


str = "hello how are you?"
substr = "how are"


  1. string.indexOf("how are")
  2. 正则表达式



知道这已经过时了:但是“最好的方法”很大程度上取决于目标是什么。如果是开发的便捷性,str.include?(substring)非常好,但如果是速度,则可能有其他更好的方法。 - Automatico

在 Ruby 中,使用 String#include? 方法:
str = "hello how are you?"
substr = "how are"
str.include? substr 


我知道我来晚了,但请记住,“include?”是区分大小写的。 - HomeworkHopper

require 'benchmark'

LOREM = %q{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et convallis purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras interdum nibh et nunc pellentesque vestibulum. Donec elementum felis malesuada urna vehicula consectetur commodo urna accumsan. Phasellus bibendum euismod tincidunt. Sed pellentesque cursus faucibus. Etiam bibendum tincidunt nibh eget ultrices. Fusce imperdiet, felis id consequat imperdiet, justo est ultrices elit, sed vestibulum dui nibh vel felis. Sed feugiat, libero quis consequat semper, magna tellus facilisis enim, rutrum adipiscing eros mauris commodo metus. Sed lobortis aliquet augue ac sodales. Quisque pharetra odio vel augue tempus porttitor.}

REGEX1 = %r{/porttitor\.$/}
REGEX2 = %r{/porttitor\./}
REGEX3 = %r{/porttitor\.\Z/}

n = 750_000
puts "word in string"
Benchmark.bm(15) do |x|
  x.report('string[""]:')   { n.times { LOREM['porttitor.']          } }
  x.report('string[//]:')   { n.times { LOREM[/porttitor\./]         } } # unanchored regex
  x.report('string[/$/]:')  { n.times { LOREM[/porttitor\.$/]        } } # anchored regex
  x.report('string[/\Z/]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttitor\.\Z/]       } } # anchored regex
  x.report('index():')      { n.times { LOREM.index('porttitor.')    } }
  x.report('include?():')   { n.times { LOREM.include?('porttitor.') } }
  x.report('match($):')     { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttitor\.$/)  } }
  x.report('match(\Z):')    { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttitor\.\Z/) } }
  x.report('match():')      { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttitor\./)   } }
  x.report('match2($):')    { n.times { LOREM.match(REGEX1)          } } # compiled regex w/ anchor
  x.report('match2():')     { n.times { LOREM.match(REGEX2)          } } # compiled report w/out anchor
  x.report('match2(\Z):')   { n.times { LOREM.match(REGEX3)          } } # compiled regex w/ anchor

puts "word not in string"
Benchmark.bm(15) do |x|
  x.report('string[""]:')   { n.times { LOREM['porttit0r.']          } }
  x.report('string[//]:')   { n.times { LOREM[/porttit0r\./]         } } # unanchored regex
  x.report('string[/$/]:')  { n.times { LOREM[/porttit0r\.$/]        } } # anchored regex
  x.report('string[/\Z/]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttit0r\.\Z/]       } } # anchored regex
  x.report('index():')      { n.times { LOREM.index('porttit0r.')    } }
  x.report('include?():')   { n.times { LOREM.include?('porttit0r.') } }
  x.report('match($):')     { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttit0r\.$/)  } }
  x.report('match(\Z):')    { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttit0r\.\Z/) } }
  x.report('match():')      { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttit0r\./)   } }

word in string
                      user     system      total        real
string[""]:       0.670000   0.000000   0.670000 (  0.675319)
string[//]:       0.700000   0.000000   0.700000 (  0.706148)
string[/$/]:      0.720000   0.000000   0.720000 (  0.716853)
string[/\Z/]:     0.530000   0.000000   0.530000 (  0.527568)
index():          0.630000   0.000000   0.630000 (  0.638562)
include?():       0.610000   0.000000   0.610000 (  0.603223)
match($):         1.690000   0.000000   1.690000 (  1.696045)
match(\Z):        1.520000   0.010000   1.530000 (  1.532107)
match():          1.700000   0.000000   1.700000 (  1.698748)
match2($):        0.840000   0.000000   0.840000 (  0.847590)
match2():         0.840000   0.000000   0.840000 (  0.840969)
match2(\Z):       0.840000   0.000000   0.840000 (  0.835557)

word not in string
                      user     system      total        real
string[""]:       0.570000   0.000000   0.570000 (  0.578120)
string[//]:       0.740000   0.000000   0.740000 (  0.734751)
string[/$/]:      0.730000   0.000000   0.730000 (  0.735599)
string[/\Z/]:     0.560000   0.000000   0.560000 (  0.563673)
index():          0.620000   0.000000   0.620000 (  0.619451)
include?():       0.570000   0.000000   0.570000 (  0.574413)
match($):         0.910000   0.010000   0.920000 (  0.910059)
match(\Z):        0.730000   0.000000   0.730000 (  0.726533)
match():          0.950000   0.000000   0.950000 (  0.960865)

供参考,以下是一些使用 Ruby 1.8.7 的数字,这是 Snow Leopard 的默认设置:
word in string
                     user     system      total        real
string[""]:      1.130000   0.000000   1.130000 (  1.130687)
string[//]:      1.170000   0.000000   1.170000 (  1.165692)
string[/$/]:     1.180000   0.000000   1.180000 (  1.184954)
string[/\Z/]:    1.180000   0.000000   1.180000 (  1.179168)
index():         1.070000   0.000000   1.070000 (  1.077791)
include?():      1.060000   0.000000   1.060000 (  1.056430)
match($):        1.470000   0.010000   1.480000 (  1.472797)
match(\Z):       1.480000   0.000000   1.480000 (  1.490172)
match():         1.480000   0.000000   1.480000 (  1.478146)
match2($):       0.650000   0.000000   0.650000 (  0.653029)
match2():        0.570000   0.000000   0.570000 (  0.574384)
match2(\Z):      0.640000   0.000000   0.640000 (  0.646688)

word not in string
                     user     system      total        real
string[""]:      1.040000   0.000000   1.040000 (  1.038885)
string[//]:      0.510000   0.000000   0.510000 (  0.507031)
string[/$/]:     0.510000   0.000000   0.510000 (  0.508425)
string[/\Z/]:    0.500000   0.000000   0.500000 (  0.507316)
index():         1.060000   0.000000   1.060000 (  1.055157)
include?():      1.030000   0.000000   1.030000 (  1.037060)
match($):        0.630000   0.000000   0.630000 (  0.623627)
match(\Z):       0.620000   0.000000   0.620000 (  0.624737)
match():         0.620000   0.000000   0.620000 (  0.623049)

require 'fruity'

LOREM = %{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et convallis purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras interdum nibh et nunc pellentesque vestibulum. Donec elementum felis malesuada urna vehicula consectetur commodo urna accumsan. Phasellus bibendum euismod tincidunt. Sed pellentesque cursus faucibus. Etiam bibendum tincidunt nibh eget ultrices. Fusce imperdiet, felis id consequat imperdiet, justo est ultrices elit, sed vestibulum dui nibh vel felis. Sed feugiat, libero quis consequat semper, magna tellus facilisis enim, rutrum adipiscing eros mauris commodo metus. Sed lobortis aliquet augue ac sodales. Quisque pharetra odio vel augue tempus porttitor.}

compare do
  str_slice_regex  { LOREM[/porttitor\./]         } # unanchored regex
  str_slice_dollar { LOREM[/porttitor\.$/]        } # anchored regex
  str_slice_ctrlZ  { LOREM[/porttitor\.\Z/]       } # anchored regex
  str_slice_ctrlz  { LOREM[/porttitor\.\z/]       } # anchored regex

# >> Running each test 8192 times. Test will take about 1 second.
# >> str_slice_ctrlz is similar to str_slice_ctrlZ
# >> str_slice_ctrlZ is faster than str_slice_regex by 2x ± 0.1
# >> str_slice_regex is similar to str_slice_dollar

# >> Running on Ruby v.2.7.0
# >> word in string
# >>                       user     system      total        real
# >> string[""]:       0.368283   0.000147   0.368430 (  0.368468)
# >> string[//]:       0.329253   0.000080   0.329333 (  0.329466)
# >> string[/$/]:      0.330270   0.000172   0.330442 (  0.330594)
# >> string[/\Z/]:     0.183119   0.000048   0.183167 (  0.183209)
# >> index():          0.358397   0.000289   0.358686 (  0.360185)
# >> include?():       0.352700   0.000196   0.352896 (  0.353056)
# >> match($):         0.761605   0.001502   0.763107 (  0.763297)
# >> match(\Z):        0.631132   0.000507   0.631639 (  0.631767)
# >> match():          0.765219   0.000634   0.765853 (  0.766199)
# >> match2($):        0.394938   0.000128   0.395066 (  0.395173)
# >> match2():         0.391687   0.000080   0.391767 (  0.391879)
# >> match2(\Z):       0.389440   0.000089   0.389529 (  0.389678)
# >> 
# >> word not in string
# >>                       user     system      total        real
# >> string[""]:       0.365097   0.000117   0.365214 (  0.365262)
# >> string[//]:       0.388117   0.000361   0.388478 (  0.389008)
# >> string[/$/]:      0.381933   0.000091   0.382024 (  0.382061)
# >> string[/\Z/]:     0.236101   0.000086   0.236187 (  0.236307)
# >> index():          0.369898   0.000131   0.370029 (  0.370267)
# >> include?():       0.361057   0.000065   0.361122 (  0.361202)
# >> match($):         0.409296   0.000390   0.409686 (  0.410103)
# >> match(\Z):        0.258903   0.000074   0.258977 (  0.259095)
# >> match():          0.399220   0.000070   0.399290 (  0.399386)
# >> --------------------
# >> Running each test 16384 times. Test will take about 1 second.
# >> str_slice_ctrlz is similar to str_slice_ctrlZ
# >> str_slice_ctrlZ is faster than str_slice_dollar by 2x ± 0.1
# >> str_slice_dollar is similar to str_slice_regex

"Finding if a sentence contains a specific phrase in Ruby" 是相关的。

干得好!但是对我来说仍然很奇怪,str [substr] 比正则表达式慢。理论上,str [substr] 是实现良好性能的最简单方法。我希望日本人能够优化它。 - Nakilon
我还没有查看源代码,但我怀疑str[substr]实际上将括号内的每个子字符串都视为正则表达式,强制重新编译模式,或跳转到执行固定字符串搜索的其他代码。在C/C++中进行固定字符串搜索很容易,因此必须进行其他处理。或者,我做错了基准测试,但我不这么认为。 - the Tin Man






如果你确信运行时系统中的功能(例如字符串内搜索等)不够快,无法满足你的应用需求,那么可以尝试实现 KMP 算法。



展示你的断言数据。 - the Tin Man

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