


[1st L] [1st R] [2nd L] [2nd R]...


for (var i = 0; i < myByteArray.Length; i += (bitDepth / 8) * 2)
    // Get bytes and convert to actual samples.

为了获取正确的通道,我只需执行 for (var i = (bitDepth / 8)...






Order | Bit | Channel

 1.     0x1  Front Left
 2.     0x2  Front Right
 3.     0x4  Front Center
 4.     0x8  Low Frequency (LFE)
 5.    0x10  Back Left (Surround Back Left)
 6.    0x20  Back Right (Surround Back Right)
 7.    0x40  Front Left of Center
 8.    0x80  Front Right of Center
 9.   0x100  Back Center
10.   0x200  Side Left (Surround Left)
11.   0x400  Side Right (Surround Right)
12.   0x800  Top Center
13.  0x1000  Top Front Left
14.  0x2000  Top Front Center
15.  0x4000  Top Front Right
16.  0x8000  Top Back Left
17. 0x10000  Top Back Center
18. 0x20000  Top Back Right



var bytes = new byte[50];

using (var stream = new FileStream("filepath...", FileMode.Open))
    stream.Read(bytes, 0, 50);

var speakerMask = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new[] { bytes[40], bytes[41], bytes[42], bytes[43] }, 0);


public enum Channels : uint
    FrontLeft = 0x1,
    FrontRight = 0x2,
    FrontCenter = 0x4,
    Lfe = 0x8,
    BackLeft = 0x10,
    BackRight = 0x20,
    FrontLeftOfCenter = 0x40,
    FrontRightOfCenter = 0x80,
    BackCenter = 0x100,
    SideLeft = 0x200,
    SideRight = 0x400,
    TopCenter = 0x800,
    TopFrontLeft = 0x1000,
    TopFrontCenter = 0x2000,
    TopFrontRight = 0x4000,
    TopBackLeft = 0x8000,
    TopBackCenter = 0x10000,
    TopBackRight = 0x20000




public static uint GetSpeakerMask(int channelCount)
    // Assume setup of: FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, SL & SR. Otherwise MCL will use: FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, FLoC & FRoC.
    if (channelCount == 8)
        return 0x63F; 

    // Otherwise follow MCL.
    uint mask = 0;
    var channels = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Channels)).Cast<uint>().ToArray();

    for (var i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)
        mask += channels[i];

    return mask;



frameSize = (bitDepth / 8) * channelCount

You also need to offset your loop's starting index. This is where things become more complicated, as you have to start reading data from the channel's order number based on existing channels, times byte depth.
What do I mean "based on existing channels"? Well, you need to reassign the existing channels' order number from 1, incrementing the order for each channel that is present. For example, the channel mask 0x63F indicates that the FL, FR, FC, LFE, BL, BR, SL & SR channels are used, therefore the new channel order numbers for the respective channels would look like this (note, the bit values are not and should not ever be changed):
Order | Bit | Channel

 1.     0x1  Front Left
 2.     0x2  Front Right
 3.     0x4  Front Center
 4.     0x8  Low Frequency (LFE)
 5.    0x10  Back Left (Surround Back Left)
 6.    0x20  Back Right (Surround Back Right)
 7.   0x200  Side Left (Surround Left)
 8.   0x400  Side Right (Surround Right)

你会注意到FLoC、FRoC和BC都没有出现,因此SL和SR通道“下降”到下一个可用的序号,而不是使用SL和SR的默认顺序(10, 11)。


// This code will only return the bytes of a particular channel. It's up to you to convert the bytes to actual samples.
public static byte[] GetChannelBytes(byte[] audioBytes, uint speakerMask, Channels channelToRead, int bitDepth, uint sampleStartIndex, uint sampleEndIndex)
    var channels = FindExistingChannels(speakerMask);
    var ch = GetChannelNumber(channelToRead, channels);
    var byteDepth = bitDepth / 8;
    var chOffset = ch * byteDepth;
    var frameBytes = byteDepth * channels.Length;
    var startByteIncIndex = sampleStartIndex * byteDepth * channels.Length;
    var endByteIncIndex = sampleEndIndex * byteDepth * channels.Length;
    var outputBytesCount = endByteIncIndex - startByteIncIndex;
    var outputBytes = new byte[outputBytesCount / channels.Length];
    var i = 0;

    startByteIncIndex += chOffset;

    for (var j = startByteIncIndex; j < endByteIncIndex; j += frameBytes)
        for (var k = j; k < j + byteDepth; k++)
            outputBytes[i] = audioBytes[(k - startByteIncIndex) + chOffset];

    return outputBytes;

private static Channels[] FindExistingChannels(uint speakerMask)
    var foundChannels = new List<Channels>();

    foreach (var ch in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Channels)))
        if ((speakerMask & (uint)ch) == (uint)ch)

    return foundChannels.ToArray();

private static int GetChannelNumber(Channels input, Channels[] existingChannels)
    for (var i = 0; i < existingChannels.Length; i++)
        if (existingChannels[i] == input)
            return i;

    return -1;

有趣的事实:您即将将[SO]上的最高悬赏答案提高到700... https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/5400/bounty-award-counts - Jeremy Thompson
为什么在 mask += channels[i + 1]; 中要加上 i + 1?如果 channels.Length 是18,你会遇到 IndexOutOfRangeException。我认为你不应该改变索引。对于两个通道,你有 FrontRight,FrontCenter 而不是 FrontLeft,FrontRight。无论如何,代码片段加一分 ;) - Alexandre A.
好的发现!很可能是打错了吧?(这段代码现在相当老了,我不知道当时在干什么。) - Sam

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