



public static bool IsValid(int[] values) {
        int flag = 0;
        foreach (int value in values) {
                if (value != 0) {
                        int bit = 1 << value;
                        if ((flag & bit) != 0) return false;
                        flag |= bit;
        return true;



检查values的总和是否等于唯一可能数字的总和(对于9x9游戏,它应该是45)在高级语言中会更有效率,不是吗? - Anthony



基本上,它使用一个int标志(最初设置为零)作为“位数组”; 对于每个值,它检查标志中对应的位是否已设置,如果没有,则设置它。



public static bool IsValid(int[] values)
    // bit field (set to zero => no values processed yet)
    int flag = 0;
    foreach (int value in values)
        // value == 0 => reserved for still not filled cells, not to be processed
        if (value != 0)
            // prepares the bit mask left-shifting 1 of value positions
            int bit = 1 << value; 
            // checks if the bit is already set, and if so the Sudoku is invalid
            if ((flag & bit) != 0)
                return false;
            // otherwise sets the bit ("value seen")
            flag |= bit;
    // if we didn't exit before, there are no problems with the given values
    return true;

让我们一起来看看。 values = 1,2,3,2,5 迭代1: bit = 1 << 1 bit = 10 if(00 & 10 != 00) false flag |= bit flag = 10 迭代2: bit = 1 << 2 bit = 100 if(010 & 100 != 000) false flag |= bit flag = 110 迭代3: bit = 1 << 3 bit = 1000 if(0110 & 1000 != 0000) false flag |= bit flag = 1110 迭代4: bit = 1 << 2 bit = 100 if(1110 & 0100 != 0000) TRUE 这个结果为true,意味着我们找到了一个重复的数字,并返回false。



虽然它是一种存储数据的更小方式,但我认为它并不是一种更快的存储数据的方式。原因是.NET通常运行在个人电脑上,这些电脑通常优化用于处理比一个位更大的数据(例如布尔值需要4个字节,这就是BitArray类型(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.collections.bitarray.aspx)内部使用的)。更多信息:https://dev59.com/ynVC5IYBdhLWcg3wcgmd - Pat
@Pat:说得好。我想我的意思是,与使用9个值的数组相比,在分配、初始化和释放数组方面,它更快,而不一定是在实际的foreach循环本身。 - mellamokb
BitVector是更合适的存储容器。 - Viacheslav Smityukh




public static bool IsValid(int[] values) {
        int flag = 0; // <-- Initialize your flags; all of them are set to 0000
        foreach (int value in values) { // <-- Loop through the values
                if (value != 0) { // <-- Ignore values of 0
                        int bit = 1 << value; // <-- Left-shift 1 by the current value
// Say for example, the current value is 4, this will shift the bit in the value of 1
// 4 places to the left. So if the 1 looks like 000001 internally, after shifting 4 to the 
// left, it will look like 010000; this is how we choose a specific bit to set/inspect
                        if ((flag & bit) != 0) return false; // <-- Compare the bit at the
// position specified by bit with the corresponding position in flag. If both are 1 then
// & will return a value greater than 0; if either is not 1, then & will return 0. E.g.
// if flag = 01000 and bit = 01000, then the result will be 01000. If flag = 01000 and 
//bit = 00010 then the result will be 0; this is how we check to see if the bit 
// is already set. If it is, then we've already seen this value, so return false, i.e. not
// a valid solution
                        flag |= bit; // <-- We haven't seen this value before, so set the 
// corresponding bit in the flag to say we've seen it now. e.g. if flag = 1000 
// and bit = 0100, after this operation, flag = 1100
        return true; // <-- If we get this far, all values were unique, so it's a valid
// answer.

  • 它找到了4
  • 将数字1左移4位,得到位数组00010000b
  • 将其与标志整数(or)运算(之前为0),结果是标志整数变为00010000b
  • 它找到了2
  • 将数字1左移2位,得到位数组00000100b
  • 将其与标志整数(or)运算(之前为00010000b),结果是标志整数变为00010100b

 int bit = 1 << value; //left bit shift - selects the bit that corresponds to value
 if ((flag & bit) != 0) return false; //bitwise AND - checks the flag to see whether bit is already set
 flag |= bit; // bitwise OR - sets the bit in the flag

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