


function Class(conf) {
  var init = conf.init || function () {};
  delete conf.init;

  var parent = conf.parent || function () {};
  delete conf.parent;

  var F = function () {};
  F.prototype = parent.prototype;
  var f = new F();
  for (var fn in conf) f[fn] = conf[fn];
  init.prototype = f;

  return init;


var Class_1 = new Class({
  init: function (msg) { // constructor
    this.msg = msg;

  method_1: function () {
    alert(this.msg + ' in Class_1::method_1');

  method_2: function () {
    alert(this.msg + ' in Class_1::method_2');

var Class_2 = new Class({
  parent: Class_1,

  init: function (msg) { // constructor
    this.msg = msg;

  // method_1 will be taken from Class_1

  method_2: function () { // this method will overwrite the original one
    alert(this.msg + ' in Class_2::method_2');

  method_3: function () { // just new method
    alert(this.msg + ' in Class_2::method_3');

var c1 = new Class_1('msg');
c1.method_1(); // msg in Class_1::method_1
c1.method_2(); // msg in Class_1::method_2

var c2 = new Class_2('msg');
c2.method_1(); // msg in Class_1::method_1
c2.method_2(); // msg in Class_2::method_2
c2.method_3(); // msg in Class_2::method_3

alert('c1 < Class_1 - ' + (c1 instanceof Class_1 ? 'true' : 'false')); // true
alert('c1 < Class_2 - ' + (c1 instanceof Class_2 ? 'true' : 'false')); // false

alert('c2 < Class_1 - ' + (c2 instanceof Class_1 ? 'true' : 'false')); // true
alert('c2 < Class_2 - ' + (c2 instanceof Class_2 ? 'true' : 'false')); // true


http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ - Fabrício Matté
这里有一个非常好的类继承示例,作者是John Resig。它提供了super和其他好东西。 - elclanrs
这可能会引起您的兴趣:http://ejohn.org/apps/learn/ - Cory Kendall



var call = Function.prototype.call;

var classes = createStorage(),
    namespaces = createStorage(),
    instances = createStorage(createStorage);

function createStorage(creator){
  var storage = new WeakMap;
  creator = typeof creator === 'function' ? creator : Object.create.bind(null, null, {});
  return function store(o, v){
    if (v) {
      storage.set(o, v);
    } else {
      v = storage.get(o);
      if (!v) {
        storage.set(o, v = creator(o));
    return v;

function Type(){
  var self = function(){}
  self.__proto__ = Type.prototype;
  return self;

Type.prototype = Object.create(Function, {
  constructor: { value: Type,
                 writable: true,
                 configurable: true },
  subclass: { value: function subclass(scope){ return new Class(this, scope) },
              configurable: true,
              writable: true }

function Class(Super, scope){
  if (!scope) {
    scope = Super;
    Super = new Type;

  if (typeof Super !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('Superconstructor must be a function');
  } else if (typeof scope !== 'function') {
    throw new TypeError('A scope function was not provided');

  this.super = Super;
  this.scope = scope;

  return this.instantiate();

Class.unwrap = function unwrap(Ctor){
  return classes(Ctor);

Class.prototype.instantiate = function instantiate(){
  function super_(){
    var name = super_.caller === Ctor ? 'constructor' : super_.caller.name;
    var method = Super.prototype[name];

    if (typeof method !== 'function') {
      throw new Error('Attempted to call non-existent supermethod');

    return call.apply(method, arguments);

  var Super = this.super,
      namespace = namespaces(Super),
      private = instances(namespace)

  var Ctor = this.scope.call(namespace, private, super_);
  Ctor.__proto__ = Super;
  Ctor.prototype.__proto__ = Super.prototype;
  namespaces(Ctor, namespace);
  classes(Ctor, this);
  return Ctor;


var Primary = new Class(function(_, super_){
  var namespace = this;
  namespace.instances = 0;

  function Primary(name, secret){
    this.name = name;
    _(this).secret = secret;

  Primary.prototype.logSecret = function logSecret(label){
    label = label || 'secret';
    console.log(label + ': ' + _(this).secret);

  return Primary;

var Derived = Primary.subclass(function(_, super_){

  function Derived(name, secret, size){
    super_(this, name, secret);
    this.size = size;

  Derived.prototype.logSecret = function logSecret(){
    super_(this, 'derived secret');

  Derived.prototype.exposeSecret = function exposeSecret(){
    return _(this).secret;

  return Derived;

var Bob = new Derived('Bob', 'is dumb', 20);


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