如何在VB .NET中计算目录大小的最佳方法?


我需要在VB .Net中计算目录大小。


方法1:来自MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.directory.aspx

' 以下示例计算目录及其子目录(如果有)的大小,并显示以字节为单位的总大小。

Imports System
Imports System.IO

Public Class ShowDirSize

Public Shared Function DirSize(ByVal d As DirectoryInfo) As Long
    Dim Size As Long = 0
    ' Add file sizes.
    Dim fis As FileInfo() = d.GetFiles()
    Dim fi As FileInfo
    For Each fi In fis
        Size += fi.Length
    Next fi
    ' Add subdirectory sizes.
    Dim dis As DirectoryInfo() = d.GetDirectories()
    Dim di As DirectoryInfo
    For Each di In dis
        Size += DirSize(di)
    Next di
    Return Size
End Function 'DirSize

Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
    If args.Length <> 1 Then
        Console.WriteLine("You must provide a directory argument at the command line.")
        Dim d As New DirectoryInfo(args(0))
        Dim dsize As Long = DirSize(d)
        Console.WriteLine("The size of {0} and its subdirectories is {1} bytes.", d, dsize)
    End If
End Sub 'Main
End Class 'ShowDirSize


Dim size As Int64 = (From strFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(strFolder, _
              FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories) _
              Select New System.IO.FileInfo(strFile).Length).Sum()






private static long DirSize(string sourceDir, bool recurse) 
    long size = 0; 
    string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir); 

    foreach (string fileName in fileEntries) 
        Interlocked.Add(ref size, (new FileInfo(fileName)).Length); 

    if (recurse) 
        string[] subdirEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir); 

        Parallel.For<long>(0, subdirEntries.Length, () => 0, (i, loop, subtotal) => 
            if ((File.GetAttributes(subdirEntries[i]) & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) != FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) 
                subtotal += DirSize(subdirEntries[i], true); 
                return subtotal; 
            return 0; 
            (x) => Interlocked.Add(ref size, x) 
    return size; 




Public Class Form1
Dim TotalSize As Long = 0
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    TotalSize = 0 'Reset the counter
    Dim TheSize As Long = GetDirSize("C:\Test")
    MsgBox(FormatNumber(TheSize, 0) & " Bytes" & vbCr & _
           FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024, 1) & " Kilobytes" & vbCr & _
           FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024 / 1024, 1) & " Megabytes" & vbCr & _
           FormatNumber(TheSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 1) & " Gigabytes")
End Sub
Public Function GetDirSize(RootFolder As String) As Long
    Dim FolderInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(RootFolder)
    For Each File In FolderInfo.GetFiles : TotalSize += File.Length
    For Each SubFolderInfo In FolderInfo.GetDirectories : GetDirSize(SubFolderInfo.FullName)
    Return TotalSize
End Function
End Class

@Magicprog.fr,循环很棒。你能告诉我在这里重置计数器的技巧是什么吗?为什么它仍然返回所有子文件夹的正确文件夹大小?我就是不明白… - LuckyLuke82
@LuckyLuke82 冒号操作符允许您在不按回车键的情况下假装有另一行,因此它会添加每个文件的大小,然后递归地添加每个子目录中的文件...尽管他们忘记将子目录的大小加入总大小:) - seadoggie01


非常感谢@Jamie提供的代码和@Mathiasfk的VB.net翻译。我将其用于自己的备份程序,该程序在默认设置下仅备份整个配置文件夹,这是一段能够理解连接点并读取更或多或少正确大小的代码。至少对于备份而言是可以的。 :-)


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Public Function GetFolderSize(ByVal path As String, Optional recurse As Boolean = True) As Long
    Dim totalSize As Long = 0

        Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(path)
        Parallel.For(0, files.Length,
               Sub(index As Integer)
                   Dim fi As New FileInfo(files(index))
                   Dim size As Long = fi.Length
                   Interlocked.Add(totalSize, size)
               End Sub)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

        If recurse Then
            Dim subDirs() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(path)
            Dim subTotal As Long = 0
            Parallel.For(0, subDirs.Length,
                   Function(index As Integer)
                       If (File.GetAttributes(subDirs(index)) And FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) <> FileAttributes.ReparsePoint Then
                           Interlocked.Add(subTotal, GetFolderSize(subDirs(index), True))
                           Return subTotal
                       End If
                       Return 0
                   End Function)
            Interlocked.Add(totalSize, subTotal)
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

    Return totalSize
End Function



Imports System.IO

Public Class FolderSizeCalculator
    Public Shared Function GetFolderSize(ByVal folderPath As String) As Long
        Dim size As Long = 0
            Dim files As String() = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
            For Each file As String In files
                Dim fileInfo As New FileInfo(file)
                size += fileInfo.Length
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' Handle any exceptions that may occur
        End Try
        Return size
    End Function
End Class

Dim folderSize As Long = FolderSizeCalculator.GetFolderSize("C:\MyFolder")
Console.WriteLine("Folder size: " & folderSize & " bytes")

请注意,如果运行应用程序的用户没有读取文件夹或子文件夹的权限,则此方法将失败,您可以通过使用try catch块来处理该问题。



Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO

Public Function GetDirectorySize(ByVal path As String, Optional recurse As Boolean = False) As Long
    Dim totalSize As Long = 0
    Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(path)
    Parallel.For(0, files.Length,
                   Sub(index As Integer)
                     Dim fi As New FileInfo(files(index))
                     Dim size As Long = fi.Length
                     Interlocked.Add(totalSize, size)
                   End Sub)

    If recurse Then
        Dim subDirs() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(path)
        Dim subTotal As Long = 0
        Parallel.For(0, subDirs.Length,
                       Function(index As Integer)
                         If (File.GetAttributes(subDirs(index)) And FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) <> FileAttributes.ReparsePoint Then
                           Interlocked.Add(subTotal, GetDirectorySize(subDirs(index), True))
                           Return subTotal
                         End If
                         Return 0
                       End Function)
      Interlocked.Add(totalSize, subTotal)
    End If

    Return totalSize
End Function

无法编译。未定义 Interlocked - stigzler
@stigzler 它被定义在 System.Threading 中。请查看更新的答案。 - mathiasfk



它将在消息框中显示所选内容的大小。 为了使其正常工作,您需要在表单中使用FolderBrowserDialog

Class Form1

Private Sub form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        If (FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
        Else : End
        End If
        Dim dInfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
        Dim sizeOfDir As Long = DirectorySize(dInfo, True)
        MsgBox("Showing Directory size of " & FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath _
               & vbNewLine & "Directory size in Bytes : " & "Bytes " & sizeOfDir _
               & vbNewLine & "Directory size in KB : " & "KB " & Math.Round(sizeOfDir / 1024, 3) _
               & vbNewLine & "Directory size in MB : " & "MB " & Math.Round(sizeOfDir / (1024 * 1024), 3) _
               & vbNewLine & "Directory size in GB : " & "GB " & Math.Round(sizeOfDir / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 3))
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

Private Function DirectorySize(ByVal dInfo As IO.DirectoryInfo, ByVal includeSubDir As Boolean) As Long
    Dim totalSize As Long = dInfo.EnumerateFiles().Sum(Function(file) file.Length)
    If includeSubDir Then totalSize += dInfo.EnumerateDirectories().Sum(Function(dir) DirectorySize(dir, True))
    Return totalSize
End Function

End Class



    Dim fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim profile = fso.GetFolder("folder_path")
    MsgBox(profile.Size / 1073741824)

Public Function GetFolderSize(TargetFolder As String) As ULong

    Dim DirObject As New IO.DirectoryInfo(TargetFolder)
    Dim FolderBytes As ULong = 0

    For Each FileObject As IO.FileInfo In DirObject.GetFiles

        FolderBytes += FileObject.Length


    For Each NextDir As IO.DirectoryInfo In DirObject.GetDirectories

        FolderBytes += GetFolderSize(NextDir.FullName)


    Return FolderBytes

End Function

' Example: Console.WriteLine(ForHumans(GetFolderSize(TargetFolder))

Public Function ForHumans(ByteSize As ULong) As String

    Dim OneKB As ULong = 2 ^ 10
    Dim OneMB As ULong = 2 ^ 20
    Dim OneGB As ULong = 2 ^ 30
    Dim OneTB As ULong = 2 ^ 40

    Dim TwentyKB As ULong = OneKB * 20
    Dim TwentyMB As ULong = OneMB * 20
    Dim TwentyGB As ULong = OneGB * 20
    Dim TwentyTB As ULong = OneTB * 20

    If ByteSize > TwentyTB Then
        Return AddCommas(ByteSize \ OneTB) & " TB"
    ElseIf ByteSize > TwentyGB Then
        Return AddCommas(ByteSize \ OneGB) & " GB"
    ElseIf ByteSize > TwentyMB Then
        Return AddCommas(ByteSize \ OneMB) & " MB"
    ElseIf ByteSize > TwentyKB Then
        Return AddCommas(ByteSize \ OneKB) & " KB"
        Return AddCommas(ByteSize) & " bytes"
    End If

End Function

Public Function AddCommas(InputNumber As ULong) As String

    Dim I As String = InputNumber.ToString

    If I.Length > 6 Then
        Return I.Substring(0, I.Length - 6) & "," & I.Substring(I.Length - 6, 3) & "," & I.Substring(I.Length - 3)
    ElseIf I.Length > 3 Then
         Return I.Substring(0, I.Length - 3) & "," & I.Substring(I.Length - 3)
        Return I
    End If

End Function

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