
523 123 123
ID 545 345 345 is Mr. Jones
Primary ID 456456456 for Mrs. Brown
Mr. Smith's Id is 567567567

ID 545 345 345 is Mr. Jones 
Primary ID 456456456 for Mrs. Brown

ID 545 xxx 345 is Mr. Jones 
Primary ID 456xxx456 for Mrs. Brown

Sub FixIds()

Dim regEx As New RegExp
    Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "([4][0-9]{2})([^a-zA-Z0-9_]?[0-9]{3})([^a-zA-Z0-9_]?[0-9]{3})|([5][0-9]{2})([^a-zA-Z0-9_]?[0-9]{3})([^a-zA-Z0-9_]?[0-9]{3})"
Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = ""
Dim strInput As String
Dim Myrange As Range
Dim NewPAN As String
Dim Aproblem As String
Dim Masked As Long
Dim Problems As Long
Dim Total As Long

'Set RegEx config/settings/properties
    With regEx
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Pattern = strPattern ' sets the regex pattern to match the pattern above
    End With

Set Myrange = Selection

MsgBox ("The macro will now start masking IDs identified in the selected cells only.")
' Start masking the IDs
    For Each cell In Myrange
        Total = Total + 1
        ' Check that the cell is long enough to possibly be an ID and isn't already masked
        Do While Len(cell.Value) > 8 And Mid(cell.Value, 5, 1) <> "x" And cell.Value <> Aproblem
            If strPattern <> "" Then

                cell.NumberFormat = "@"
                strInput = cell.Value
                NewPAN = Left(cell.Value, 3) & "xxx" & Right(cell.Value, 3)
                strReplace = NewPAN

' Depending on the data, fix it
                If regEx.Test(strInput) Then
                    cell.Value = NewPAN
                    Masked = Masked + 1
                    ' Adds the cell value to a variable to allow the macro to move past the cell
                    Aproblem = cell.Value
                    Problems = Problems + 1
                    ' Once the macro is trusted not to loop forever, the message box can be removed
                    ' MsgBox ("Problem. Regex fail? Bad data = " & Aproblem)
                End If
            End If
    Next cell

' All done
MsgBox ("IDs are now masked" & vbCr & vbCr & "Total cells highlighted (including blanks) = " & Total & vbCr & "Cells masked = " & Masked & vbCr & "Problem cells = " & Problems)
End Sub

需要替换的那一行是否总是包含“ID”或其他字符串?它们是否总是以“123456789”或“123 456 789”的形式出现? - Comintern


我删除了Do... While循环,并改变了你的For Each cell In Myrange代码中的逻辑,以便逐个处理匹配项并在第一或第四捕获组中存在非空值时创建特定的替换(我们可以选择哪些值进行替换)。

For Each cell In Myrange
    Total = Total + 1
    ' Check that the cell is long enough to possibly be an ID and isn't already masked

        If strPattern <> "" Then

            cell.NumberFormat = "@"
            strInput = cell.Value

            ' Depending on the data, fix it
            If regEx.test(strInput) Then
              Set rMatch = regEx.Execute(strInput)
              For k = 0 To rMatch.Count - 1
                 toReplace = rMatch(k).Value
                 If Len(rMatch(k).SubMatches(0)) > 0 Then ' First pattern worked
                   strReplace = rMatch(k).SubMatches(0) & "xxx" & Trim(rMatch(k).SubMatches(2))
                 Else ' Second alternative is in place
                   strReplace = rMatch(k).SubMatches(3) & "xxx" & Trim(rMatch(k).SubMatches(5))
                 End If
                 cell.Value = Replace(strInput, toReplace, strReplace)
                 Masked = Masked + 1
               Next k
                ' Adds the cell value to a variable to allow the macro to move past the cell
                Aproblem = cell.Value
                Problems = Problems + 1
                ' Once the macro is trusted not to loop forever, the message box can be removed
                ' MsgBox ("Problem. Regex fail? Bad data = " & Aproblem)
            End If
        End If

Next cell



天才。非常感谢。 - Dave F

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