
c.Click += new EventHandler(mainFormButton_Click);


c.Click += mainFormButton_Click;


c.Click -= mainFormButton_Click;


如果有人来到这里寻找一个WPF解决方案,你可能想看一下这个答案 - Douglas
你可以直接将 c.Click 设置为 null 吗? - alexania
这是我认为过于复杂的事情之一。一个简单的“Clear”方法显然需要太多的努力。 - Zimano
在.NET 4.5中,如果List.Count > 2,例如您尝试删除第一个委托InvocatorList [0] == mainFormButton_Click...就像您所做的那样..它将删除所有这些委托。我认为这是一个错误! - Latency



public event EventHandler<Cles_graph_doivent_etre_redessines> les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines;
public void remove_event()
    if (this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines != null)
        foreach (EventHandler<Cles_graph_doivent_etre_redessines> F_les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines in this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines.GetInvocationList())
            this.les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines -= F_les_graph_doivent_etre_redessines;

上帝啊,编译器应该禁止那种变量名。将"graphs_must_be_redrawn"翻译成法语。 - theor
从法语翻译:foreach (EventHandler<MyCompletedArgs> handler in CompletionCompleted.GetInvocationList()) { CompletionCompleted -= handler; }翻译为:对于 CompletionCompleted 的所有调用委托,使用 foreach 循环遍历并将其从 CompletionCompleted 中移除。 - Anton K
@AntonK 的英语翻译很好。记得在属性处理程序上检查 null 值。 - Brett



EventHandlerList listaEventos;

private void btnDetach_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    listaEventos = DetachEvents(comboBox1);

private void btnAttach_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    AttachEvents(comboBox1, listaEventos);

public EventHandlerList DetachEvents(Component obj)
    object objNew = obj.GetType().GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { });
    PropertyInfo propEvents = obj.GetType().GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

    EventHandlerList eventHandlerList_obj = (EventHandlerList)propEvents.GetValue(obj, null);
    EventHandlerList eventHandlerList_objNew = (EventHandlerList)propEvents.GetValue(objNew, null);


    return eventHandlerList_objNew;

public void AttachEvents(Component obj, EventHandlerList eventos)
    PropertyInfo propEvents = obj.GetType().GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

    EventHandlerList eventHandlerList_obj = (EventHandlerList)propEvents.GetValue(obj, null);


这肯定比以前的答案更整洁。它做的事情完全一样吗?看起来是的,但也许我漏掉了什么。此外,为什么您需要创建一个新对象,而您想要的只是一个EventHandlerList?是否没有可访问的EventHandlerList c-tor,以便只能获取为Component内部构建的对象? - Michael

有点晚了,但我使用了这个链接,对我来说完美地发挥了作用:https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/103542/Removing-Event-Handlers-using-Reflection 这段代码的美妙之处在于它适用于所有WFP、Forms和Xamarin Forms。我用它来做Xamarin。请注意,您只需要使用Reflection这种方式,如果您不拥有此事件(例如某个库代码,在某些您不关心的事件上崩溃)。
    static Dictionary<Type, List<FieldInfo>> dicEventFieldInfos = new Dictionary<Type, List<FieldInfo>>();

    static BindingFlags AllBindings
        get { return BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static; }

    static void BuildEventFields(Type t, List<FieldInfo> lst)
        foreach (EventInfo ei in t.GetEvents(AllBindings))
            Type dt = ei.DeclaringType;
            FieldInfo fi = dt.GetField(ei.Name, AllBindings);
            if (fi != null)
    static List<FieldInfo> GetTypeEventFields(Type t)
        if (dicEventFieldInfos.ContainsKey(t))
            return dicEventFieldInfos[t];

        List<FieldInfo> lst = new List<FieldInfo>();
        BuildEventFields(t, lst);
        dicEventFieldInfos.Add(t, lst);
        return lst;
    static EventHandlerList GetStaticEventHandlerList(Type t, object obj)
        MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("get_Events", AllBindings);
        return (EventHandlerList)mi.Invoke(obj, new object[] { });
    public static void RemoveEventHandler(object obj, string EventName = "")
        if (obj == null)

        Type t = obj.GetType();
        List<FieldInfo> event_fields = GetTypeEventFields(t);
        EventHandlerList static_event_handlers = null;

        foreach (FieldInfo fi in event_fields)
            if (EventName != "" && string.Compare(EventName, fi.Name, true) != 0)
            var eventName = fi.Name;
            // After hours and hours of research and trial and error, it turns out that
            // STATIC Events have to be treated differently from INSTANCE Events...
            if (fi.IsStatic)
                // STATIC EVENT
                if (static_event_handlers == null)
                    static_event_handlers = GetStaticEventHandlerList(t, obj);

                object idx = fi.GetValue(obj);
                Delegate eh = static_event_handlers[idx];
                if (eh == null)

                Delegate[] dels = eh.GetInvocationList();
                if (dels == null)

                EventInfo ei = t.GetEvent(eventName, AllBindings);
                foreach (Delegate del in dels)
                    ei.RemoveEventHandler(obj, del);
                // INSTANCE EVENT
                EventInfo ei = t.GetEvent(eventName, AllBindings);
                if (ei != null)
                    object val = fi.GetValue(obj);
                    Delegate mdel = (val as Delegate);
                    if (mdel != null)
                        foreach (Delegate del in mdel.GetInvocationList())
                            ei.RemoveEventHandler(obj, del);

示例用法:RemoveEventHandler(obj, "Focused");

有时候我们不得不使用第三方控件,并需要构建这些尴尬的解决方案。基于@Anoop Muraleedharan的答案,我创建了这个支持推断类型和ToolStripItem的解决方案。
    public static void RemoveItemEvents<T>(this T target, string eventName) 
        where T : ToolStripItem
        RemoveObjectEvents<T>(target, eventName);

    public static void RemoveControlEvents<T>(this T target, string eventName)
        where T : Control
        RemoveObjectEvents<T>(target, eventName);

    private static void RemoveObjectEvents<T>(T target, string Event) where T : class
        var typeOfT = typeof(T);
        var fieldInfo = typeOfT.BaseType.GetField(
            Event, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        var provertyValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(target);
        var propertyInfo = typeOfT.GetProperty(
            "Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        var eventHandlerList = (EventHandlerList)propertyInfo.GetValue(target, null);
        eventHandlerList.RemoveHandler(provertyValue, eventHandlerList[provertyValue]);


    var toolStripButton = new ToolStripButton();

    var button = new Button();


移除按钮的所有处理程序: save.RemoveEvents();

public static class EventExtension
    public static void RemoveEvents<T>(this T target) where T : Control
       var propInfo = typeof(T).GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        var list = (EventHandlerList)propInfo.GetValue(target, null);



  /// <summary>
  /// Method to remove a (single) SocketAsyncEventArgs.Completed event handler. This is 
  /// partially based on information found here: https://dev59.com/LHVD5IYBdhLWcg3wGHiu#91853
  /// But note that this may not be a good idea, being very .Net implementation-dependent. Note 
  /// in particular use of "m_Completed" instead of "Completed".
  /// </summary>
  private static void RemoveCompletedEventHandler(SocketAsyncEventArgs eventArgs)
     FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(SocketAsyncEventArgs).GetField("m_Completed", 
                                                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
     eventArgs.Completed -= (EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>)fieldInfo.GetValue(eventArgs);



EventDescriptor ed = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(this.button1).Find("MouseDown",true);            
Delegate delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventHandler), this, "button1_MouseDownClicked");
    ed.RemoveEventHandler(this.button1, delegate);

你可以这样做:this.button1.MouseDown -= Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventHandler), this, "button1_MouseDownClicked")。但是,这并不能解决问题,即如何找到要删除的委托,特别是如果它们是内联的。 - Softlion



// This class allows you to selectively suppress event handlers for controls.  You instantiate
// the suppressor object with the control, and after that you can use it to suppress all events
// or a single event.  If you try to suppress an event which has already been suppressed
// it will be ignored.  Same with resuming; you can resume all events which were suppressed,
// or a single one.  If you try to resume an un-suppressed event handler, it will be ignored.

//cEventSuppressor _supButton1 = null;
//private cEventSuppressor SupButton1 {
//    get {
//        if (_supButton1 == null) {
//            _supButton1 = new cEventSuppressor(this.button1);
//        }
//        return _supButton1;
//    }
//private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//    MessageBox.Show("Clicked!");

//private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//    SupButton1.Suppress("button1_Click");

//private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//    SupButton1.Resume("button1_Click");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace Crystal.Utilities {
    public class cEventSuppressor {
        Control _source;
        EventHandlerList _sourceEventHandlerList;
        FieldInfo _headFI;
        Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> suppressedHandlers = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();
        PropertyInfo _sourceEventsInfo;
        Type _eventHandlerListType;
        Type _sourceType;

        public cEventSuppressor(Control control) {
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("control", "An instance of a control must be provided.");

            _source = control;
            _sourceType = _source.GetType();
            _sourceEventsInfo = _sourceType.GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            _sourceEventHandlerList = (EventHandlerList)_sourceEventsInfo.GetValue(_source, null);
            _eventHandlerListType = _sourceEventHandlerList.GetType();
            _headFI = _eventHandlerListType.GetField("head", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        private Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> BuildList() {
            Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> retval = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();
            object head = _headFI.GetValue(_sourceEventHandlerList);
            if (head != null) {
                Type listEntryType = head.GetType();
                FieldInfo delegateFI = listEntryType.GetField("handler", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                FieldInfo keyFI = listEntryType.GetField("key", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                FieldInfo nextFI = listEntryType.GetField("next", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                retval = BuildListWalk(retval, head, delegateFI, keyFI, nextFI);
            return retval;

        private Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> BuildListWalk(Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> dict,
                                    object entry, FieldInfo delegateFI, FieldInfo keyFI, FieldInfo nextFI) {
            if (entry != null) {
                Delegate dele = (Delegate)delegateFI.GetValue(entry);
                object key = keyFI.GetValue(entry);
                object next = nextFI.GetValue(entry);

                if (dele != null) {
                    Delegate[] listeners = dele.GetInvocationList();
                    if (listeners != null && listeners.Length > 0) {
                        dict.Add(key, listeners);
                if (next != null) {
                    dict = BuildListWalk(dict, next, delegateFI, keyFI, nextFI);
            return dict;
        public void Resume() {
        public void Resume(string pMethodName) {
            //if (_handlers == null)
            //    throw new ApplicationException("Events have not been suppressed.");
            Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> toRemove = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();

            // goes through all handlers which have been suppressed.  If we are resuming,
            // all handlers, or if we find the matching handler, add it back to the
            // control's event handlers
            foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in suppressedHandlers) {

                for (int x = 0; x < pair.Value.Length; x++) {

                    string methodName = pair.Value[x].Method.Name;
                    if (pMethodName == null || methodName.Equals(pMethodName)) {
                        _sourceEventHandlerList.AddHandler(pair.Key, pair.Value[x]);
                        toRemove.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
            // remove all un-suppressed handlers from the list of suppressed handlers
            foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in toRemove) {
                for (int x = 0; x < pair.Value.Length; x++) {
            //_handlers = null;
        public void Suppress() {
        public void Suppress(string pMethodName) {
            //if (_handlers != null)
            //    throw new ApplicationException("Events are already being suppressed.");

            Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> dict = BuildList();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in dict) {
                for (int x = pair.Value.Length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
                    //MethodInfo mi = pair.Value[x].Method;
                    //string s1 = mi.Name; // name of the method
                    //object o = pair.Value[x].Target;
                    // can use this to invoke method    pair.Value[x].DynamicInvoke
                    string methodName = pair.Value[x].Method.Name;

                    if (pMethodName == null || methodName.Equals(pMethodName)) {
                        _sourceEventHandlerList.RemoveHandler(pair.Key, pair.Value[x]);
                        suppressedHandlers.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

这是一个复杂的解决方案,不应该在工业级软件中使用。最好的方法是如上所述:良好地管理您的事件订阅和取消订阅,就不会遇到这样的问题。 - Tri Q Tran
我同意我们不应该使用反射来取消事件绑定,事件的订阅和取消应该由应用程序管理。我认为在辩论中讨论的问题应该在调试时使用,以找出我们是否遗漏了什么。这对于正在重构的旧应用程序是必须的。 - Tiago Freitas Leal

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