PlantUML - 更好的箭头和文本排列方式



skinparam linetype ortho
left to right direction

folder BASE {
    folder foo {
        component aaa
    folder bar {
        component bbb
        folder ENV {
              artifact ccc <<config>>
              artifact ddd <<db>>


folder lorem {
    folder ipsum {
        component eee
        component fff
        component ggg
    folder amet {
        component panel <<jar>>
    folder dolor {
        artifact hhh <<config>>

folder fox {
    folder jumps {
    artifact jjj <<document>>
    artifact kkk <<document>>
    artifact mmm<<document>>

    folder lazy {
        artifact context.txt

aaa --> context.txt : write
aaa --> bbb : launch
bbb --> hhh : read
bbb --> panel : launch
panel --> ccc : read
panel --> ddd : read

panel --> eee : run
panel --> fff : run
panel --> ggg : run

panel --> kkk : write
eee --> jjj : read
eee --> mmm: write

ggg --> jjj : write
ggg --> mmm: read


查看图片: enter image description here 是否有更好的方法来控制箭头和文本的位置? 例如,最小化箭头交叉并使文本更接近相应的箭头。

  • 使用 skinparam ArrowThickness 3 来加粗箭头或者在箭头上的文本中使用粗体字。
  • 尝试使用 skinparam linetype polyline
  • 将名称放在箭头的起始或结束位置,例如使用 panel "run" --> eee(将名称放在起始位置)或 panel --> "run" eee(将名称放在结束位置),而不是使用 panel --> eee : run
  • together {...} 中组合两个包(就像一个隐藏的矩形,可以增加更多的空间)。
  • 切换 left to right direction 指令(带有注释)。
skinparam linetype polyline
'left to right direction

skinparam Arrow {
    MessageAlignment left
    Thickness 3
    FontStyle Bold
    Color Blue

folder BASE {
    folder foo {
        component aaa
    folder bar {
        component bbb
        folder ENV {
              artifact ccc <<config>>
              artifact ddd <<db>>


folder lorem {
    folder ipsum {
        component eee
        component fff
        component ggg
    folder amet {
        component panel <<jar>>
    folder dolor {
        artifact hhh <<config>>

folder fox {
    folder jumps {
    artifact jjj <<document>>
    artifact kkk <<document>>
    artifact mmm<<document>>

    folder lazy {
        artifact context.txt

aaa --> "write" context.txt
aaa --> "launch" bbb 
bbb --> "read" hhh
bbb --> panel : launch
panel --> ccc : read
panel --> ddd : read

panel --> eee : run
panel --> fff : run
panel --> ggg : run

panel --> kkk : write
eee --> jjj : read
eee --> mmm: write

ggg --> jjj : write
ggg --> mmm: read

Polyline and other hacks

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的