





因为ThemeColorScheme对象仅包含12个项目,如果我尝试以这种方式分配值给myAccent9,则会出现The specified value is out of range错误,这是预期的。我理解这个错误以及为什么会出现。我不知道的是如何访问调色板中的其他40多种颜色,这些颜色不是ThemeColorScheme对象的一部分?

Private Sub ColorOverride()

Dim pres As Presentation
Dim thm As OfficeTheme
Dim themeColor As themeColor
Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme

Set pres = ActivePresentation

Set schemeColors = pres.Designs(1).SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme

    myDark1 = schemeColors(1).RGB         'msoThemeColorDark1
    myLight1 = schemeColors(2).RGB        'msoThemeColorLight
    myDark2 = schemeColors(3).RGB         'msoThemeColorDark2
    myLight2 = schemeColors(4).RGB        'msoThemeColorLight2
    myAccent1 = schemeColors(5).RGB       'msoThemeColorAccent1
    myAccent2 = schemeColors(6).RGB       'msoThemeColorAccent2
    myAccent3 = schemeColors(7).RGB       'msoThemeColorAccent3
    myAccent4 = schemeColors(8).RGB       'msoThemeColorAccent4
    myAccent5 = schemeColors(9).RGB       'msoThemeColorAccent5
    myAccent6 = schemeColors(10).RGB      'msoThemeColorAccent6
    myAccent7 = schemeColors(11).RGB      'msoThemeColorThemeHyperlink
    myAccent8 = schemeColors(12).RGB      'msoThemeColorFollowedHyperlink


    'myAccent9 = schemeColors(13).RGB     
    'myAccent10 = schemeColors(14).RGB
    'myAccent11 = schemeColors(15).RGB
    'myAccent12 = schemeColors(16).RGB

End Sub


这篇文章包含了关于在Word中执行此操作的大量信息。由于这个问题很棒,但我没有时间去弄清楚如何将其转换为PPT,所以我仔细研究了一下它 - 可能是一个很好的参考。看起来,其他主题颜色实际上是主题颜色的TintAndShade变化。 - enderland
@enderland,它们是使用“TintAndShade”属性的变体,如果需要的话,我会采取这种方法...虽然最初听起来很麻烦,但我认为这可能是最容易的方法,对用户在PPT中的体验干扰最小。 - David Zemens

乍一看 Floris' solution似乎可行,但如果你关心准确性,很快就会意识到先前的解决方案仅匹配了办公室颜色计算的一小部分颜色空间。


办公室似乎在计算调色和阴影时使用HSL颜色模式,使用这种技术可以给我们几乎100%准确的颜色计算(在Office 2013上测试)。


  1. 将基本RGB颜色转换为HSL
  2. 找到要用于五个子颜色的色调和阴影值
  3. 应用色调/阴影值
  4. 从HSL转换回RGB颜色空间


| [0.0] | <0.0 - 0.2> | [0.2 - 0.8] | <0.8 - 1.0> | [1.0] |
| + .50 |    + .90    |    + .80    |    - .10    | - .05 |
| + .35 |    + .75    |    + .60    |    - .25    | - .15 |
| + .25 |    + .50    |    + .40    |    - .50    | - .25 |
| + .10 |    + .25    |    - .25    |    - .75    | - .35 |
| + .05 |    + .10    |    - .50    |    - .90    | - .50 |

正值会使颜色变浅(增加色调),负值会使颜色变暗(减少色调)。共有五组;一组完全是黑色,一组完全是白色。它们只匹配这些特定的值(而不是例如RGB = {255, 255, _254_})。然后是两个小范围的非常暗和非常浅的颜色,它们被单独处理,最后是一个大范围的其余所有颜色。
PowerPoint VBA代码来实现解决方案

Program output, calculated color variations


Comparison of the different solutions. This matches office very well!

Option Explicit

Public Type HSL
    h As Double ' Range 0 - 1
    S As Double ' Range 0 - 1
    L As Double ' Range 0 - 1
End Type

Public Type RGB
    R As Byte
    G As Byte
    B As Byte
End Type

Sub CalcColor()
    Dim ii As Integer, jj As Integer
    Dim pres As Presentation
    Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
    Dim ts As Double
    Dim c, c2 As Long
    Dim hc As HSL, hc2 As HSL

    Set pres = ActivePresentation
    Set schemeColors = pres.Designs(1).SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme

    ' For all colors
    For ii = 0 To 11
      c = schemeColors(ii + 1).RGB

      ' Generate all the color variations
      For jj = 0 To 5
        hc = RGBtoHSL(c)
        ts = SelectTintOrShade(hc, jj)
        hc2 = ApplyTintAndShade(hc, ts)
        c2 = HSLtoRGB(hc2)
        Call CreateShape(pres.Slides(1), ii, jj, c2)
      Next jj
    Next ii

End Sub

' The tint and shade value is a value between -1.0 and 1.0, where
' -1.0 means fully shading (black), and 1.0 means fully tinting (white)
' A tint/shade value of 0.0 will not change the color
Public Function SelectTintOrShade(hc As HSL, variationIndex As Integer) As Double

    Dim shades(5) As Variant
    shades(0) = Array(0#, 0.5, 0.35, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05)
    shades(1) = Array(0#, 0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1)
    shades(2) = Array(0#, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, -0.25, -0.5)
    shades(3) = Array(0#, -0.1, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -0.9)
    shades(4) = Array(0#, -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.5)

    Select Case hc.L
        Case Is < 0.001: SelectTintOrShade = shades(0)(variationIndex)
        Case Is < 0.2:   SelectTintOrShade = shades(1)(variationIndex)
        Case Is < 0.8:   SelectTintOrShade = shades(2)(variationIndex)
        Case Is < 0.999: SelectTintOrShade = shades(3)(variationIndex)
        Case Else:       SelectTintOrShade = shades(4)(variationIndex)
    End Select
End Function

Public Function ApplyTintAndShade(hc As HSL, TintAndShade As Double) As HSL

    If TintAndShade > 0 Then
        hc.L = hc.L + (1 - hc.L) * TintAndShade
        hc.L = hc.L + hc.L * TintAndShade
    End If

    ApplyTintAndShade = hc

End Function

Sub CreateShape(slide As slide, xIndex As Integer, yIndex As Integer, color As Long)

    Dim newShape As Shape
    Dim xStart As Integer, yStart As Integer
    Dim xOffset As Integer, yOffset As Integer
    Dim xSize As Integer, ySize As Integer
    xStart = 100
    yStart = 100
    xOffset = 30
    yOffset = 30
    xSize = 25
    ySize = 25

    Set newShape = slide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, xStart + xOffset * xIndex, yStart + yOffset * yIndex, xSize, ySize)
    newShape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = color
    newShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
    newShape.Line.ForeColor.RGB = 0
    newShape.Line.BackColor.RGB = 0

End Sub

' From RGB to HSL

Function RGBtoHSL(ByVal RGB As Long) As HSL

    Dim R As Double ' Range 0 - 1
    Dim G As Double ' Range 0 - 1
    Dim B As Double ' Range 0 - 1

    Dim RGB_Max  As Double
    Dim RGB_Min  As Double
    Dim RGB_Diff As Double

    Dim HexString As String

    HexString = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(RGB), 8)
    R = CDbl("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 7, 2)) / 255
    G = CDbl("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 5, 2)) / 255
    B = CDbl("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 3, 2)) / 255

    RGB_Max = R
    If G > RGB_Max Then RGB_Max = G
    If B > RGB_Max Then RGB_Max = B

    RGB_Min = R
    If G < RGB_Min Then RGB_Min = G
    If B < RGB_Min Then RGB_Min = B

    RGB_Diff = RGB_Max - RGB_Min

    With RGBtoHSL

        .L = (RGB_Max + RGB_Min) / 2

        If RGB_Diff = 0 Then

            .S = 0
            .h = 0


            Select Case RGB_Max
                Case R: .h = (1 / 6) * (G - B) / RGB_Diff - (B > G)
                Case G: .h = (1 / 6) * (B - R) / RGB_Diff + (1 / 3)
                Case B: .h = (1 / 6) * (R - G) / RGB_Diff + (2 / 3)
            End Select

            Select Case .L
                Case Is < 0.5: .S = RGB_Diff / (2 * .L)
                Case Else:     .S = RGB_Diff / (2 - (2 * .L))
            End Select

        End If

    End With

End Function

' .. and back again

Function HSLtoRGB(ByRef HSL As HSL) As Long

    Dim R As Double
    Dim G As Double
    Dim B As Double

    Dim X As Double
    Dim Y As Double

    With HSL

        If .S = 0 Then

            R = .L
            G = .L
            B = .L


            Select Case .L
                Case Is < 0.5: X = .L * (1 + .S)
                Case Else:     X = .L + .S - (.L * .S)
            End Select

            Y = 2 * .L - X

            R = H2C(X, Y, IIf(.h > 2 / 3, .h - 2 / 3, .h + 1 / 3))
            G = H2C(X, Y, .h)
            B = H2C(X, Y, IIf(.h < 1 / 3, .h + 2 / 3, .h - 1 / 3))

        End If

    End With

    HSLtoRGB = CLng("&H00" & _
                    Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(B * 255)), 2) & _
                    Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(G * 255)), 2) & _
                    Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(R * 255)), 2))

End Function

Function H2C(X As Double, Y As Double, hc As Double) As Double

    Select Case hc
        Case Is < 1 / 6: H2C = Y + ((X - Y) * 6 * hc)
        Case Is < 1 / 2: H2C = X
        Case Is < 2 / 3: H2C = Y + ((X - Y) * ((2 / 3) - hc) * 6)
        Case Else:       H2C = Y
    End Select

End Function

非常好。很有可能Office 2010和2013使用了不同的调色板... 在这里提供这个解决方案真是太棒了 - 感谢您的发布! - Floris
是的,他们为Office 2013添加了一个新的颜色主题。可以在这里看到:http://peltiertech.com/using-colors-in-excel/。 - Profex
这些差异不是由于新的颜色主题引起的。颜色主题仅更改基本颜色。这是关于根据基本颜色计算不同变化的问题。您可以像Floris一样在RGB颜色空间中进行计算,在许多情况下可以得到相当好的结果,但肯定不是所有情况都适用。或者您可以使用HSL颜色空间进行计算,如本答案所示,这将与Office的计算相比提供完美的复制变化颜色。这在Office 2010和2013中是相同的(我猜2007也是如此,但我还没有尝试过)。 - Gedde
没错,我没有完全理解Floris在提问时的背景。顺便说一下,2007年和2010年使用相同的默认主题。 - Profex



    .Pattern = xlSolid
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight2
    .TintAndShade = 0.599993896298105
    .PatternTintAndShade = 0

.TintAndShade因子修改了定义的颜色。主题中的不同颜色使用不同的.TintAndShade值 - 有时数字为负数(使浅色变暗)。


 0.00  0.00
-0.05  0.50
-0.15  0.35
-0.25  0.25
-0.35  0.15
-0.50  0.05

编辑一些“或多或少”完成转换的代码 - 你需要确保在shades中有正确的值,但否则颜色转换似乎是有效的


Option Explicit

Sub calcColor()
Dim ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim thm As OfficeTheme
Dim themeColor As themeColor
Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
Dim shade
Dim shades(12) As Variant
Dim c, c2 As Long
Dim newShape As Shape

Set pres = ActivePresentation
Set schemeColors = pres.Designs(1).SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
shades(0) = Array(0, -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.5)
shades(1) = Array(0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5)
shades(2) = Array(-0.1, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -0.9)
For ii = 3 To 11
  shades(ii) = Array(-0.8, -0.6, -0.4, 0.25, 0.5)

For ii = 0 To 11
  c = schemeColors(ii + 1).RGB
  For jj = 0 To 4
    c2 = fadeRGB(c, shades(ii)(jj))
    Set newShape = pres.Slides(1).Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 200 + 30 * ii, 200 + 30 * jj, 25, 25)
    newShape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = c2
    newShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = c2
    newShape.Line.ForeColor.RGB = 0
    newShape.Line.BackColor.RGB = 0
  Next jj
Next ii

End Sub

Function fadeRGB(ByVal c, s) As Long
Dim r, ii
r = toRGB(c)
For ii = 0 To 2
  If s < 0 Then
    r(ii) = Int((r(ii) - 255) * s + r(ii))
    r(ii) = Int(r(ii) * (1 - s))
  End If
Next ii
fadeRGB = r(0) + 256& * (r(1) + 256& * r(2))

End Function

Function toRGB(c)
Dim retval(3), ii

For ii = 0 To 2
  retval(ii) = c Mod 256
  c = (c - retval(ii)) / 256

toRGB = retval

End Function

enter image description here

以上提供了.ThemeColorIndexTintAndShade因子。我需要获取此颜色的唯一长/RGB值。 - David Zemens
@DavidZemens - 我认为“subcolors”是与主题颜色相同的颜色,但饱和度不同。如果您需要RGB值,我想您可以从中自己计算RGB。我会进行实验并回复您。 - Floris
我相信你是正确的。我找不到任何现成的公式或函数,可以根据饱和度/色调因子进行转换。 - David Zemens
我已经更新了我的答案,并进行了计算(有点猜测,但结果对我来说看起来很令人信服)。函数 toRGBlong 转换为三个字节的数组;fadeRGB 接受颜色和“褪色因子”,并相应地修改颜色。 - Floris
微软的文档令人困惑。有些东西,它真的很好。另一些则几乎不存在。我认为最终我会重新编写现有代码,使用 .ObjectThemeColor 而不是 .RGB。这对我来说更加劳心(这正是我想通过这个问题避免的!),但对最终用户来说更加直观和更好。 - David Zemens



Sub DemoExcelThemecolorsHSL()
   Dim rng As Range
   Dim n As Integer, m As Integer
   Dim arrNames
   Dim arrDescriptions
   Dim arrValues
   Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
   Dim dblTintShade As Double
   Dim lngColorRGB As Long, lngColorRGBshaded As Long
   Dim ColorHSL As HSL, ColorHSLshaded As HSL

   Set schemeColors = ActiveWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme

   arrNames = Array("xlThemeColorDark1", "xlThemeColorLight1", "xlThemeColorDark2", "xlThemeColorLight2", "xlThemeColorAccent1", "xlThemeColorAccent2", _
                    "xlThemeColorAccent3", "xlThemeColorAccent4", "xlThemeColorAccent5", "xlThemeColorAccent6", "xlThemeColorHyperlink", "xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink")
   arrDescriptions = Array("Dark1", "Light1", "Dark2", "Light2", "Accent1", "Accent2", "Accent3", "Accent4", "Accent5", "Accent6", "Hyperlink", "Followed hyperlink")
   arrValues = Array(2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)

   ' New sheet, title row
   Set rng = Cells(1, 2)
   rng(1, 1).Value2 = "ThemeColor Name"
   rng(1, 2).Value2 = "Value"
   rng(1, 3).Value2 = "Description"
   rng(1, 4).Value2 = "TintAndShade"
   rng.Resize(1, 4).Font.Bold = True

   Set rng = rng(3, 1)
   ' color matrix
   For n = 0 To 11
      rng(n * 2, 1).Value = arrNames(n)
      rng(n * 2, 2).Value = arrValues(n)
      rng(n * 2, 3).Value = arrDescriptions(n)

      lngColorRGB = schemeColors(n + 1).RGB
      For m = 0 To 5
         ColorHSL = RGBtoHSL(lngColorRGB)
         dblTintShade = SelectTintOrShade(ColorHSL, m)
         ColorHSLshaded = ApplyTintAndShade(ColorHSL, dblTintShade)
         lngColorRGBshaded = HSLtoRGB(ColorHSLshaded)

         With rng(n * 2, m + 4)
            .Value = dblTintShade
            If ColorHSLshaded.L < 0.5 Then .Font.ColorIndex = 2

            ' fixed color, not changing when a new Color scheme is being selected
            .Interior.color = lngColorRGBshaded

            ' cell color dependent on selected color palette
            .Offset(1, 0).Interior.ThemeColor = arrValues(n)
            .Offset(1, 0).Interior.TintAndShade = dblTintShade

         End With
      Next m
   Next n
   rng.Resize(1, 3).EntireColumn.AutoFit

End Sub

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