

"Strong" (or "complete") induction on the natural number means that when proving the induction step on n, you can assume the property holds for any k

Theorem strong_induction:
forall P : nat -> Prop,
(forall n : nat, (forall k : nat, (k < n -> P k)) -> P n) ->
forall n : nat, P n.

I have managed to prove this theorem without too many difficulties. Now I want to use it in a new tactic, strong_induction, which should be similar to the standard "induction n" technique on the natural numbers. Recall that when using "induction n" when n is a natural number and the goal is P(n), we get two goals: One of the form P(0) and the second of the form P(S(n)), where for the second goal we get P(n) as assumption.

So I want, when the current goal is P(n), to get one new goal, also P(n), but the new assumption "forall k : nat, (k < n -> P(k)))".

The problem is I don't know how to do it technically. My main problem is this: Suppose P is a complex statement, i.e.

exists q r : nat, a = b * q + r

with a b : nat in the context; how can I tell Coq to do the strong induction on a and not on b? simply doing "apply strong_induction" results in

n : nat
H0 : forall k : nat, k < n -> exists q r : nat, a = b * q + r
exists q r : nat, a = b * q + r

where the assumption is useless (since n does not relate to a) and I have no idea what the second goal means.


Goal forall a b, b <> 0 -> exists ! q r, a = q * b + r /\ r < b.
change (forall a, (fun c => forall b, b <> 0 -> exists ! q r, c = q * b + r /\ r < b) a).
eapply strong_induction.


Goal forall a b, b <> 0 -> exists ! q r, a = q * b + r /\ r < b.
refine (strong_induction _ _).


Goal forall a b, b <> 0 -> exists ! q r, a = q * b + r /\ r < b.
induction a using strong_induction.

关于这些策略的更多信息,请点击此处。在使用 introsplit 之前,您应该先使用 induction

"使用 strong_induction 引理进行归纳,效果非常好!另一方面,“change” 策略会出现“错误:不可转换”的问题。" - Gadi A
当更改过于复杂时,您可以尝试使用“replace”策略,该策略将要求提供相等的证明。当证明是平凡自反性时,“change”就是“replace”。 - Vinz

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