
我正在尝试编写Zsh的完成脚本。我想对完成脚本进行单元测试。例如,我想测试my-command --h的完成是否包括--help
对于Fish,我可以使用complete -C 'my-command --h',然后输出--help和任何其他有效的完成。
我似乎找不到Zsh的等效命令。有这样的命令吗?我尝试过像_main_complete_complete_normal这样的东西,但是它们要么不支持这个功能,要么我没有以正确的方式调用它们(我得到了很多can only be called from completion function错误)。

# Set up your completions as you would normally.
compdef _my-command my-command
_my-command () {
        _arguments '--help[display help text]'  # Just an example.

# Define our test function.
comptest () {
        # Gather all matching completions in this array.
        # -U discards duplicates.
        typeset -aU completions=()  

        # Override the builtin compadd command.
        compadd () {
                # Gather all matching completions for this call in $reply.
                # Note that this call overwrites the specified array.
                # Therefore we cannot use $completions directly.
                builtin compadd -O reply "$@"

                completions+=("$reply[@]") # Collect them.
                builtin compadd "$@"       # Run the actual command.

        # Bind a custom widget to TAB.
        bindkey "^I" complete-word
        zle -C {,,}complete-word
        complete-word () {
                # Make the completion system believe we're on a normal 
                # command line, not in vared.
                unset 'compstate[vared]'

                _main_complete "$@"  # Generate completions.

                # Print out our completions.
                # Use of ^B and ^C as delimiters here is arbitrary.
                # Just use something that won't normally be printed.
                print -n $'\C-B'
                print -nlr -- "$completions[@]"  # Print one per line.
                print -n $'\C-C'

        vared -c tmp

zmodload zsh/zpty  # Load the pseudo terminal module.
zpty {,}comptest   # Create a new pty and run our function in it.

# Simulate a command being typed, ending with TAB to get completions.
zpty -w comptest $'my-command --h\t'

# Read up to the first delimiter. Discard all of this.
zpty -r comptest REPLY $'*\C-B'

zpty -r comptest REPLY $'*\C-C'  # Read up to the second delimiter.

# Print out the results.
print -r -- "${REPLY%$'\C-C'}"   # Trim off the ^C, just in case.

zpty -d comptest  # Delete the pty.



这在命令行中运行得很好,但是从脚本中,将compdef _my-command my-command放在comptest()内部,我没有得到任何结果。你知道是否可以自动化这个过程吗?理想情况下,我希望能够与ShellSpec一起使用。 - Nahoj
我的猜测是,当从非交互式会话中运行时,您需要将所有所需的代码都移动到comptest()中,包括对compinit的调用和my-command函数的定义。如果这样还不起作用,请提出一个新问题。 - Marlon Richert

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