




public String test(@RequestParam("skip") boolean skip) throws InterruptedException {
    if(!skip) {
        System.out.println("I'm starting waiting");
        System.out.println("I stopped waiting");
    return "dd";






我对这种行为很好奇,所以自己进行测试。不幸的是,我无法确认您正在经历的行为。为了能够同时测试对该服务的请求,我编写了一个简单的Go程序来证明响应时间。因此,我启动了一个带有单个REST端点的Spring Boot服务,并使用您上面发布的代码作为客户端跟随Go程序:

package main

import (

func main() {
    for i := 0; i< 15; i++ {
        go runCmd(i)
    time.Sleep(time.Second * 50)

func runCmd(i int) {
    param := "localhost:8080/test?skip=false"
    if i > 10 {
        param = "localhost:8080/test?skip=true"
    cmd := exec.Command("curl", param)
    log.Printf("Running command %d and waiting for it to finish...", i)
    start := time.Now()
    err := cmd.Run()
    end := time.Now()
    duration := end.Sub(start)
    log.Printf("Command  %d finished within of second %f error: %v", i, duration.Seconds(), err)


2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 14 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 9 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 3 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 10 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 7 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 0 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 12 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 6 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 5 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 13 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 11 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 2 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 1 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 4 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Running command 8 and waiting for it to finish...
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Command  12 finished within of second 0.035109 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Command  14 finished within of second 0.035290 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Command  11 finished within of second 0.040090 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:18 Command  13 finished within of second 0.041358 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  9 finished within of second 10.034510 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  0 finished within of second 10.034436 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  10 finished within of second 10.037470 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  6 finished within of second 10.042294 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  5 finished within of second 10.042328 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  7 finished within of second 10.045510 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  3 finished within of second 10.045638 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  1 finished within of second 10.049024 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  2 finished within of second 10.053824 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  8 finished within of second 10.053102 error: <nil>
2020/03/08 19:21:28 Command  4 finished within of second 10.053306 error: <nil>


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