration form
    And I complete all the required registration details correctly
    Then I will be registered on the website
    And I will be automatically logged in
你仍然可以在这个规格背后构建同样的测试,但是这个规格有更广泛的读者群,是更容易理解的要求,任何人都应该理解。我并不是说你拥有的没有价值 - 远非如此。它将是一个非常有效的测试。但它相当于开发人员特定的,与UI实现高度耦合(如果重构/重新设计UI,则现在需要重构您的需求......)。
我最初也有很多像你一样的gherkin规格 - 我仍然偶尔使用它们。一旦你的测试框架建立起来了,gherkin就成为了一种非常好的方式,用于编写数据驱动/可配置的单元测试;它们对我的开发流程仍然具有巨大的价值。但我确实尝试通过文件夹和标签/类别将更“纯粹”的规格与我的“开发人员”规格分开。


当真实场景需要时,Gherkin的场景中可以使用多个When/Then循环。SaxonMatt's answer指出了一个极好的观点,即场景最好用利益相关者的语言而非UI操作的语言编写,这通常会缩短场景的长度,但这并不是问题的关键点。让我们直面问题。


Scenario: Guest buys a product
  # This scenario starts with the user not logged in, which doesn't require a step
  Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"

  When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
  And I add the product to my shopping cart
  Then I should see 1 product in my shopping cart

  When I request to check out
  Then I should see the account creation form

  When I create an account
  Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

  When I check out
  Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
  And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

  • Before the user checks out, they should see one product in their shopping cart (only as a digit in the site header, so the step doesn't mention the product name). There is no way to test this requirement at the end of the scenario. (Well, the test could collect the information immediately after the user adds the product to their cart and assert the expected count at the end of the scenario, but that would be pointlessly sneaky and confusing.) Instead, assert the correct count at the natural place in the scenario, as soon as it is visible to the user.

    Similarly, Then I should see the account creation form and Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer" can test important requirements at the points in the scenario at which it is natural to test them.

  • Suppose we didn't care about what the user sees during the process, only whether they get to the end of the scenario with their product on the way. We might then omit the intermediate Then steps:

    Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
    When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
    And I add the product to my shopping cart
    And I request to check out
    And I create an account
    And I check out
    Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
    And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

    And I create an account comes as a surprise, doesn't it? It requires the reader to infer that a guest user is asked to create an account during checkout. It's clearer to say so explicitly, as in the first version of the scenario that I gave.

  • Suppose none of the above concerns convinced us and we wrote a separate Gherkin scenario for each point in the overall scenario where we needed to assert that requirements have been met:

    Scenario: Guest adds a product to their shopping cart
      Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
      When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
      And I add the product to my shopping cart
      Then I should see 1 product in my shopping cart
    Scenario: Guest with a product in their shopping cart attempts to check out
      Given I have a product in my shopping cart
      When I request to check out
      Then I should see the account creation form
    Scenario: Guest creates an account
      Given I have a product named "Elliptical Juicer" in my shopping cart
      And I am on the account creation form
      When I create an account
      Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
    Scenario: Newly registered user checks out
      Given I am a user
      And I have a product named "Elliptical Juicer" in my shopping cart
      And I am on the checkout form
      When I check out
      Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
      And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

    That's awful! First, none of the scenarios is what a stakeholder would think of as a scenario. Second, when one of the intermediate states changes, two steps will have to change: the step which asserts the intermediate state and the Given step which sets up the intermediate state for the next scenario. Each of those Given steps is an opportunity to set up the wrong state, i.e. make an integration error. This set of scenarios has much less value as an integration test suite than did the single scenario. You might almost have written a series of unit tests.



你的多个 When/Then 对听起来很像需要自己的场景的独特功能。 - Brenden

在我的另一篇文章中,Daniel F发现了这篇绝妙的文章。以下是相关部分:

- 它可以是表单验证测试。 - 它可以是注册测试。 - 它可以是用户仪表板测试。

好的决定。事实上,这也是最终发生的事情。但是将一些步骤“更加通用化”也有所帮助。 - General Redneck



给定条件是设置的前提条件。 当时是一个动作(可以是无操作)。 然后形式断言。



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