
生成无限个哈明数(即所有满足条件 n = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k 的正整数 n)有一个众所周知的解决方案。我已经用 F# 实现了两种不同的方法。第一种方法使用 seq,这种解决方案优雅而简洁,但性能很差。第二种方法使用自定义类型,其中尾部包裹在 Lazy> 中,这种解决方案笨重,但性能很惊人。
可以有人解释一下为什么使用 seq 的性能如此之差,如果有办法修复它吗?谢谢。
第一种方法使用 seq。
// 2-way merge with deduplication
let rec (-|-) (xs: seq<int>) (ys: seq<int>) =
    let x = Seq.head xs
    let y = Seq.head ys
    let xstl = Seq.skip 1 xs
    let ystl = Seq.skip 1 ys
    if x < y then seq { yield x; yield! xstl -|- ys }
    elif x > y then seq { yield y; yield! xs -|- ystl }
    else seq { yield x; yield! xstl -|- ystl }

let rec hamming: seq<int> = seq {
    yield 1
    let xs = Seq.map ((*) 2) hamming
    let ys = Seq.map ((*) 3) hamming
    let zs = Seq.map ((*) 5) hamming
    yield! xs -|- ys -|- zs

let main argv = 
    Seq.iter (printf "%d, ") <| Seq.take 100 hamming


type LazyList<'a> = Cons of 'a * Lazy<LazyList<'a>>

// Map `f` over an infinite lazy list
let rec inf_map f (Cons(x, g)) = Cons(f x, lazy(inf_map f (g.Force())))

// 2-way merge with deduplication
let rec (-|-) (Cons(x, f) as xs) (Cons(y, g) as ys) =
    if x < y then Cons(x, lazy(f.Force() -|- ys))
    elif x > y then Cons(y, lazy(xs -|- g.Force()))
    else Cons(x, lazy(f.Force() -|- g.Force()))

let rec hamming =
    Cons(1, lazy(let xs = inf_map ((*) 2) hamming
                 let ys = inf_map ((*) 3) hamming
                 let zs = inf_map ((*) 5) hamming
                 xs -|- ys -|- zs))

let main args =
    let a = ref hamming
    let i = ref 0
    while !i < 100 do
        match !a with
        | Cons (x, f) ->
            printf "%d, " x
            a := f.Force()
            i := !i + 1

let rec hamming: seq<int> = seq {
    yield 1
    let xs = seq { for x in hamming do yield x * 2 }
    let ys = seq { for x in hamming do yield x * 3 }
    let zs = seq { for x in hamming do yield x * 5 }
    yield! xs -|- ys -|- zs


// 2-way merge with deduplication
let rec (-|-) (xs: LazyList<'T>) (ys: LazyList<'T>) =
    let x = LazyList.head xs
    let y = LazyList.head ys
    let xstl = LazyList.skip 1 xs
    let ystl = LazyList.skip 1 ys
    if x < y then lazyList { yield x; yield! xstl -|- ys }
    elif x > y then lazyList { yield y; yield! xs -|- ystl }
    else lazyList { yield x; yield! xstl -|- ystl }

let rec hamming : LazyList<uint64> = lazyList {
    yield 1UL
    let xs = LazyList.map ((*) 2UL) hamming
    let ys = LazyList.map ((*) 3UL) hamming
    let zs = LazyList.map ((*) 5UL) hamming
    yield! xs -|- ys -|- zs

let main argv =
    let watch = Stopwatch.StartNew ()

    |> LazyList.take 2000
    |> LazyList.iter (printf "%d, ")

    watch.Stop ()
    printfn ""
    printfn "Elapsed time: %.4fms" watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds

    System.Console.ReadKey () |> ignore
    0   // Return an integer exit code


@fysx 请使用我的ExtCore库 - 它包含了F# PowerPack中更新(和维护)的LazyList代码版本。它还有一个lazyList构建器,极大地简化了编写此类代码的过程。 - Jack P.
@fysx seq 推导通常更快,因为编译器可以更好地进行优化。Seq.map 本质上并不慢,但在这种情况下,由于代码重复评估序列,编译后的代码每次调用 Seq.map 都必须分配一个闭包,因此存在很多开销。 - Jack P.
@fysx 这很奇怪 - 即使我注释掉 main,我编译上面的代码也没有问题。你介意在ExtCore的github页面上开一个问题吗?我想帮助你解决这个问题,并且在那里讨论会更容易。 - Jack P.
我的错。我同时引用了FSharp.PowerPack和ExtCore。移除FSharp.PowerPack后它就可以工作了。 - Fysx
LazyList 包含在 ExtCore 中,它是 FSharp 的一个 Nuget 包:https://github.com/jack-pappas/ExtCore - George



let rec hamming: seq<int> =
    seq {
        yield 1
        let xs = Seq.map ((*) 2) hamming
        let ys = Seq.map ((*) 3) hamming
        let zs = Seq.map ((*) 5) hamming
        yield! xs -|- ys -|- zs
    } |> Seq.cache



module LazyList =
    let rec toSeq l =
        match l with
        | Cons (x, xs) ->
            seq {
                yield x
                yield! toSeq xs.Value


在使用 seq {...} 后撒上 |> Seq.cache 可以提高性能,但并不显著(特别是当我计算序列中更大的数字时)。我注意到了 https://dev59.com/tWox5IYBdhLWcg3wcj54,这似乎很好地补充了你的建议。 - Fysx
对于1..100,与非常缓慢相比,它使其几乎瞬间完成。在您的惰性列表仍然大幅优于它的典型数字是多少? - GS - Apologise to Monica
好的,我看到它在1000上并不真正有效,即使我在每个序列上都放置了Seq.cache,10000也是一个死亡损失。 - GS - Apologise to Monica
尝试1500。 LazyList版本应该明显更快。 - Fysx
ExtCore 包含一个 lazyList 计算生成器,因此您无需自己构建 :) - Jack P.



let hamming =
    let rec loop nextHs =
        seq {
            let h = nextHs |> Set.minElement
            yield h
            yield! nextHs 
                |> Set.remove h 
                |> Set.add (h*2) |> Set.add (h*3) |> Set.add (h*5) 
                |> loop

    Set.empty<int> |> Set.add 1 |> loop

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