


warning: calling a __host__ function("Iter<(bool)1> ::Iter [subobject]")
         from a __host__ __device__ function("Horizontal::Horizontal")
         is not allowed



#pragma hd_warning_disable





#pragma hd_warning_enable


test.cu:44:0: warning: ignoring #pragma 
hd_warning_enable  [-Wunknown-pragmas]
 #pragma hd_warning_enable

//#pragma hd_warning_disable

template<typename Lambda>
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction(const Lambda lambda)
    return lambda();

int deviceFunction()
    auto lambda = []() { return 0.0; };

    return hostDeviceFunction( lambda );

int hostFunction()
    auto lambda = []() { return 1.0; };

    return hostDeviceFunction( lambda );


test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(24): here
test.cu(7): warning: calling a __host__ function(" const") from a __host__ __device__ function("hostDeviceFunction< ::> ") is not allowed

您也可以考虑重构代码以避免警告,而不是将其抑制。个人而言,我会首先尝试这个选项。 - Jesper Juhl
@JesperJuhl 是的,我尝试过了,但没有成功。 - WilliamKF
#pragma 只会抑制它前面的一个函数的警告。至少对我来说是这样... - BlameTheBits

不需要像#pragma hd_warning_enable这样的东西,因为#pragma hd_warning_disable只影响其前面的函数。 似乎在任何文档中都找不到这个内容,但下面的示例表明了这种行为。
另外: 还有#pragma nv_exec_check_disable,流行的库已经迁移到该指令。 请参阅例如此对话
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

#pragma hd_warning_disable
//#pragma nv_exec_check_disable
template<typename Lambda>
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction1(const Lambda lambda)
    return lambda()*1.0;

int hostFunction1()
    auto lambda = []() { return 1.0; };  
    return hostDeviceFunction1( lambda );

template<typename Lambda>
__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction2(const Lambda lambda)
    return lambda()*2.0;

int hostFunction2()
    auto lambda = []() { return 2.0; };  
    return hostDeviceFunction2( lambda );

int main()           
  std::cout << "hostFunction1: " << hostFunction1() << std::endl;
  assert(hostFunction1() == 1.0);

  std::cout << "hostFunction2: " << hostFunction2() << std::endl;
  assert(hostFunction2() == 4.0);

  return 0;

$ nvcc pragma_test.cu 
pragma_test.cu(24): warning: calling a __host__ function from a __host__ __device__ function is not allowed
          detected during instantiation of "int hostDeviceFunction2(Lambda) [with Lambda=lambda []()->double]" 
(31): here

如果有人找到关于这些编译指示的文档,请告诉我们。此外,还有一个开放性问题与之相关。 - BlameTheBits
我已确认 #pragma nv_exec_check_disable 仅影响以下函数。 - WilliamKF
请注意,nv_exec_check_disablehd_warning_disable两个编译指示会导致我的nvcc 11.2生成错误的代码。这也在这里报告了 https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/pragma-hd-warning-disable-causes-nvcc-to-generate-incorrect-code-cuda-9-1/57755 。鉴于此,它们对我的情况没有用处,显示警告并具有工作代码似乎更可取。此外,--diag_suppress=20014在我的情况下无效(仍然显示警告)。 - alfC

template<typename Lambda>
constexpr int constexprFunction(Lambda&& lambda)
    return lambda();

int hostFunction()
    auto lambda = []() { return 1.0; };
    return constexprFunction( lambda );

__host__ __device__
int hostDeviceFunction()
    auto lambda = []() { return 0.0; };
    return constexprFunction( lambda );

与未记录的编译指示相比,这种方法的优点在于constexpr的效果已经被明确记录,虽然nvcc的确切行为仍未记录,并且其符合标准的程度不是100%。例如,上面的示例可以在C++14模式下使用nvcc 10.1.243,但在C++11中无法使用。如果您将函数的签名更改为constexpr int constexprFunction(const Lambda lambda),则警告仍会出现,因此--expt-relaxed-constexpr似乎并未在所有情况下都起作用。如果添加一个__device__函数,则无论如何都会导致错误:
int deviceFunction()
    auto lambda = []() { return 0.0; };
    return constexprFunction( lambda );

这些似乎在cuda 12/C++20中有所改变。我可以无问题地编译设备函数。 - tommsch

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