iOS 6自定义URL Scheme启动图片错误


我在我的应用程序中实现了自定义URL schemes。此外,我还使用info.plist中的UILaunchImageFile关键字来为启动图像指定不同的名称。文档中提到:

If your app supports one or more custom URL schemes, it can also provide a custom launch image for each URL scheme. When the system launches your app to handle a URL, it displays the launch image associated with the scheme of the given URL. In this case, the format for your launch image filenames are as follows:


The modifier is a string representing the name of your URL scheme name. For example, if your app supports a URL scheme with the name myscheme, the system looks for an image with the name Default-myscheme.png (or Default-myscheme@2x.png for Retina displays) in the app’s bundle. If the app’s Info.plist file includes the UILaunchImageFile key, the base name portion changes from Default to the custom string you provide in that key.

Note: You can combine a URL scheme modifier with orientation modifiers. If you do this, the format for the filename is


For more information about the launch orientation modifiers, see “Providing Launch Images for Different Orientations.”

在iOS 5中,该方案的正确启动画面图像被呈现,但在iOS 6上,它显示普通的启动画面图像。我发现,如果我将其重命名为“默认(Default)”基本文件名,在iOS 6上可以正常工作,但这将破坏我的项目。因此,我将无法支持多个版本。


问题已解决。对于所有在意 UILaunchImageFile 键值的人,请注意基本名称末尾不要包含文件扩展名。这是问题所在。因此,在启动图像的基本名称中不要包含文件扩展名,如".png"。

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