

我想找到TabLayout中的一个选项卡的视图,以便将它传递给另一个函数。我不知道如何找到这个视图。 myTabLayout.getTabAt(0).getCustomView()返回 null。


TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) rootView.findViewById(R.id.tab_layout_main);

viewPager = (ViewPager) rootView.findViewById(R.id.pager_main);
pagerAdapter = new MyPagerAdapter(getActivity(), getChildFragmentManager(), tabLayout.getTabCount());



mainTab = ((ViewGroup) tabLayout.getChildAt(0)).getChildAt(desiredPosition);


好的,这很有帮助。谢谢。 - kushpf
虽然这对我来说可行,但在生产应用程序中使用之前,我会犹豫一下。如果谷歌改变了Tab布局功能,它可能会在未来带来一些麻烦。由于它大多是私有的,这种情况相当可能发生。 - fawaad
如何获取TextView?我需要在onCreate中更改样式。 - filthy_wizard

    TabLayout tabLayout = .... (findview or code creation )
    /** get selected tab index */
    int selectedTabPosition = tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition();
    /** get tab for selected index or if u want any other tab set desired index */
    TabLayout.Tab tabAt = tabLayout.getTabAt(selectedTabPosition);
    /** get view - but first u need set custom view on tabl via Tab.setCustomView(View) */
    View tabView = tabAt.getCustomView():


  • 如果您使用ViewPager填充TabLayout,请首先检查视图是否已布置:)。 如果没有,请为ViewPager设置onLayoutChangedListener,然后设置页码器!


* A tab in this layout. Instances can be created via {@link #newTab()}.
public static final class Tab {
     * An invalid position for a tab.
     * @see #getPosition()
    public static final int INVALID_POSITION = -1;
    private Object mTag;
    private Drawable mIcon;
    private CharSequence mText;
    private CharSequence mContentDesc;
    private int mPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
    private View mCustomView;
    private final TabLayout mParent;

    Tab(TabLayout parent) {
        mParent = parent;

     * @return This Tab's tag object.
    public Object getTag() {
        return mTag;

     * Give this Tab an arbitrary object to hold for later use.
     * @param tag Object to store
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setTag(@Nullable Object tag) {
        mTag = tag;
        return this;

     * Returns the custom view used for this tab.
     * @see #setCustomView(View)
     * @see #setCustomView(int)
    public View getCustomView() {
        return mCustomView;

     * Set a custom view to be used for this tab.
     * <p>
     * If the provided view contains a {@link TextView} with an ID of
     * {@link android.R.id#text1} then that will be updated with the value given
     * to {@link #setText(CharSequence)}. Similarly, if this layout contains an
     * {@link ImageView} with ID {@link android.R.id#icon} then it will be updated with
     * the value given to {@link #setIcon(Drawable)}.
     * </p>
     * @param view Custom view to be used as a tab.
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setCustomView(@Nullable View view) {
        mCustomView = view;
        if (mPosition >= 0) {
        return this;

     * Set a custom view to be used for this tab.
     * <p>
     * If the inflated layout contains a {@link TextView} with an ID of
     * {@link android.R.id#text1} then that will be updated with the value given
     * to {@link #setText(CharSequence)}. Similarly, if this layout contains an
     * {@link ImageView} with ID {@link android.R.id#icon} then it will be updated with
     * the value given to {@link #setIcon(Drawable)}.
     * </p>
     * @param layoutResId A layout resource to inflate and use as a custom tab view
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setCustomView(@LayoutRes int layoutResId) {
        return setCustomView(
                LayoutInflater.from(mParent.getContext()).inflate(layoutResId, null));

     * Return the icon associated with this tab.
     * @return The tab's icon
    public Drawable getIcon() {
        return mIcon;

     * Return the current position of this tab in the action bar.
     * @return Current position, or {@link #INVALID_POSITION} if this tab is not currently in
     * the action bar.
    public int getPosition() {
        return mPosition;

    void setPosition(int position) {
        mPosition = position;

     * Return the text of this tab.
     * @return The tab's text
    public CharSequence getText() {
        return mText;

     * Set the icon displayed on this tab.
     * @param icon The drawable to use as an icon
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setIcon(@Nullable Drawable icon) {
        mIcon = icon;
        if (mPosition >= 0) {
        return this;

     * Set the icon displayed on this tab.
     * @param resId A resource ID referring to the icon that should be displayed
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setIcon(@DrawableRes int resId) {
        return setIcon(TintManager.getDrawable(mParent.getContext(), resId));

     * Set the text displayed on this tab. Text may be truncated if there is not room to display
     * the entire string.
     * @param text The text to display
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setText(@Nullable CharSequence text) {
        mText = text;
        if (mPosition >= 0) {
        return this;

     * Set the text displayed on this tab. Text may be truncated if there is not room to display
     * the entire string.
     * @param resId A resource ID referring to the text that should be displayed
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
    public Tab setText(@StringRes int resId) {
        return setText(mParent.getResources().getText(resId));

     * Select this tab. Only valid if the tab has been added to the action bar.
    public void select() {

     * Returns true if this tab is currently selected.
    public boolean isSelected() {
        return mParent.getSelectedTabPosition() == mPosition;

     * Set a description of this tab's content for use in accessibility support. If no content
     * description is provided the title will be used.
     * @param resId A resource ID referring to the description text
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
     * @see #setContentDescription(CharSequence)
     * @see #getContentDescription()
    public Tab setContentDescription(@StringRes int resId) {
        return setContentDescription(mParent.getResources().getText(resId));

     * Set a description of this tab's content for use in accessibility support. If no content
     * description is provided the title will be used.
     * @param contentDesc Description of this tab's content
     * @return The current instance for call chaining
     * @see #setContentDescription(int)
     * @see #getContentDescription()
    public Tab setContentDescription(@Nullable CharSequence contentDesc) {
        mContentDesc = contentDesc;
        if (mPosition >= 0) {
        return this;

     * Gets a brief description of this tab's content for use in accessibility support.
     * @return Description of this tab's content
     * @see #setContentDescription(CharSequence)
     * @see #setContentDescription(int)
    public CharSequence getContentDescription() {
        return mContentDesc;


private final SlidingTabStrip mTabStrip;


不幸的是,这只会给我“Tab”,而不是与选项卡相关联的视图。 - NSouth
@NSouth - 标签布局 - 是指页面内容上方的内容吗?页面内容是片段 - 您想要页面内容还是标签内容?请参见编辑 - ceph3us
谢谢,这是非常有用的回答。是的,我想要选项卡的视图(而不是分页器片段内容)。这是我发现可行的方法,但我不确定它是否是最佳实践。mainTab = ((ViewGroup) tabLayout.getChildAt(0)).getChildAt(0);。我无法使用getCustomView(),因为我从未设置自定义视图。但是,如果需要,我可以扩展我的自己的类。 - NSouth
getCustomView() 返回 mCustomView,除非您之前分配了它,否则它将为 null。 - GuillermoMP





我想到了这种情况,但我不想使用自定义视图。我想要使用默认视图。 - NSouth




示例- 要获取tabLayout中第一个选项卡的视图,请使用tabLayout.getTabAt(0).view

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的