


private static IDbContext Context { get; set; }
private static Mock<IMappingEngine> Mapper { get; set; }
private static Guid MenuId { get; set; }

private static Guid menuItem1Id { get; set; }
private static Guid menuItem2Id { get; set; }
private static Guid menuItem3Id { get; set; }

public static void SetUp(TestContext context)
    MenuId = Guid.NewGuid();
    Context = new TestDbContext();

    menuItem1Id = Guid.NewGuid();
    menuItem2Id = Guid.NewGuid();
    menuItem3Id = Guid.NewGuid();

    var contentPage1 = new ContentPage { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ActionName = "ActionName1", ControllerName = "ControllerName1", MenuItemId = menuItem1Id };
    var contentPage2 = new ContentPage { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ActionName = "ActionName2", ControllerName = "ControllerName2", MenuItemId = menuItem2Id };
    var contentPage3 = new ContentPage { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ActionName = "ActionName3", ControllerName = "ControllerName3", MenuItemId = menuItem3Id };

    var menuItem1 = new MenuItem { Id = menuItem1Id, MenuId = MenuId, DisplayName = "MenuItem1", ExternalUrl = null, Target = Target._self, Active = true, ContentPage = contentPage1 };
    var menuItem2 = new MenuItem { Id = menuItem1Id, MenuId = MenuId, DisplayName = "MenuItem2", ExternalUrl = null, Target = Target._self, Active = true, ContentPage = contentPage2 };
    var menuItem3 = new MenuItem { Id = menuItem1Id, MenuId = MenuId, DisplayName = "MenuItem3", ExternalUrl = null, Target = Target._self, Active = true, ContentPage = contentPage3 };

    var menu = new Models.Menu { Id = MenuId, Name = "TestMenu", SiteId = Guid.NewGuid(), MenuItems = new List<MenuItem> { menuItem1, menuItem2, menuItem3 } };


    var menuItemQueryResult = new List<MenuItemQueryResult>
        new MenuItemQueryResult { Id = menuItem1Id, DisplayName = "MenuItem1", ExternalUrl = null, Target = Target._self, Active = true, ActionName = "ActionName1", ControllerName = "ControllerName1" },
        new MenuItemQueryResult { Id = menuItem1Id, DisplayName = "MenuItem2", ExternalUrl = null, Target = Target._self, Active = true, ActionName = "ActionName2", ControllerName = "ControllerName2" },
        new MenuItemQueryResult { Id = menuItem1Id, DisplayName = "MenuItem3", ExternalUrl = null, Target = Target._self, Active = true, ActionName = "ActionName3", ControllerName = "ControllerName3" }

    Mapper = new Mock<IMappingEngine>();

    Mapper.Setup(m => m.Map<IEnumerable<MenuItem>, IEnumerable<MenuItemQueryResult>>(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<MenuItem>>()))

public void Retrieve_RequestMenu_QueryResultReturned()
    var handler = new MenuQueryHandler(Context, Mapper.Object);
    var query = new MenuQuery("TestMenu");
    var result = handler.Retrieve(query);
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(MenuQueryResult));

    var item = result.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == menuItem1Id);


public class MenuQueryHandler : IQueryHandler<MenuQuery, MenuQueryResult>
    private IDbContext Context { get; set; }
    private IMappingEngine Mapper { get; set; }

    public MenuQueryHandler(IDbContext context, IMappingEngine mapper)
        Context = context;
        Mapper = mapper;

    public MenuQueryResult Retrieve(MenuQuery query)
        Ensure.Argument.Is(query != null);
        Ensure.Argument.IsNot(query.MenuName == string.Empty);

        // Create the view model query result
        var result = new List<MenuItemQueryResult>();

        // Pull the required item from the cont.ext
        var menuItems = Context.MenuItems.Include(m => m.ContentPage).ToList();

        Mapper.Map(menuItems, result);

        return new MenuQueryResult(result);



不要嘲笑AutoMapper,我从来没有这么做过。 - Jimmy Bogard
你在测试中使用了实际的 AutoMapper 实例吗?我试图实现的是注入 AutoMapper 引擎(IMappingEngine)。如果我注入它,我需要一个用于测试的实例。你的意思是不要注入 IMappingEngine 吗? - Ethan Schofer
是的。即使您注入了IMappingEngine,我也不会模拟它。我使用真实的东西。 - Jimmy Bogard



  1. You aren't mocking the method you're actually calling. The method you're testing calls this method:

    TDestination Map<TSource, TDestination>(TSource source, TDestination destination);

    This overload of Map takes an existing destination object and maps into it.

    In your test, you're mocking the overload of Map that returns a new instance of TDestination:

    TDestination Map<TSource, TDestination(TSource source);

    Note that the one you're mocking takes one parameter and the one you're actually calling takes two.

  2. Your Setup method sets up a fake mapping between IEnumerable<MenuItem> and IEnumerable<MenuItemQueryResult>. In your test, you're actually calling Map with a List<MenuItem> and a List<MenuItemQueryResult>.

    In actual usage, AutoMapper is going to handle the List to List mapping for your using the IEnumerable mapping. With a mocked method though, you're not actually calling the method with the exact type parameters you specified. So you'll have to change the Setup call and change the fake mapping.

  1. Change the method to use the overload of Map that returns a new instance.

    It doesn't look like you need to use the overload that takes two parameters, so you could tweak the method:

    var result = Mapper.Map<List<MenuItemQueryResult>(menuItems);

    And then in your test:

    Mapper.Setup(m => m.Map<List<MenuItem>, List<MenuItemQueryResult>>(It.IsAny<List<MenuItem>>())
        .Setup(m => m.Map<List<MenuItem>, List<MenuItemQueryResult>>(It.IsAny<List<MenuItem>>()))
  2. Change the test to mock the correct overload of Map.

    This is a little less intuitive, but possible. You'll have to provide a fake implementation of the Map method:

        .Setup(m => m.Map<List<MenuItem>, List<MenuItemQueryResult>>(It.IsAny<List<MenuItem>>(), It.IsAny<List<MenuItem>>()))
        .Callback((List<MenuItem> menuItems, List<MenuItemQueryResult> queryResults) =>

太好了,正是我所需要的。1)测试中的模拟映射对类型更加严格(不能期望List和IEnumerable相等)。2)Map方法的重载必须在模拟和实现之间匹配。现在看到发生了什么,这一切都很明显。 - Ethan Schofer
@EthanSchofer:很高兴能帮忙! - Andrew Whitaker

result = Mapper.Map(menuItems);



result = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<MenuItem>, List<MenuItemQueryResult>>(menuItems);

那甚至都无法编译。 - Ethan Schofer
我假设你已经自己编写了映射器,在这种情况下请更改实现。如果你正在使用AutoMapper,那么应该是:result = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<MenuItemQueryResult>>(menuItems); 或者检查你所使用的映射器的详细信息。 - Jimmy Hannon
在测试中返回 null,但在实际网站上运行正常,这让我认为问题出在我的 Moq 设置上。 - Ethan Schofer

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