在.NET 3.5中实现C#的深度/递归对象比较


我知道这对你没什么帮助,但我写了一个相当复杂的东西。我想把它开源,但必须先问问我的老板。我还有一些其他很酷的东西,比如一个对象创建器。它可以直接使用,但也可以通过流畅的语法进行详细配置。但我在说什么呢...恐怕你在接下来的几周内无法得到它。 - Stefan Steinegger


我在www.kellermansoftware.com发现了一个非常好用且免费的实现,名为 Compare .NET Objects,可以在这里找到。强烈推荐。

该工具似乎已经迁移到 GitHub,最新版本可在此处获取。

这些解决方案中是否有任何检查循环引用的方法? - digitguy
是的。比较.NET对象可以做到。 - Greg Finzer
CompareNETObjects看起来是这样的,但它没有利用表达式树(或其类似物)来使比较更快。在某些情况下,仅使用反射可能不可接受。 - nawfal


这是一个复杂的领域;我曾经在运行时做过类似的事情,但很快就变得混乱了。如果可能的话,您会发现最简单的方法是将对象序列化并比较序列化形式(例如使用xml-diff和XmlSerializer)。由于类型直到运行时才知道,这使事情有点复杂,但不是特别困难(您总可以使用new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType())等)。


这真的很聪明;我之前从未考虑过在比较之前对它们进行序列化。无论如何,我并不指望这会变得美观。根据我的需求,我将不得不构建一个包含所有冲突对象的结构。我认为从 XML-Diff 输出中实现这一点并不容易。 - blueberryfields
这是 C#(和 Java)中最让我感到沮丧的部分。当在 C++ 中进行简单的深度比较时,只需要自然地完成,而在 C# 中则需要使用这些繁琐复杂的系统。 - v.oddou
@v.oddou,考虑到多个指针链接的对象,C++在哪些方面使这更容易? - Marc Gravell
@MarcGravell:我认为由于编译器提供的复制构造函数和赋值运算符,这变得更加容易。使用原始指针的情况越来越少,现在通常使用定义明确的语义指针,如unique_ptr、shared_ptr、value_ptr。我使用零规则来最大化编译器的利用并最小化编写的代码。http://flamingdangerzone.com/cxx11/2012/08/15/rule-of-zero.html - v.oddou
@v.oddou的赋值不是比较。为什么你指责我心胸狭窄,而我却积极地要求你解释呢? - Marc Gravell

这是我们用于比较复杂图形的NUnit 2.4.6自定义约束条件。它支持嵌套集合,父引用,为数字比较设置公差,识别要忽略的字段名称(即使在层次结构深处),以及装饰类型始终被忽略。
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Constraints;

namespace Tests
    public class ContentsEqualConstraint : Constraint
        private readonly object expected;
        private Constraint failedEquality;
        private string expectedDescription;
        private string actualDescription;

        private readonly Stack<string> typePath = new Stack<string>();
        private string typePathExpanded;

        private readonly HashSet<string> _ignoredNames = new HashSet<string>();
        private readonly HashSet<Type> _ignoredTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
        private readonly LinkedList<Type> _ignoredInterfaces = new LinkedList<Type>();
        private readonly LinkedList<string> _ignoredSuffixes = new LinkedList<string>();
        private readonly IDictionary<Type, Func<object, object, bool>> _predicates = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object, object, bool>>();

        private bool _withoutSort;
        private int _maxRecursion = int.MaxValue;

        private readonly HashSet<VisitedComparison> _visitedObjects = new HashSet<VisitedComparison>();

        private static readonly HashSet<string> _globallyIgnoredNames = new HashSet<string>();
        private static readonly HashSet<Type> _globallyIgnoredTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
        private static readonly LinkedList<Type> _globallyIgnoredInterfaces = new LinkedList<Type>();

        private static object _regionalTolerance;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint(object expectedValue)
            expected = expectedValue;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint Comparing<T>(Func<T, T, bool> predicate)
            Type t = typeof (T);

            if (predicate == null)
                _predicates[t] = (x, y) => predicate((T) x, (T) y);
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint Ignoring(string fieldName)
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint Ignoring(Type fieldType)
            if (fieldType.IsInterface)
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint IgnoringSuffix(string suffix)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("suffix");
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint WithoutSort()
            _withoutSort = true;
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint RecursingOnly(int levels)
            _maxRecursion = levels;
            return this;

        public static void GlobalIgnore(string fieldName)

        public static void GlobalIgnore(Type fieldType)
            if (fieldType.IsInterface)

        public static IDisposable RegionalIgnore(string fieldName)
            return new RegionalIgnoreTracker(fieldName);

        public static IDisposable RegionalIgnore(Type fieldType)
            return new RegionalIgnoreTracker(fieldType);

        public static IDisposable RegionalWithin(object tolerance)
            return new RegionalWithinTracker(tolerance);

        public override bool Matches(object actualValue)
            typePathExpanded = null;
            actual = actualValue;
            return Matches(expected, actualValue);

        private bool Matches(object expectedValue, object actualValue)

            bool matches = true;

            if (!MatchesNull(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches))
                return matches;
            // DatesEqualConstraint supports tolerance in dates but works as equal constraint for everything else
            Constraint eq = new DatesEqualConstraint(expectedValue).Within(tolerance ?? _regionalTolerance);
            if (eq.Matches(actualValue))
                return true;

            if (MatchesVisited(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches))
                if (MatchesDictionary(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches) &&
                    MatchesList(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches) &&
                    MatchesType(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches) &&
                    MatchesPredicate(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches))
                    MatchesFields(expectedValue, actualValue, eq, ref matches);

            return matches;

        private bool MatchesNull(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            if (IsNullEquivalent(expectedValue))
                expectedValue = null;

            if (IsNullEquivalent(actualValue))
                actualValue = null;

            if (expectedValue == null && actualValue == null)
                matches = true;
                return false;

            if (expectedValue == null)
                expectedDescription = "null";
                actualDescription = "NOT null";
                matches = Failure;
                return false;

            if (actualValue == null)
                expectedDescription = "not null";
                actualDescription = "null";
                matches = Failure;
                return false;

            return true;

        private bool MatchesType(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            Type expectedType = expectedValue.GetType();
            Type actualType = actualValue.GetType();

            if (expectedType != actualType)
                    Convert.ChangeType(actualValue, expectedType);
                    expectedDescription = expectedType.FullName;
                    actualDescription = actualType.FullName;
                    matches = Failure;
                    return false;

            return true;

        private bool MatchesPredicate(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            Type t = expectedValue.GetType();
            Func<object, object, bool> predicate;

            if (_predicates.TryGetValue(t, out predicate))
                matches = predicate(expectedValue, actualValue);
                return false;
            return true;

        private bool MatchesVisited(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            var c = new VisitedComparison(expectedValue, actualValue);

            if (_visitedObjects.Contains(c))
                matches = true;
                return false;


            return true;

        private bool MatchesDictionary(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            if (expectedValue is IDictionary && actualValue is IDictionary)
                var expectedDictionary = (IDictionary)expectedValue;
                var actualDictionary = (IDictionary)actualValue;

                if (expectedDictionary.Count != actualDictionary.Count)
                    expectedDescription = expectedDictionary.Count + " item dictionary";
                    actualDescription = actualDictionary.Count + " item dictionary";
                    matches = Failure;
                    return false;

                foreach (DictionaryEntry expectedEntry in expectedDictionary)
                    if (!actualDictionary.Contains(expectedEntry.Key))
                        expectedDescription = expectedEntry.Key + " exists";
                        actualDescription = expectedEntry.Key + " does not exist";
                        matches = Failure;
                        return false;
                    if (CanRecurseFurther)
                        if (!Matches(expectedEntry.Value, actualDictionary[expectedEntry.Key]))
                            matches = Failure;
                            return false;
                matches = true;
                return false;
            return true;

        private bool MatchesList(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            if (!(expectedValue is IList && actualValue is IList))
                return true;

            var expectedList = (IList) expectedValue;
            var actualList = (IList) actualValue;

            if (!Matches(expectedList.Count, actualList.Count))
                matches = false;
                if (CanRecurseFurther)
                    int max = expectedList.Count;

                    if (max != 0 && !_withoutSort)

                    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)

                        if (!Matches(expectedList[i], actualList[i]))
                            matches = false;
                            return false;
                matches = true;
            return false;

        private void MatchesFields(object expectedValue, object actualValue, Constraint equalConstraint, ref bool matches)
            Type expectedType = expectedValue.GetType();

            FieldInfo[] fields = expectedType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            // should have passed the EqualConstraint check
            if (expectedType.IsPrimitive ||
                expectedType == typeof(string) ||
                expectedType == typeof(Guid) ||
                fields.Length == 0)
                failedEquality = equalConstraint;
                matches = Failure;

            if (expectedType == typeof(DateTime))
                var expectedDate = (DateTime)expectedValue;
                var actualDate = (DateTime)actualValue;

                if (Math.Abs((expectedDate - actualDate).TotalSeconds) > 3.0)
                    failedEquality = equalConstraint;
                    matches = Failure;
                matches = true;

            if (CanRecurseFurther)
                    foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
                        if (!Ignore(field))
                            if (!Matches(GetValue(field, expectedValue), GetValue(field, actualValue)))
                                matches = Failure;
                    expectedType = expectedType.BaseType;
                    if (expectedType == null)
                    fields = expectedType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            matches = true;

        private bool Ignore(FieldInfo field)
            if (_ignoredNames.Contains(field.Name) ||
                _ignoredTypes.Contains(field.FieldType) ||
                _globallyIgnoredNames.Contains(field.Name) ||
                _globallyIgnoredTypes.Contains(field.FieldType) ||
                field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (IgnoreContentsAttribute), false).Length != 0)
                return true;

            foreach(string ignoreSuffix in _ignoredSuffixes)
                if (field.Name.EndsWith(ignoreSuffix))
                    return true;

            foreach (Type ignoredInterface in _ignoredInterfaces)
                if (ignoredInterface.IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType))
                    return true;
            return false;

        private static bool Failure
                return false;

        private static bool IsNullEquivalent(object value)
            return value == null ||
                    value == DBNull.Value ||
                   (value is int && (int) value == int.MinValue) ||
                   (value is double && (double) value == double.MinValue) ||
                   (value is DateTime && (DateTime) value == DateTime.MinValue) ||
                   (value is Guid && (Guid) value == Guid.Empty) ||
                   (value is IList && ((IList)value).Count == 0);

        private static object GetValue(FieldInfo field, object source)
                return field.GetValue(source);
            catch(Exception ex)
                return ex;

        public override void WriteMessageTo(MessageWriter writer)
            if (TypePath.Length != 0)
                writer.WriteLine("Failure on " + TypePath);

            if (failedEquality != null)
        public override void WriteDescriptionTo(MessageWriter writer)

        public override void WriteActualValueTo(MessageWriter writer)

        private string TypePath
                if (typePathExpanded == null)
                    string[] p = typePath.ToArray();
                    var text = new StringBuilder(128);
                    bool isFirst = true;
                    foreach(string part in p)
                        if (isFirst)
                            isFirst = false;
                            int i;
                            if (int.TryParse(part, out i))
                                text.Append("[" + part + "]");
                                text.Append("." + part);
                    typePathExpanded = text.ToString();
                return typePathExpanded;

        private bool CanRecurseFurther
                return typePath.Count < _maxRecursion;

        private static bool SafeSort(IList list)
            if (list == null)
                return false;

            if (list.Count < 2)
                return true;

                object first = FirstNonNull(list) as IComparable;
                if (first == null)
                    return false;

                if (list is Array)
                    return true;
                return CallIfExists(list, "Sort");
                return false;

        private static object FirstNonNull(IEnumerable enumerable)
            if (enumerable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("enumerable");
            foreach (object item in enumerable)
                if (item != null)
                    return item;
            return null;

        private static bool CallIfExists(object instance, string method)
            if (instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("instance");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("method");
            Type target = instance.GetType();
            MethodInfo m = target.GetMethod(method, new Type[0]);
            if (m != null)
                m.Invoke(instance, null);
                return true;
            return false;

        #region VisitedComparison Helper

        private class VisitedComparison
            private readonly object _expected;
            private readonly object _actual;

            public VisitedComparison(object expected, object actual)
                _expected = expected;
                _actual = actual;

            public override int GetHashCode()
                return GetHashCode(_expected) ^ GetHashCode(_actual);

            private static int GetHashCode(object o)
                if (o == null)
                    return 0;
                return o.GetHashCode();

            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (obj == null)
                    return false;

                if (obj.GetType() != typeof(VisitedComparison))
                    return false;

                var other = (VisitedComparison) obj;
                return _expected == other._expected &&
                       _actual == other._actual;


        #region RegionalIgnoreTracker Helper

        private class RegionalIgnoreTracker : IDisposable
            private readonly string _fieldName;
            private readonly Type _fieldType;

            public RegionalIgnoreTracker(string fieldName)
                if (!_globallyIgnoredNames.Add(fieldName))
                    _fieldName = fieldName;

            public RegionalIgnoreTracker(Type fieldType)
                if (!_globallyIgnoredTypes.Add(fieldType))
                    _fieldType = fieldType;

            public void Dispose()
                if (_fieldName != null)
                if (_fieldType != null)


        #region RegionalWithinTracker Helper

        private class RegionalWithinTracker : IDisposable
            public RegionalWithinTracker(object tolerance)
                _regionalTolerance = tolerance;

            public void Dispose()
                _regionalTolerance = null;


        #region IgnoreContentsAttribute

        public sealed class IgnoreContentsAttribute : Attribute

    public class DatesEqualConstraint : EqualConstraint
        private readonly object _expected;

        public DatesEqualConstraint(object expectedValue) : base(expectedValue)
            _expected = expectedValue;

        public override bool Matches(object actualValue)
            if (tolerance != null && tolerance is TimeSpan)
                if (_expected is DateTime && actualValue is DateTime)
                    var expectedDate = (DateTime) _expected;
                    var actualDate = (DateTime) actualValue;
                    var toleranceSpan = (TimeSpan) tolerance;

                    if ((actualDate - expectedDate).Duration() <= toleranceSpan)
                        return true;
                tolerance = null;
            return base.Matches(actualValue);

您提供的代码缺少 DatesEqualConstraint() 方法以及所有相关方法(例如 .Within())。 - Daniel T.
@Daniel T.,当时我没有评论,但在你的评论后我添加了DatesEqualConstraint到答案中。 - Samuel Neff
代码中的“tolerance”变量不存在。已更新,但不是很准确。 - Tom Mayfield
@Thomas G. Mayfield,tolerance 在 NUnit 框架的父类 Constraint 中声明。 - Samuel Neff
@Thomas G. Mayfield,看起来tolerance在NUnit 2.5中被移除了。上面的代码是针对NUnit 2.4.6编写的。它需要稍微修改一下才能与NUnit 2.5一起使用(他们确实经常改变API)。 - Samuel Neff



public static Boolean ObjectMatches(Object x, Object y)
    if (x == null && y == null)
        return true;
    else if ((x == null && y != null) || (x != null && y == null))
        return false;       

    Type tx = x.GetType();
    Type ty = y.GetType();

    if (tx != ty)
        return false;

    foreach(FieldInfo field in tx.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
        if (field.FieldType.IsValueType && (field.GetValue(x).ToString() != field.GetValue(y).ToString()))
            return false;
        else if (field.FieldType.IsClass && !ObjectMatches(field.GetValue(x), field.GetValue(y)))
            return false;               

    return true;

经验表明,处理深层对象时可能会变得非常棘手,特别是在比较子集合时。 - Marc Gravell
这并不意味着这是一个糟糕的解决方案。对于大多数情况,这种方法运作得相当不错。 - ChaosPandion
没错,当我运行这个程序时,我会遇到集合方面的问题。此外,它没有内置的循环检测 - 这种方法适用于单向树,而不适用于通用图形。 - blueberryfields
您还需要定义对象如何进行递归比较,可以通过调用Equal、IComparable或自定义比较方式来实现。列表和字典的比较并不是简单的。而且在实际情况中,总会有一些例外,您希望忽略某些字段。 - Stefan Steinegger
是的,你说得对 - Jesse上面链接的www.kellermansoftware.com上的代码似乎可以正确处理所有事情。 - blueberryfields
是的,这个答案至少应该附带一个关于哪些用例没有被处理的警告。此外,在具有“NotImplementedExceptions”的属性中,这段代码会发生什么?(无法记住使用此“BindingFlags”设置包含什么和不包含什么。) - Johny Skovdal



using KellermanSoftware.CompareNetObjects;
using System;

namespace MyProgram.UnitTestHelper
  public class ObjectComparer

    public static bool ObjectsHaveSameValues(object first, object second)
      CompareLogic cl = new CompareLogic();
      ComparisonResult result = cl.Compare(first, second);

      if (!result.AreEqual)

      return result.AreEqual;



public static class TestHelper
    public static void AssertAreEqual(Object expected, Object actual, String name)
        // Start a new check with an empty list of actual objects checked
        // The list of actual objects checked is used to ensure that circular references don't result in infinite recursion
        List<Object> actualObjectsChecked = new List<Object>();
        AssertAreEqual(expected, actual, name, actualObjectsChecked);

    private static void AssertAreEqual(Object expected, Object actual, String name, List<Object> actualObjectsChecked)
        // Just return if already checked the actual object
        if (actualObjectsChecked.Contains(actual))


        // If both expected and actual are null, they are considered equal
        if (expected == null && actual == null)

        if (expected == null && actual != null)
            Assert.Fail(String.Format("The actual value of {0} was not null when null was expected.", name));

        if (expected != null && actual == null)
            Assert.Fail(String.Format("The actual value of {0} was null when an instance was expected.", name));

        // Get / check type info
        // Note: GetType always returns instantiated (i.e. most derived) type
        Type expectedType = expected.GetType();
        Type actualType = actual.GetType();
        if (expectedType != actualType)
            Assert.Fail(String.Format("The actual type of {0} was not the same as the expected type.", name));

        // If expected is a Primitive, Value, or IEquatable type, assume Equals is sufficient to check
        // Note: Every IEquatable type should have also overridden Object.Equals
        if (expectedType.IsPrimitive || expectedType.IsValueType || expectedType.IsIEquatable())
            Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(actual), "The actual {0} is not equal to the expected.", name);

        // If expected is an IEnumerable type, assume comparing enumerated items is sufficient to check
        IEnumerable<Object> expectedEnumerable = expected as IEnumerable<Object>;
        IEnumerable<Object> actualEnumerable = actual as IEnumerable<Object>;
        if ((expectedEnumerable != null) && (actualEnumerable != null))
            Int32 actualEnumerableCount = actualEnumerable.Count();
            Int32 expectedEnumerableCount = expectedEnumerable.Count();

            // Check size first
            if (actualEnumerableCount != expectedEnumerableCount)
                Assert.Fail(String.Format("The actual number of enumerable items in {0} did not match the expected number.", name));

            // Check items in order, assuming order is the same
            for (int i = 0; i < actualEnumerableCount; ++i)
                AssertAreEqual(expectedEnumerable.ElementAt(i), actualEnumerable.ElementAt(i), String.Format("{0}[{1}]", name, i), actualObjectsChecked);


        // If expected is not a Primitive, Value, IEquatable, or Ienumerable type, assume comparing properties is sufficient to check
        // Iterate through properties
        foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in actualType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
            // Skip properties that can't be read or require parameters
            if ((!propertyInfo.CanRead) || (propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length != 0))

            // Get properties from both
            Object actualProperty = propertyInfo.GetValue(actual, null);
            Object expectedProperty = propertyInfo.GetValue(expected, null);

            AssertAreEqual(expectedProperty, actualProperty, String.Format("{0}.{1}", name, propertyInfo.Name), actualObjectsChecked);

    public static Boolean IsIEquatable(this Type type)
        return type.GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEquatable<>));


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