



cygwin-bash> ghci HintTest.hs
GHCi, version 7.6.3:  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Prelude Main>
Prelude Main> main
[... lots of "Loading package" messages snipped]

GHCi runtime linker: fatal error: I found a duplicate definition for symbol
whilst processing object file
   C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\HASKELL PLATFORM\2013.2.0.0\lib\ghc-prim-\HSghc-prim-
This could be caused by:
   * Loading two different object files which export the same symbol
   * Specifying the same object file twice on the GHCi command line
   * An incorrect `package.conf' entry, causing some object to be
     loaded twice.
GHCi cannot safely continue in this situation.  Exiting now.  Sorry.

当我直接使用GHC模块时,我得到了与“GHC /作为库”中展示的相同错误。




  context <- loadToGhci "MyModule.hs"
  inContext context "MyModule.myFunction 2 5"

当我返回到REPL时,MyModule 神奇地被加载到其中。context意味着它是一种携带GHCi状态的单子。

更新 相同的代码在Linux上也可以工作。也许这是GHC在Windows上的特定bug。有什么办法可以解决吗?

更新 2 这是完整的日志

Prelude Main> main
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package Win32- ... linking ... done.
Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package syb-0.4.0 ... linking ... done.
Loading package random- ... linking ... done.
Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done.
Loading package directory- ... linking ... done.
Loading package process- ... linking ... done.
Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done.
Loading package mtl-2.1.2 ... linking ... done.
Loading package containers- ... linking ... done.
Loading package hpc- ... linking ... done.
Loading package hoopl- ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell-src- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package Cabal-1.16.0 ... linking ... done.
Loading package binary- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bin-package-db- ... linking ... done.
Loading package template-haskell ... linking ... done.
Loading package ghc-7.6.3 ... linking ... done.
Loading package extensible-exceptions- ... linking ... done.
Loading package MonadCatchIO-mtl- ... linking ... done.
Loading package ghc-mtl- ... linking ... done.
Loading package ghc-paths- ... linking ... done.
Loading package utf8-string-0.3.7 ... linking ... done.
Loading package hint- ... linking ... done.

GHCi runtime linker: fatal error: I found a duplicate definition for symbol
whilst processing object file
   C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\HASKELL PLATFORM\2013.2.0.0\lib\ghc-prim-\HSghc-prim-
This could be caused by:
   * Loading two different object files which export the same symbol
   * Specifying the same object file twice on the GHCi command line
   * An incorrect `package.conf' entry, causing some object to be
     loaded twice.
GHCi cannot safely continue in this situation.  Exiting now.  Sorry.

ghci和hint都使用ghc api。在Windows上同时使用两者可能会导致某些对象文件被重复加载。如果是这种情况,除非您想更改ghc api,否则实际上没有什么可以做的。 - Carl
@Carl 我刚在 Linux 上检查了相同的代码,它可以正常工作。也许这只是 Windows 特有的 bug? - n. m.
我不确定我是否正确理解了这个问题,但是这里提到动态库在Windows上并没有完全支持,并且有许多与动态链接相关的错误链接,其中一个可能是你的问题。 - gereeter
@gereeter 我认为没有涉及到动态库。该程序使用 GHCi 的加载器加载 .o 文件。 - n. m.
@n.m. 你能在你的帖子中包含“大量加载包”输出吗? - bennofs


是的,这正是我想做的,而我想做这件事的原因是我已经有了字节码解释器和运行时(即 GHCi),但它不会将其功能暴露给在其下运行的程序。或者如果它确实这样做了,我不知道如何使用它。另一方面,该解释器具有非常好的命令行界面,我也想使用它。你知道实现我想要的另一种方法吗? - n. m.

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