Visual Studio 2010插件 - 给编辑窗口添加上下文菜单

这与以下问题类似:Visual Studio 2010插件-向解决方案资源管理器添加上下文菜单,但我的问题是如何将项目添加到JavaScript文件的代码编辑器窗口上下文菜单中。
我正在尝试在Visual Studio Add-in项目(而不是Visual Studio包)中添加上下文菜单。
CommandBars cmdBars = (CommandBars)(_applicationObject.CommandBars);
CommandBar vsBarProject = cmdBars["Project"];
CommandBar vsBarSolution = cmdBars["Solution"];



我已经确定它不是cmdBars["Code Window"]。是否有一个适用于所有文件的项目,还是我必须为每种编辑器类型(例如ASPX,Script,HTML等)添加它?

Index: 1 Menu Bar
Index: 2 Standard
Index: 3 Build
Index: 4 Class View Multi-select Project references Items
Index: 5 Class View Multi-select Project references members
Index: 6 Context Menus
Index: 7 &Sort By
Index: 8 Show &Columns
Index: 9 Project
Index: 10 Error List
Index: 11 Docked Window
Index: 12 Menu Designer
Index: 13 Properties Window
Index: 14 Toolbox
Index: 15 Code Window
Index: 16 Task List
Index: 17 Results List
Index: 18 Stub Project
Index: 19 Solution
Index: 20 Solution Folder
Index: 21 Cross Project Solution Project
Index: 22 Cross Project Solution Item
Index: 23 Cross Project Project Item
Index: 24 Cross Project Multi Project
Index: 25 Cross Project Multi Item
Index: 26 No Commands Available
Index: 27 Misc Files Project
Index: 28 Cross Project Multi Solution Folder
Index: 29 Cross Project Multi Project/Folder
Index: 30 Command Window
Index: 31 AutoHidden Windows
Index: 32 Expansion Manager
Index: 33 Find Regular Expression Builder
Index: 34 Replace Regular Expression Builder
Index: 35 Wild Card Expression Builder
Index: 36 Wild Card Expression Builder
Index: 37 External Tools Arguments
Index: 38 External Tools Directories
Index: 39 Easy MDI Tool Window
Index: 40 Easy MDI Document Window
Index: 41 Easy MDI Dragging
Index: 42 Open Drop Down
Index: 43 Item
Index: 44 Folder
Index: 45 Class View Project
Index: 46 Class View Item
Index: 47 Class View Folder
Index: 48 Class View Grouping Folder
Index: 49 Class View Multi-select
Index: 50 Class View Multi-select members
Index: 51 Class View Member
Index: 52 Class View Grouping Members
Index: 53 Class View Project References Folder
Index: 54 Class View Project Reference
Index: 55 Class View Project Reference Item
Index: 56 Class View Project Reference Member
Index: 57 Object Browser Objects Pane
Index: 58 Object Browser Members Pane
Index: 59 Object Browser Description Pane
Index: 60 Find Symbol
Index: 61 Reference Root
Index: 62 Reference Item
Index: 63 Web Reference Folder
Index: 64 App Designer Folder
Index: 65 Drag and Drop
Index: 66 Web Project Folder
Index: 67 Web Folder
Index: 68 Web Item
Index: 69 Bookmark Window
Index: 70 Web SubWeb
Index: 71 Error Correction
Index: 72 Other Context Menus
Index: 73 Class View Context Menus
Index: 74 Project and Solution Context Menus
Index: 75 Editor Context Menus
Index: 76 EzMDI Files
Index: 77 Ca&ll Browser
Index: 78 Preview Changes
Index: 79 Team Project
Index: 80 Team Project &Settings
Index: 81 &Team Project Collection Settings
Index: 82 Toolbar List
Index: 83 Undefined
Index: 84 SchemaExplorer
Index: 85 ContentModelView
Index: 86 GraphView
Index: 87 FilmstripView
Index: 88 Test Results Context Menu
Index: 89 Test List Editor Context Menu
Index: 90 Test List Context Menu
Index: 91 Test Run Context Menu
Index: 92 View Context Menu
Index: 93 Code Coverage Results Context Menu
Index: 94 Cr&eate Private Accessor
Index: 95 Test Results Context Menu
Index: 96 Test Tools
Index: 97 Selection
Index: 98 &Zoom
Index: 99 Page Layout
Index: 100 Designer Actions
Index: 101 &Navigation Tools
Index: 102 Workflow
Index: 103 Directed Graph
Index: 104 Directed Graph Context Menu
Index: 105 &Group
Index: 106 &Categorize
Index: 107 &Selection
Index: 108 Architecture Explorer Context Menu
Index: 109 &Generate Dependency Graph
Index: 110 A&nalyzers
Index: 111 &Goto
Index: 112 Architecture Designers
Index: 113 XAML Editor
Index: 114 Checkin Dialog Context Menu
Index: 115 Pending Checkin Window Context Menu
Index: 116 Standard TreeGrid context menu
Index: 117 GetVersion Dialog Context Menu
Index: 118 Check Out Dialog Context Menu
Index: 119 Source Control
Index: 120 Text Editor
Index: 121 Formatting
Index: 122 Context
Index: 123 Context
Index: 124 Basic Context
Index: 125 HTML Context
Index: 126 Script Context
Index: 127 ASPX Context
Index: 128 ASPX Code Context
Index: 129 ASPX VB Code Context
Index: 130 ASMX Code Context
Index: 131 ASMX VB Code Context
Index: 132 ASAX Context
Index: 133 ASAX Code Context
Index: 134 ASAX VB Code Context
Index: 135 Context
Index: 136 Context
Index: 137 HTML Source Editing
Index: 138 XML Editor
Index: 139 Debugger Context Menus
Index: 140 Step Into Speci&fic
Index: 141 Debug Location
Index: 142 Debug
Index: 143 Watch Window
Index: 144 Locals Window
Index: 145 Autos Window
Index: 146 Threads Window
Index: 147 Call Stack Window
Index: 148 Disassembly Window
Index: 149 Breakpoints Window
Index: 150 Memory Window
Index: 151 Registers Window
Index: 152 Modules Window
Index: 153 Data Tip Window
Index: 154 Processes Window
Index: 155 Breakpoint
Index: 156 Output Window
Index: 157 Script Project
Index: 158 Thread Tip Window
Index: 159 Thread IP Marker
Index: 160 Thread IP Markers
Index: 161 Load Symbols From
Index: 162 Symbol Include List
Index: 163 Symbol Exclude List
Index: 164 TocContext
Index: 165 ResListContext
Index: 166 Change &View
Index: 167 Static Node
Index: 168 Object Node
Index: 169 Multiple Static Nodes
Index: 170 Multiple Homogenous Object Nodes
Index: 171 Multiple Heterogenous Object Nodes
Index: 172 Multiple Heterogenous Nodes
Index: 173 Add &New
Index: 174 Data Design
Index: 175 Surface
Index: 176 DataSourceContext
Index: 177 DbTableContext
Index: 178 DataTableContext
Index: 179 RelationContext
Index: 180 FunctionContext
Index: 181 ColumnContext
Index: 182 QueryContext
Index: 183 DataAccessorContext
Index: 184 Server Explorer
Index: 185 Query Designer
Index: 186 Query Diagram Pane
Index: 187 Query Diagram Table
Index: 188 Query Diagram Table Column
Index: 189 Query Diagram Join Line
Index: 190 Query Diagram Multi-select
Index: 191 Query Grid Pane
Index: 192 Query SQL Pane
Index: 193 Query Results Pane
Index: 194 View Designer
Index: 195 Database Diagram
Index: 196 Database Designer
Index: 197 Database Designer Table
Index: 198 Database Designer Relationship
Index: 199 Text Annotation
Index: 200 Table Designer
Index: 201 Database Project
Index: 202 DB Project Connection
Index: 203 DB Project Folder
Index: 204 Database References Folder
Index: 205 Folders
Index: 206 DB Project File
Index: 207 Query
Index: 208 Script
Index: 209 Database Reference Node
Index: 210 Files
Index: 211 Multi-select
Index: 212 PropertyBrowser
Index: 213 Selection
Index: 214 Container
Index: 215 TraySelection
Index: 216 Document Outline
Index: 217 Component Tray
Index: 218 Layout
Index: 219 Editor
Index: 220 Script Outline
Index: 221 Web Browser
Index: 222 DefaultContext
Index: 223 ImageContext
Index: 224 SelectionContext
Index: 225 AnchorContext
Index: 226 Debugger Project Context Menu
Index: 227 DataTips Context
Index: 228 Watch Item Context
Index: 229 Text Box Context
Index: 230 Call Hierarchy Context Menu
Index: 231 Parallel Tasks Window Context Menu
Index: 232 Tasks List Column Header Context Menu
Index: 233 Stacks Window Context Menu
Index: 234 Switch To Frame
Index: 235 Control
Index: 236 Report
Index: 237 Report Formatting
Index: 238 Row/Column
Index: 239 Cell
Index: 240 Field Chooser
Index: 241 Report Borders
Index: 242 Row/Column
Index: 243 Chart
Index: 244 Report
Index: 245 &Registry
Index: 246 &New
Index: 247 &File System
Index: 248 &File System
Index: 249 &Add
Index: 250 &View
Index: 251 &Add Special Folder
Index: 252 &File Types
Index: 253 &User Interface
Index: 254 &Launch Conditions
Index: 255 &Custom Actions
Index: 256 Project Node
Index: 257 E&ditor
Index: 258 A&dd
Index: 259 Cab Project Node
Index: 260 A&dd
Index: 261 Vie&w
Index: 262 File nodes
Index: 263 Dep. file nodes
Index: 264 Assembly nodes
Index: 265 Dep. assembly nodes
Index: 266 MSM nodes
Index: 267 Dep. MSM nodes
Index: 268 Output nodes
Index: 269 Simple file nodes
Index: 270 Simple output nodes
Index: 271 Dependency node
Index: 272 Multiple selections
Index: 273 Dep. Multiple selections
Index: 274 CSSDocOutline
Index: 275 CSSSource
Index: 276 Style Sheet
Index: 277 Dialog Editor
Index: 278 Resource View
Index: 279 Resource Editors
Index: 280 Resource Dialog Editors
Index: 281 Image Editor
Index: 282 Ribbon Editor
Index: 283 Resource Ribbon Editors
Index: 284 Binary Editor
Index: 285 ORDesigner Context
Index: 286 ORDesigner Context
Index: 287 ORDesigner Context
Index: 288 Propertysheet
Index: 289 Configuration
Index: 290 Project
Index: 291 Multi-Select
Index: 292 System Propertysheet
Index: 293 Exe Project
Index: 294 Debug
Index: 295 &Refactor
Index: 296 Smart Tag
Index: 297 Re&solve
Index: 298 &Implement Interface
Index: 299 &Organize Usings
Index: 300 G&enerate
Index: 301 References
Index: 302 Web Platform Installer
Index: 303 Web One Click Publish
Index: 304 Channels
Index: 305 Call Stack Report
Index: 306 Process Tree
Index: 307 Selection Panel
Index: 308 Binaries
Index: 309 Binary
Index: 310 Reports
Index: 311 Report
Index: 312 Session
Index: 313 Binary
Index: 314 Test Project
Index: 315 Create Work Item
Index: 316 Test Project
Index: 317 Marks
Index: 318 Summary
Index: 319 Module
Index: 320 Function
Index: 321 Butterfly
Index: 322 Calltree
Index: 323 Type
Index: 324 Lifetime
Index: 325 ProcessThreads
Index: 326 Views
Index: 327 Query
Index: 328 QueryControl
Index: 329 Line
Index: 330 IP
Index: 331 Marks
Index: 332 Diff
Index: 333 Contention
Index: 334 CounterChart
Index: 335 Boundary
Index: 336 IntelliTrace
Index: 337 Content Pane Context Menu
Index: 338 Context Pane Context Menu
Index: 339 Code Metrics Context Menu
Index: 340 Test Context
Index: 341 Code Change Context
Index: 342 Team Explorer - Builds
Index: 343 Team Explorer - Build Definition
Index: 344 Team Explorer - All Build Definitions
Index: 345 Build Explorer
Index: 346 &Sort By
Index: 347 Set Priorit&y
Index: 348 Build Queue Explorer
Index: 349 Team Explorer Multiple Items
Index: 350 Team Foundation Context Menus
Index: 351 Team Foundation Server
Index: 352 My Favorites
Index: 353 My Favorites Folder
Index: 354 Favorite
Index: 355 Documents
Index: 356 Documents Folder
Index: 357 Document File
Index: 358 Reports
Index: 359 Report
Index: 360 Report Folder
Index: 361 Source Control Explorer
Index: 362 Source Control Explorer Command Holder
Index: 363 Pending Changes Command Holder
Index: 364 Source Control Pending Changes Source Files
Index: 365 Compare
Index: 366 Source Control Pending Changes Work Items
Index: 367 Source Control Pending Changes Policy Warnings
Index: 368 Source Control History Changesets
Index: 369 Source Control History Labels
Index: 370 Annotate
Index: 371 Annotate
Index: 372 S&ource Control
Index: 373 Folder Difference
Index: 374 ConfigureUserTools
Index: 375 Online
Index: 376 Compare
Index: 377 Source Control Pending Changes Conflicts
Index: 378 Compare
Index: 379 Branch Visualizer
Index: 380 &Branching and Merging
Index: 381 Hierarchy Visualizer
Index: 382 Label
Index: 383 Branch Visualizer Command Holder
Index: 384 &Branching and Merging
Index: 385 Mappings
Index: 386 Checkin Dialog Context Menu
Index: 387 Pending Checkin Window Context Menu
Index: 388 Standard TreeGrid context menu
Index: 389 GetVersion Dialog Context Menu
Index: 390 Check Out Dialog Context Menu
Index: 391 Source Control - Team Foundation
Index: 392 Work Item Tracking
Index: 393 Work Items
Index: 394 Query Folder
Index: 395 Query
Index: 396 Query Builder
Index: 397 Results List
Index: 398 Work Item
Index: 399 Links Control
Index: 400 Results List Column Sort
Index: 401 New Work &Item
Index: 402 &Clauses
Index: 403 New Work Item
Index: 404 Lin&ks
Index: 405 Attac&hments
Index: 406 E&xpand/Collapse
Index: 407 Recorder
Index: 408 Macro
Index: 409 Module
Index: 410 Project
Index: 411 Root
Index: 412 SequenceDesigner Context
Index: 413 UseCaseModel Context
Index: 414 SmartTag
Index: 415 LogicalClassDesigner Context
Index: 416 ActivityDesigner Context
Index: 417 SmartTag
Index: 418 ComponentDesigner Context
Index: 419 LayerDesigner Context
Index: 420 Layer Explorer Context Menu
Index: 421 Model Explorer Context Menu
Index: 422 Data Sources
Index: 423 Managed Resources Editor Context Menu
Index: 424 Settings Designer
Index: 425 My Extensibility
Index: 426 Discover Service References
Index: 427 ClassDesignerContextMenu
Index: 428 ClassDiagramContextMenu
Index: 429 Class Designer
Index: 430 ClassDetailsContextMenu
Index: 431 &Generate Code for Coded UI Test
Index: 432 Load Test Editor Context Menu
Index: 433 Web Test Editor Context Menu
Index: 434 Run Test
Index: 435 Load Test Monitor Context Menu
Index: 436 Web Test Result Context Menu
Index: 437 Test Steps Context Menu
Index: 438 Test Parameters Context Menu
Index: 439 Test Data Context Menu
Index: 440 MicrosoftDataEntityDesign Context
Index: 441 MicrosoftDataEntityDesign Context
Index: 442 Web Deploy Project
Index: 443 &AnkhSVN Context Menus
Index: 444 Repository Explorer
Index: 445 Working Copy Explorer
Index: 446 &Pending Commits
Index: 447 Pending Commits &Header
Index: 448 Log Message Editor
Index: 449 Log Viewer List
Index: 450 Log Viewer Changed Paths
Index: 451 Listview Header
Index: 452 Annotate Context Menu
Index: 453 Source Control - Subversion
Index: 454 SqlEditorContextMenu
Index: 455 SqlEditorResultsContextMenu
Index: 456 SqlDebuggerContextMenu


与编辑脚本文件(以及关联的JavaScript文件)特别相关的上下文菜单是cmdBars [ "Script Context"]

为了找到它,我使用以下循环将新菜单项添加到Visual Studio中的所有(465个)菜单控件中

foreach (CommandBar cc in cmdBars)
    if (cc.Index >= 1 && cc.Index <= 465)


    if (cc.Index >= 1 && cc.Index <= 256)
    if (cc.Index >= 1 && cc.Index <= 128)
    if (cc.Index >= 64 && cc.Index <= 128)


网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的