



Byte 1  1010 1010
Byte 2  0101 0101
Byte n  1010 1000

Result  1010 1000




不必数1和0,你可能只需为每个位位置保留一个单独的计数器,在看到1时将其递增,在看到0时将其递减。但我认为没有比特操作技巧可以在不检查单个位的情况下实现这一点。 - vgru
你可以用另一种方式表述:找到一个常数c,使得(b1 ^ c) + (b2 ^ c) + ... + (bn ^ c)最小化。(当c具有这个“平均”值时,它会关闭大多数位) - Artyer
@Vernon 看看我的答案(和链接)。对于10,我看到了我的解决方案展开,这很好。对于20,你有一些分支,但是没有数据相关的分支->所以它们是可预测的。 - bitmask
@Artyer 这是一个非常敏锐的观察。我认为每个加数都应该用 popcount 包装起来,否则由于 + 的工作方式,高位会支配低位。 - bitmask
对于大量输入,请使用哈利-希尔 (Harley-Seal) 人口统计的变体。使用 进位保留加法器 网络的竖向计数器可能比朴素解决方案快50倍。但是,对于未知大小的小数组,它可能并没有什么帮助。 - aqrit

For each byte B in the input set of bytes
   for each bit b at index i in B
       if b is set:


vector<int> counts(8);
uint8_t result = 0;

for (uint8_t b : bytes)
    uint8_t mask = 0x80;
    size_t needed = (bytes.size() +1) / 2;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        counts[i] += (mask & b) ? 1 : 0;
        if (counts[i] >= needed)
            result = mask | result;
        mask = mask >> 1;

std::cout << "Result: " << result << "\n";

@mch - 一个字节确实有8位。但是需要考虑到平均值可能涉及到n个字节。在上面的例子中,n == bytes.size() - selbie
糟糕!你是对的。已修复。 - selbie
@StephenQuan - 我相信你是对的。我今晚运气不好。 :) - selbie
请不要向读者抛出一大堆代码。解释算法背后的主要思想。 - j6t
好的。已修复(再次修复)。 - selbie

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

uint8_t bitvote(uint8_t *bytes, unsigned n)
    uint8_t bit = 1;
    uint8_t result = 0;
    // Iterate over each bit position
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < 8*sizeof(uint8_t); i++)
        // For the current position, gather a "vote" count from each input
        // byte. A 0-bit counts as -1 and a 1-bit as +1.
        int vote = 0; 
        for(unsigned c = 0; c < n; c++)
            vote += (bytes[c] & bit) ? 1 : -1;
        // If the "vote" is larger than 0, there is a majority of 1-bits, so
        // set the corresponding bit in the result.
        // On equal count of 0's and 1's, the resulting bit is 0. To change
        // that to 1, use "vote >= 0".
        if(vote > 0) result |= bit;
        bit = bit << 1;
    return result;

int main()
    uint8_t bytes[] = {0xaa, 0x55, 0xa8};  // Test vector of the OP
    uint8_t result = bitvote(bytes, sizeof(bytes)/sizeof(bytes[0]));
    printf("0x%02x", result);   // Prints 0xa8 matching the OP expected result

    return 0;



看起来像是手动计数。如果不是,请不要向读者抛出一大堆代码。解释算法背后的主要思想。 - j6t
@j6t 说得好。我承认,我在回答时有点匆忙。我已经添加了注释来解释代码的工作原理和方法的合理性,虽然不完全符合OP的要求,但我怀疑在使用标准C/C++(至少对于中等输入大小)时它可以得到显着改进。 - nielsen

    for (unsigned char mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1 ) {
        if (data & mask) {
            // 1-case
        } else {
            // 0-case

 (data & mask) ? /* 1-case */ : /* 0-case */



majority == n/2     , n even
majority == (n+1)/2 , n odd


int majority = (n+1) >> 1;


result |= mask;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>

void print_data(unsigned char data) {
    std::cout << std::bitset<8>(data) << '\n';

void print_arr(unsigned char*data, int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, data++) {
        std::cout << "Byte " << i << " ";

unsigned char mean_arr(unsigned char*data, int n) {
    int majority = (n + 1) >> 1;
    unsigned char result = 0;
    for (unsigned char mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1 ) {
        int count[2] = {0,0};
        unsigned char* ptr = data;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, ptr++) {
            if (++count[*ptr & mask ? 1 : 0] < majority) continue;
            if (*ptr & mask) result |= mask;
    return result;

int main() {
    unsigned char data[3] = { 0xaa, 0x55, 0xa8 };
    print_arr(data, 3);
    unsigned char result = mean_arr(data, 3);
    std::cout << "Result ";
    return 0;


Byte 0 10101010
Byte 1 01010101
Byte 2 10101000
Result 10101000

然后,您可以通过仅添加64位数字来“并行”添加多达255个数字。 user提到的方法在phuclv的详细答案中显示(以及使用内部函数实现的一些示例)。



// The following is valid only if the size of the span is less than 256,
// otherwise a temporary array must be used to accumulate the results
// every 255 elements.
auto bits_mode(std::span<std::uint8_t> src) -> std::uint8_t
  // Multiplying a byte by this 64-bit constant will "copy" it in 8
  // different positions with a gap of 1 bit between them.
  // E.g. given x = 10100100
  //                                                           10100100
  // * 1000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001000000001
  // = 0010100100010100100010100100010100100010100100010100100010100100
  //   ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
  constexpr std::uint64_t mult {

  // The gaps between the copies is crucial, it let us retrieve the 
  // spread bits (with reversed endianness) with a simple mask:
  // & 1000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000 
  // = 0000000000000000100000000000000000000000100000000000000010000000
  //   ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^
  constexpr std::uint64_t mask {

  // Shifting the intermediate gives us something we can safely sum up
  // to 255 times.
  // >> 7
  // = 0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000010000000000000001
  //          ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^       ^
  constexpr auto expand = [] (std::uint8_t x) -> std::uint64_t {
    return ((x * mult) & mask) >> 7;

  auto result{ std::transform_reduce( src.begin(), src.end()
                                    , std::uint64_t{}
                                    , std::plus<>{}, expand ) };

  // the resulting byte can be formed a bit at a time "traversing"
  // the bytes of the previous sum.
  std::uint64_t target{ src.size() / 2 };
  std::uint8_t mode{};
  for ( int i{8}; i--; )
      mode |= ((result & 0xff) > target) << i;
      result >>= 8;

  return mode;


如果您想采用非可移植的(Intel intrinsics)更高效的位操作路线,请参考以下链接:https://dev59.com/ONdnpIgBRmDukGFEGy5e#75863985 - starball
@user 哦,对了,https://dev59.com/G2oy5IYBdhLWcg3wkO-g#51750902 中的第一段代码基本上就是我采用的方法。他们通过将位数“反向存储”来避免双重乘法(和双重魔数),而我只是没想到这一点,有误导你了。我将放弃这个方法。 - Bob__





英特尔BMI的维基百科链接, 英特尔内置函数参考, 相关的Stack Overflow问题

您可以使用 std::transform_reducestd::execution::par_unseq,其中 transform 是 PDEP 展开,reduce 是 sum 操作(假设您根据溢出不可能的输入数量将每个 lane 的位宽设置得足够宽),最后,如果一个 lane 的值超过输入字节数的一半,则将输出的相应位设置为 1。这部分可能有一种花哨的 SIMD 方法来完成,但该步骤的性能影响是一个常数因子(而且我现在懒得找到那种方法)。

你的回答看起来很不错,但作为读者,我希望能够看到一个相关的代码示例。这样会更加完美! - Fra93




例如:01001010001 -> 00000001111 -> 中间位是0 -> 平均值是0。



// pseudo-swap:
a2 = a&b;
b2 = a|b;

这可以保证总的0和1的数量不变,并且它是位并行的。 而且无需分支。


将此应用于n个值而不使用分支不像人们想象中的那么简单。平凡的解决方案是伪交换每个值与另一个值,这在纸面上具有二次复杂度,但也是无需分支(除了可以轻松地进行分支预测或展开的循环之外),并且除现有数组外不需要额外的内存。 我相信肯定有更好的方法来解决这个问题,但我想不出来。或许有人能够进一步发展这个想法。





11100000 <--- your average


void pseudoswap(std::uint8_t& a, std::uint8_t& b) {
  auto const fst = a & b;
  auto const snd = a | b;
  a = fst;
  b = snd;

template <std::size_t N>
void sieve(std::uint8_t (&xs)[N]) {
  for (auto i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    for (auto j = i+1; j < N; ++j) {

看看 编译器资源管理器上的演示,它展示了一些主要实现的不错优化:

        mov     rsi, r8
        add     r8, 1
        mov     rax, rsi
        movzx   edx, BYTE PTR [rsi-1]
        movzx   ecx, BYTE PTR [rax]
        add     rax, 1
        mov     edi, edx
        or      edx, ecx
        and     edi, ecx
        mov     BYTE PTR [rsi-1], dil
        mov     BYTE PTR [rax-1], dl
        cmp     rbx, rax
        jne     .L90
        cmp     rbx, r8
        jne     .L88

对于小的数组大小,sieve 循环似乎在热路径中没有任何跳转。



  • 没有数据相关的分支
  • 没有额外的内存开销(不需要分配内存)
  • 在热路径中没有整数除法操作
  • 可以计算任何分位数(不仅仅是平均值)



嗯,你确定这会回答OP的问题吗?我用std::uint8_t xs[]{1,2,3,128,128};检查了你的代码,但无法解释你的输出。但也许我错了…… - A M
@Peter 请查看答案中的编译器资源链接。它可以执行并运行代码。请注意,average不是指整数平均值,而是指按位平均值。 - bitmask



Knuth,TAOCP,vol. 4A,第7.1.1节详细解释了三进制主要操作⟨xyz⟩ = (x ∧ y) ∨ (y ∧ z) ∨ (x ∧ z) 的实用性。当按位应用这个函数到三个输入时,将实现问者所请求的结果。Knuth更喜欢将该函数称为“中位数”,而不是“多数派”,因为如果让∧对应于min,∨对应于max,那么⟨xyz⟩= y恰当地表示x≤y≤z。

有趣的观察是,构建排序网络的一种方法是使用minmax原语。三个数的中位数median3(x,y,z) = min(max(min(y,z),x),max(y,z)),而min3(x,y,z) = min(x,min(y,z))max3(x,y,z) = max(x,max(y,z))


为了测试位运算中值计算是否可由排序网络推导出,我使用了一篇文献中的九输入网络,并将其转换成位中值计算。这个计算方法能够提供询问者所需的结果。我还将之前研究中获得的一些搜索网络图形转化成相应的最大/最小操作序列,并翻译了TAOCP第3卷中的其他网络图形。对于额外的排序网络,我参考了代码注释中提到的Bert Dobbelaere's列表。维基百科有关排序网络的文章指出,已知具有(近)最优性的排序网络可达20个输入,因此涵盖了询问者感兴趣的数组长度范围。

关于效率,下面代码中的byte_mode_16()使用Clang 16编译,编译成大约170个x86指令,并具有很多指令级并行性,因此我会估计它可以在现代x86-64 CPU上执行约50个周期。在支持任意三输入逻辑操作的NVIDIA GPU上,使用LOP3指令编译的相同函数只需大约80条指令。
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>

#define REPS      (1000000)
#define N         (16)
#define USE_KNUTH (0)

uint8_t byte_mode_ref (const uint8_t *bytes, int n)
    int count1 [CHAR_BIT] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    uint8_t res = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        uint8_t a = bytes [i];
        for (int j = 0; j < CHAR_BIT; j++) {
            uint8_t bit = (a >> j) & 1;
            count1 [j] += bit;
    for (int j = 0; j < CHAR_BIT; j++) {
        res |= (count1[j] > (n / 2)) << j;
    return res;

#define MIN3(x,y,z)     (x & y & z)
#define MEDIAN3(x,y,z)  (((y & z) | x) & (y | z))
#define MAX3(x,y,z)     (x | y | z)

#define MIN2(x,y) (x & y)
#define MAX2(x,y) (x | y)
#define SWAP(i,j) do { int s = MIN2(a##i,a##j); int t = MAX2(a##i,a##j); a##i = s; a##j = t; } while (0)

uint8_t byte_mode_2 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int x = bytes [0];
    int y = bytes [1];

    return MIN2 (x, y);

uint8_t byte_mode_3 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int x = bytes [0];
    int y = bytes [1];
    int z = bytes [2];

    return MEDIAN3 (x, y, z);

uint8_t byte_mode_4 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0 = bytes [0];
    int a1 = bytes [1];
    int a2 = bytes [2];
    int a3 = bytes [3];

    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (1, 3);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 3);
    SWAP (1, 2);

    return a1;

uint8_t byte_mode_5 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int v = bytes [0];
    int w = bytes [1];
    int x = bytes [2];
    int y = bytes [3];
    int z = bytes [4];

    /* Knuth, TAOCP, Vol. 4a, p. 64 */
    return MEDIAN3 (v, MEDIAN3 (x, y, z), MEDIAN3 (w, x, (MEDIAN3 (w, y, z))));
#else // USE_KNUTH
    int a0 = bytes [0];
    int a1 = bytes [1];
    int a2 = bytes [2];
    int a3 = bytes [3];
    int a4 = bytes [4];

    SWAP (0, 3); SWAP (1, 4);
    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (1, 3);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 4);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 4);
    SWAP (2, 3);
    return a2;
#endif // USE_KNUTH

uint8_t byte_mode_6 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0 = bytes [0];
    int a1 = bytes [1];
    int a2 = bytes [2];
    int a3 = bytes [3];
    int a4 = bytes [4];
    int a5 = bytes [5];
    SWAP (0, 5); SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (2,4);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 4); 
    SWAP (0, 3); SWAP (2, 5);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 5);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 4);

    return a2;

uint8_t byte_mode_7 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0 = bytes [0];
    int a1 = bytes [1];
    int a2 = bytes [2];
    int a3 = bytes [3];
    int a4 = bytes [4];
    int a5 = bytes [5];
    int a6 = bytes [6];
    SWAP (0, 6); SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 5);
    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (1, 4); SWAP (3, 6);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 5); SWAP (3, 4);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (4, 6);
    SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 5);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5, 6);

    return a3;

uint8_t byte_mode_8 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0 = bytes [0];
    int a1 = bytes [1];
    int a2 = bytes [2];
    int a3 = bytes [3];
    int a4 = bytes [4];
    int a5 = bytes [5];
    int a6 = bytes [6];
    int a7 = bytes [7];

    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (4, 6); SWAP (5, 7);
    SWAP (0, 4); SWAP (1, 5); SWAP (2, 6); SWAP (3, 7);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 5); SWAP (6, 7);
    SWAP (2, 4); SWAP (3, 5);
    SWAP (1, 4); SWAP (3, 6);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5, 6);
    return a3;

uint8_t byte_mode_9 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0 = bytes [0];
    int a1 = bytes [1];
    int a2 = bytes [2];
    int a3 = bytes [3];
    int a4 = bytes [4];
    int a5 = bytes [5];
    int a6 = bytes [6];
    int a7 = bytes [7];
    int a8 = bytes [8];
    int b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8;
    int c2, c4, c6;

      Chaitali Chakrabarti and Li-Yu Wang, "Novel sorting network-based 
      architectures for rank order filters." IEEE Transactions on Very
      Large Scale Integration Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1994, pp. 502-507
    // SORT3 (0, 1, 2)
    b0 = MIN3    (a0, a1, a2);
    b1 = MEDIAN3 (a0, a1, a2);
    b2 = MAX3    (a0, a1, a2);
    // SORT3 (3, 4, 5)
    b3 = MIN3    (a3, a4, a5);
    b4 = MEDIAN3 (a3, a4, a5);
    b5 = MAX3    (a3, a4, a5);
    // SORT3 (6, 7, 8)
    b6 = MIN3    (a6, a7, a8);
    b7 = MEDIAN3 (a6, a7, a8);
    b8 = MAX3    (a6, a7, a8);
    // SORT3 (0, 3, 6)
    // c0 = MIN3    (b0, b3, b6);
    // c3 = MEDIAN3 (b0, b3, b6);
    c6 = MAX3    (b0, b3, b6);
    // SORT3 (1, 4, 7)
    // c1 = MIN3    (b1, b4, b7);
    c4 = MEDIAN3 (b1, b4, b7);
    // c7 = MAX3    (b1, b4, b7);
    // SORT3 (2, 5, 8)
    c2 = MIN3    (b2, b5, b8);
    // c5 = MEDIAN3 (b2, b5, b8);
    // c8 = MAX3    (b2, b5, b8);
    // final median computation
    // SORT3 (2, 4, 6)
    return MEDIAN3 (c2, c4, c6);

uint8_t byte_mode_10 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];

    /* Knuth, TAOCP, vol. 3, p. 227 */
    SWAP (4, 9); SWAP (3, 8); SWAP (2, 7); SWAP (1, 6); SWAP (0, 5);
    SWAP (1, 4); SWAP (6, 9); SWAP (0, 3); SWAP (5, 8);
    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (3, 6); SWAP (7, 9);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 4); SWAP (5, 7); SWAP (8, 9);
    SWAP (4, 6); SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (7, 8); SWAP (3, 5);
    SWAP (2, 5); SWAP (6, 8); SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (4, 7);
    SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (6, 7);
    SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5, 6);
    SWAP (4, 5);
#else // USE_KNUTH
    /* https://bertdobbelaere.github.io/sorting_networks.html */
    SWAP (0, 8); SWAP (1, 9); SWAP (2, 7); SWAP (3, 5); SWAP (4, 6);
    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (1, 4); SWAP (5, 8); SWAP (7, 9);
    SWAP (0, 3); SWAP (2, 4); SWAP (5, 7); SWAP (6, 9);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (3, 6); SWAP (8, 9);
    SWAP (1, 5); SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 8); SWAP (6, 7);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 5); SWAP (4, 6); SWAP (7, 8);
    SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 5); SWAP (6, 7);
    SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5, 6);
#endif // USE_KNUTH

    return a4;

uint8_t byte_mode_11 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];
    int a10 = bytes [10];

    /* https://bertdobbelaere.github.io/sorting_networks.html */
    SWAP (0, 9); SWAP (1, 6); SWAP (2,  4); SWAP (3,  7); SWAP (5,  8);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (3, 5); SWAP (4, 10); SWAP (6,  9); SWAP (7,  8);
    SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (2, 5); SWAP (4,  7); SWAP (8, 10);
    SWAP (0, 4); SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3,  7); SWAP (5,  9); SWAP (6,  8);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2, 6); SWAP (4,  5); SWAP (7,  8); SWAP (9, 10);
    SWAP (2, 4); SWAP (3, 6); SWAP (5,  7); SWAP (8,  9);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5,  6); SWAP (7,  8);
    SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4, 5); SWAP (6,  7);

    return a5;

uint8_t byte_mode_12 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];
    int a10 = bytes [10];
    int a11 = bytes [11];

    /* Knuth, TAOCP, vol. 3, p. 227 */
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2,  3); SWAP (4,  5); SWAP (6,  7); SWAP (8,  9); SWAP (10, 11);
    SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (5,  7); SWAP (9, 11); SWAP (0,  2); SWAP (4,  6); SWAP ( 8, 10);
    SWAP (1, 2); SWAP (5,  6); SWAP (9, 10);
    SWAP (1, 5); SWAP (6, 10); 
    SWAP (2, 6); SWAP (5,  9);  
    SWAP (1, 5); SWAP (6, 10);
    SWAP (0, 4); SWAP (7, 11);
    SWAP (3, 7); SWAP (4,  8);
    SWAP (0, 4); SWAP (7, 11);
    SWAP (1, 4); SWAP (7, 10); SWAP (3,  8);
    SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (8,  9);
    SWAP (2, 4); SWAP (7,  9); SWAP (3,  5); SWAP (6,  8);
    SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5,  6); SWAP (7,  8);
#else // USE_KNUTH
    /* https://bertdobbelaere.github.io/sorting_networks.html */
    SWAP (0, 8); SWAP (1,  7); SWAP (2,  6); SWAP (3, 11); SWAP (4, 10); SWAP (5,   9);
    SWAP (0, 1); SWAP (2,  5); SWAP (3,  4); SWAP (6,  9); SWAP (7,  8); SWAP (10, 11);
    SWAP (0, 2); SWAP (1,  6); SWAP (5, 10); SWAP (9, 11);
    SWAP (0, 3); SWAP (1,  2); SWAP (4,  6); SWAP (5,  7); SWAP (8, 11); SWAP (9,  10);
    SWAP (1, 4); SWAP (3,  5); SWAP (6,  8); SWAP (7, 10);
    SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (2,  5); SWAP (6,  9); SWAP (8, 10);
    SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4,  5); SWAP (6,  7); SWAP (8,  9);
    SWAP (4, 6); SWAP (5,  7);
    SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (5,  6); SWAP (7,  8);
#endif // USE_KNUTH

    return a5;

uint8_t byte_mode_13 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];
    int a10 = bytes [10];
    int a11 = bytes [11];
    int a12 = bytes [12];

    /* Knuth, TAOCP, vol. 3, p. 227 */
    SWAP (0,  5); SWAP ( 8, 12); SWAP (1, 7); SWAP ( 3,  9); SWAP ( 2,  4); SWAP (6, 11);
    SWAP (0,  6); SWAP ( 7,  9); SWAP (1, 3); SWAP ( 5, 11); SWAP ( 2,  8); SWAP (4, 12);
    SWAP (0,  2); SWAP ( 4,  5); SWAP (6, 8); SWAP ( 9, 10); SWAP (11, 12); 
    SWAP (7,  8); SWAP (10, 12); SWAP (5, 9); SWAP ( 3, 11);
    SWAP (1,  5); SWAP ( 9, 11); SWAP (2, 3); SWAP ( 4,  7); SWAP ( 8, 10);
    SWAP (0,  1); SWAP ( 5,  6); SWAP (8, 9); SWAP (10, 11);
    SWAP (3,  6); SWAP ( 2,  5); SWAP (1, 4); SWAP ( 7,  8); SWAP ( 9, 10);
    SWAP (3,  7); SWAP ( 1,  2); SWAP (4, 5); SWAP ( 6,  8);
    SWAP (2,  4); SWAP ( 6,  7); SWAP (3, 5); SWAP ( 8,  9);
    SWAP (3,  4); SWAP ( 5,  6);

    return a6;

uint8_t byte_mode_14 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];
    int a10 = bytes [10];
    int a11 = bytes [11];
    int a12 = bytes [12];
    int a13 = bytes [13];

    /* https://bertdobbelaere.github.io/sorting_networks.html */
    SWAP (0,  1); SWAP (2, 3); SWAP (4,  5); SWAP (6,  7); SWAP ( 8,  9); SWAP (10, 11);  SWAP (12, 13);
    SWAP (0,  2); SWAP (1, 3); SWAP (4,  8); SWAP (5,  9); SWAP (10, 12); SWAP (11, 13);
    SWAP (0, 10); SWAP (1, 6); SWAP (2, 11); SWAP (3, 13); SWAP ( 5,  8); SWAP ( 7, 12);
    SWAP (1,  4); SWAP (2, 8); SWAP (3,  6); SWAP (5, 11); SWAP ( 7, 10); SWAP ( 9, 12);
    SWAP (0,  1); SWAP (3, 9); SWAP (4, 10); SWAP (5,  7); SWAP ( 6,  8); SWAP (12, 13);
    SWAP (1,  5); SWAP (2, 4); SWAP (3,  7); SWAP (6, 10); SWAP ( 8, 12); SWAP ( 9, 11);
    SWAP (1,  2); SWAP (3, 5); SWAP (4,  6); SWAP (7,  9); SWAP ( 8, 10); SWAP (11, 12);
    SWAP (2,  3); SWAP (4, 5); SWAP (6,  7); SWAP (8,  9); SWAP (10, 11);
    SWAP (3,  4); SWAP (5, 6); SWAP (7,  8); SWAP (9, 10);

    return a6;

uint8_t byte_mode_15 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];
    int a10 = bytes [10];
    int a11 = bytes [11];
    int a12 = bytes [12];
    int a13 = bytes [13];
    int a14 = bytes [14];

    /* https://bertdobbelaere.github.io/sorting_networks.html */
    SWAP (0,  6); SWAP (1, 10); SWAP (2,14); SWAP (3,  9); SWAP ( 4, 12); SWAP ( 5, 13); SWAP ( 7, 11);
    SWAP (0,  7); SWAP (2,  5); SWAP (3, 4); SWAP (6, 11); SWAP ( 8, 10); SWAP ( 9, 12); SWAP (13, 14);
    SWAP (1, 13); SWAP (2,  3); SWAP (4, 6); SWAP (5,  9); SWAP ( 7,  8); SWAP (10, 14); SWAP (11, 12);
    SWAP (0,  3); SWAP (1,  4); SWAP (5, 7); SWAP (6, 13); SWAP ( 8,  9); SWAP (10, 11); SWAP (12, 14);
    SWAP (0,  2); SWAP (1,  5); SWAP (3, 8); SWAP (4,  6); SWAP ( 7, 10); SWAP ( 9, 11); SWAP (12, 13);
    SWAP (0,  1); SWAP (2,  5); SWAP (3,10); SWAP (4,  8); SWAP ( 6,  7); SWAP ( 9, 12); SWAP (11, 13);
    SWAP (1,  2); SWAP (3,  4); SWAP (5, 6); SWAP (7,  9); SWAP ( 8, 10); SWAP (11, 12);
    SWAP (3,  5); SWAP (4,  6); SWAP (7, 8); SWAP (9, 10);
    SWAP (2,  3); SWAP (4,  5); SWAP (6, 7); SWAP (8,  9); SWAP (10, 11);

    return a7;

uint8_t byte_mode_16 (const uint8_t *bytes)
    int a0  = bytes [0];
    int a1  = bytes [1];
    int a2  = bytes [2];
    int a3  = bytes [3];
    int a4  = bytes [4];
    int a5  = bytes [5];
    int a6  = bytes [6];
    int a7  = bytes [7];
    int a8  = bytes [8];
    int a9  = bytes [9];
    int a10 = bytes [10];
    int a11 = bytes [11];
    int a12 = bytes [12];
    int a13 = bytes [13];
    int a14 = bytes [14];
    int a15 = bytes [15];

    /* Knuth TAOCP, vol. 3, p. 229 */
    SWAP (0,  1); SWAP ( 2,  3); SWAP ( 4,  5); SWAP ( 6,  7); SWAP ( 8,  9); SWAP (10, 11); SWAP (12, 13); SWAP (14, 15);
    SWAP (1,  3); SWAP ( 5,  7); SWAP ( 9, 11); SWAP (13, 15); SWAP ( 0,  2); SWAP ( 4,  6); SWAP ( 8, 10); SWAP (12, 14);
    SWAP (3,  7); SWAP (11, 15); SWAP ( 2,  6); SWAP (10, 14); SWAP ( 1,  5); SWAP ( 9, 13); SWAP ( 0,  4); SWAP ( 8, 12);
    SWAP (7, 15); SWAP ( 6, 14); SWAP ( 5, 13); SWAP ( 4, 12); SWAP ( 3, 11); SWAP ( 2, 10); SWAP ( 1,  9); SWAP ( 0,  8);
    SWAP (1,  2); SWAP ( 3, 12); SWAP (13, 14); SWAP ( 7, 11); SWAP ( 4,  8); SWAP ( 5, 10); SWAP ( 6,  9);
    SWAP (1,  4); SWAP (11, 14); SWAP ( 7, 13); SWAP ( 2,  8); SWAP ( 6, 12); SWAP ( 3, 10); SWAP ( 5,  9);
    SWAP (3,  5); SWAP ( 7,  9); SWAP (11, 13); SWAP ( 2,  4); SWAP ( 6,  8); SWAP (10, 12); 
    SWAP (5,  8); SWAP ( 9, 12); SWAP ( 3,  6); SWAP ( 7, 10); 
    SWAP (3,  4); SWAP ( 5,  6); SWAP ( 7,  8); SWAP ( 9, 10); SWAP (11, 12);

    return a7;

// George Marsaglia's KISS PRNG, period 2**123. Newsgroup sci.math, 21 Jan 1999
// Bug fix: Greg Rose, "KISS: A Bit Too Simple" http://eprint.iacr.org/2011/007
static uint32_t kiss_z=362436069, kiss_w=521288629;
static uint32_t kiss_jsr=123456789, kiss_jcong=380116160;
#define znew (kiss_z=36969*(kiss_z&65535)+(kiss_z>>16))
#define wnew (kiss_w=18000*(kiss_w&65535)+(kiss_w>>16))
#define MWC  ((znew<<16)+wnew )
#define SHR3 (kiss_jsr^=(kiss_jsr<<13),kiss_jsr^=(kiss_jsr>>17), \
#define CONG (kiss_jcong=69069*kiss_jcong+1234567)
#define KISS ((MWC^CONG)+SHR3)

int main (void)
    uint8_t res, ref, arr [N];
    printf ("Testing byte arrays of length %d\n", N);
    for (int i = 0; i < REPS; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            arr [j] = KISS;
        ref = byte_mode_ref (arr, N);
#if N==2
        res = byte_mode_2 (arr);
#elif N==3
        res = byte_mode_3 (arr);
#elif N==4
        res = byte_mode_4 (arr);
#elif N==5
        res = byte_mode_5 (arr);
#elif N==6
        res = byte_mode_6 (arr);
#elif N==7
        res = byte_mode_7 (arr);
#elif N==8
        res = byte_mode_8 (arr);
#elif N==9
        res = byte_mode_9 (arr);
#elif N==10
        res = byte_mode_10 (arr);
#elif N==11
        res = byte_mode_11 (arr);
#elif N==12
        res = byte_mode_12 (arr);
#elif N==13
        res = byte_mode_13 (arr);
#elif N==14
        res = byte_mode_14 (arr);
#elif N==15
        res = byte_mode_15 (arr);
#elif N==16
        res = byte_mode_16 (arr);
#error unsupported value of N
        if (res != ref) {
            printf ("Error: res=%02x ref=%02x bytes: ", res, ref);
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
                printf ("%02x ", arr[j]);
            printf ("\nTest FAILED\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    printf ("Test PASSED\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

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