


应该在SU上提问,但很可能会被关闭,因为它是类似于的重复问题。 - Alexei Levenkov
DOS不支持多处理器。如果你在谈论Windows命令行批处理文件,那么请使用“start /affinity”,有很多例子。无论如何,这不会加速任何东西,因为Windows自动使用额外的处理器。 - wOxxOm
你可以假装你的计算机正在运行一个适当的操作系统,并使用GNU Parallel... - Mark Setchell
在紧急情况下,一个超级hacky的方法是将文件分割并在它们上面运行多个批处理实例。我相信我会在下一条评论中听到这种方法有多糟糕。 - cliffclof

在Windows批处理文件中,您可以使用管道或start /b来进行多线程处理。
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "file1=%~1"

if NOT "%~2"=="" (
  start "Thread for %~2" /b "cmd /c %~f0 %~2"
  goto :startExtraThread

do my job with file1

假设我有一个程序myboxer.exe和一个文件block_base.dat。同时,假设该程序将文件从一种格式转换为另一种格式。在这种情况下,代码会是什么样子? - posfan12

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Multi-thread scheme in Batch files
rem Antonio Perez Ayala aka Aacini

set "myID=%~2"
if "%~1" neq "" goto %1

set "signal=X"
for /L %%i in (1,1,10) do set "signal=!signal!!signal!"

rem Create the list of start commands for the concurrent working threads
set "numThreads=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%"
set "threads="
del availableThread* 2> NUL
for /L %%i in (1,1,%numThreads%) do (
   set "threads=!threads! & start "" /B cmd /C "%~NX0" Thread %%i"
   > availableThread%%i echo %%i

echo Start of application
del requestForThread* 2> NUL
( %threads:~3% ) | "%~NX0" Main
echo End of application
goto :EOF


echo Main - started

rem Controlling code: process all files and assign each one to available threads
for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /A-D /B *.txt') do (

   rem Get the number of next available thread; waits for anyone, if necessary
   if not exist availableThread* (
      echo X > mainIsWaiting
      echo Main - waiting for an available thread
      set /P availableSignal=
      del mainIsWaiting

   set "nextThread="
   for %%t in (availableThread*) do if not defined nextThread (
      set /P "nextThread=" < %%t
      del %%t

   if not defined nextThread (
      echo SYNCHRO FAILED^^!
      goto waitThreadsEnds

   rem Assign the next file to the available thread
   echo %%f> requestForThread!nextThread!
   echo Main - file "%%f" assigned to thread #!nextThread!


echo Main - all files sent to processing

rem Wait until all threads ends their tasks
   set availableThreads=0
   for %%t in (availableThread*) do set /A availableThreads+=1
if %availableThreads% lss %numThreads% goto :waitThreadsEnds
del availableThread*

rem Send "exit" signals to all threads
for /L %%i in (1,1,%numThreads%) do echo exit> requestForThread%%i
echo Main - end
goto :EOF


rem Wait until a request for this thread appear
if not exist requestForThread%myID% goto Thread
set "request="
set /P "request=" < requestForThread%myID%
if not defined request goto Thread
del requestForThread%myID%
if "%request%" equ "exit" goto :EOF

rem Process the file
echo %time% - Thread #%myID% start: "%request%" > CON
set /A seconds=6+%random:~-1%
ping localhost -n %seconds% > NUL
echo %time% - Thread #%myID% end:   "%request%" > CON

rem Inform that this thread is available for other task
> availableThread%myID% echo %myID%
if exist mainIsWaiting echo %signal:~0,1021%

goto Thread

有关此解决方案中使用的方法的进一步说明,请参见this post

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