



现在,如果我正确理解您的问题——您想在真实设备上运行测试,而无需物理连接到 MAC。

    1. There is no way, you can run test on Real Device without physically connecting it to Mac with an Xcode.
    2. Xcode can't detect any iPhone via wifi.
    3. There is one way to run test on iPhone without physical connection, if you want to run tests on mobile website that is Safari:
        A. **ONE TIME SETUP** You need to install iWeb Driver (app) in iPhone once via Xcode. This is a deprecated way though. If you want this, I'll upload the iWeb Driver source code on github, you can download and install further.
        B. Now before running test, you need to launch the iWeb Driver (app) manually on device, once you run this, it will flash an a URL on app.
        C. Use this url in Remote Webdriver like:

  DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();
                cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.PLATFORM, DesiredCapabilities.iphone());

WebDriver iphoneDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(iphoneIp), cap);
    and then use this driver just like other and run your tests.

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