


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define HOW_MANY  7

char *names[HOW_MANY] = { "Ben", "Chris", "RDJ", "Mark", "Scarlet", "Samuel", "Tom" };
int ages[HOW_MANY] = { 22, 24, 50, 26, 18, 32, 24 };

/* declare your struct for a person here */
struct person {
    char *name;
    int age;
    struct person *next;

static struct person *compare_people(struct person *headptr, struct person *headptr) {
    int didSwap = 1, limit = HOW_MANY - 1;
    struct person *temp;
    struct person *previous = headptr;
    struct person *new = headptr -> next;

    while (didSwap) {
        didSwap = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
            if (strcmp(previous->name, new->name) > 0) {
                temp = previous;
                previous = new;
                new = temp;
                didSwap = 1;
    return temp;

static struct person *insert_sorted(struct person *headptr, char *name, int age) {
    struct person *ptr;
    // Allocate heap space for a record
    ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct person));
    if (ptr == NULL)
    // Assign to structure fields
    ptr->name = name;
    ptr->age = age;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    if (headptr == NULL) {
        ptr->next = headptr;
        headptr = ptr;
    } else {
        struct person *currptr = headptr;

        while (currptr != NULL) {
            currptr = compare_people(headptr, headptr);
        headptr = currptr;
    return headptr;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // initialise the pointer  to be empty
    struct person *headptr = NULL;

    // To insert all the info in the array
    for (int i = 0; i < HOW_MANY ; i++) {
        headptr = insert_sorted(headptr, names[i], ages[i]);

    struct person *current = headptr;
    while (current != NULL) {
        printf("The person's name is %s and the age is %d.\n", current->name, current->age);
        current = current->next;
    return 0;

检查列表的开头。如果该元素在字典顺序上大于您要插入的单词,请检查下一个元素。重复此过程。如果找到一个在字典顺序上小于您的单词的元素,则在那里插入该单词。 - Ricky Mutschlechner
链表非常适合使用归并排序。请参见http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35614098/implementing-mergesort-on-a-linked-list/35616981#35616981。 - Gene

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define HOW_MANY  7

char *names[HOW_MANY] = { "Ben", "Chris", "RDJ", "Mark", "Scarlet", "Samuel", "Tom" };
int ages[HOW_MANY] = { 22, 24, 50, 26, 18, 32, 24 };

/* declare your struct for a person here */
struct person {
    char *name;
    int age;
    struct person *next;

static int compare_people(const struct person *a, const struct person *b) {
     return strcmp(a->name, b->name);

static struct person *insert_sorted(struct person *headptr, char *name, int age) {
    // Allocate heap space for a record
    struct person *ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct person));
    if (ptr == NULL) {

    // Assign to structure fields
    ptr->name = name;
    ptr->age = age;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    struct person **pp = &headptr;
    while (*pp != NULL && compare_people(ptr, *pp) >= 0) {
        pp = &(*pp)->next;
    ptr->next = *pp;
    *pp = ptr;

    return headptr;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // initialise the list to be empty
    struct person *headptr = NULL;

    // To insert all the info in the array
    for (int i = 0; i < HOW_MANY; i++) {
        headptr = insert_sorted(headptr, names[i], ages[i]);

    struct person *current = headptr;
    while (current != NULL) {
        printf("The person's name is %s and the age is %d.\n", current->name, current->age);
        current = current->next;
    return 0;


static struct person *insert_sorted(struct person *headptr, char *name, int age) {
    // Allocate heap space for a record
    struct person *ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct person));
    if (ptr == NULL) {
    ptr->name = name;
    ptr->age = age;
    ptr->next = NULL;

    if (headptr == NULL || compare_people(ptr, headptr) < 0) {
        ptr->next = headptr;
        return ptr;
    } else {
        struct person *cur = headptr;
        while (cur->next != NULL && compare_people(ptr, cur->next) >= 0) {
            cur = cur->next;
        ptr->next = cur->next;
        cur->next = ptr;
        return headptr;

如果你想按年龄升序排序,只需在函数compare_people()中将return strcmp(a->name, b->name);替换为return (a->age > b->age);即可... - J. Piquard
@J.Piquard:为了保持一致性,compare_age 应该返回一个有符号的状态;return (a->age > b->age) - (a->age < b->age); - chqrlie
@chqrlie,你能给我解释一下吗?因为我是C语言新手。在“struct person currptr”和“struct person currptr”之间有很大的区别吗?或者我可以使用这个代码:struct person *currptr = headptr; while (currptr != NULL && compare_people(ptr,currptr) > 0) { currptr = currptr -> next; } ptr -> next = currptr; currptr = ptr; - Shamveel Ahammed
@chqrlie 制作一个指向指针的指针并将其分配给headptr的地址非常重要吗?我不能只使用currptr的指针并将其分配给headptr吗? - Shamveel Ahammed
@chqlrile 我完全忘记了这点,因为我们后面使用了前一个指针...谢谢你的帮助 :) ... 你能解释一下在C语言程序中使用 struct person *headptrstruct person* headptr 是否有明显的区别吗?因为我看到人们两种方式都在使用。 - Shamveel Ahammed

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