






我猜你使用了一个map来存储出现次数。首先要理解的是,由于你使用了map,键是唯一的,而存储的数据可能不唯一。 考虑一个名为x的map,其内容如下:


键和值之间存在唯一的映射关系,而不是反过来。如果您需要这种一对一的映射关系,我建议您使用不同的数据结构。如果您想使用map,并且仍然要搜索元素,则可以使用STL搜索函数或编写自己的搜索函数。 search()

map<string,int>::iterator ser;

Ser是map的迭代器。 - elricL



#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

int main()
    std::string str("I love him, I love her, he love her");
    std::istringstream ss(str);
    std::istream_iterator<std::string> begin(ss);
    std::istream_iterator<std::string> end;

    std::map<std::string, int> word_count;
    std::for_each(begin, end, [&](const std::string& s)

    std::multimap<int, std::string> count_words;
    std::for_each(word_count.begin(), word_count.end(),
                  [&](const std::pair<std::string, int>& p)
        count_words.insert(std::make_pair(p.second, p.first));

    auto its = count_words.equal_range(3);
    std::for_each(its.first, its.second,
                  [](const std::pair<int, std::string>& p)
        std::cout << p.second << std::endl;

请注意,这并没有正确地计算输入字符串中的其他标点符号,例如 her,herword_count 中有不同的条目,以及 'him,'。您可能需要对 word_count 进行后处理,以剥离非字母字符并重新分组或丢弃。连字符词和其他嵌入式非字母仍然存在问题。 - Steve Townsend

Name  :  Paul Rodgers
Source : HW1.CPP
Compiler :  Visual C++ .NET
Action : Program will read in from standard input and determine the
         frequency of word lengths found in input.  An appropriate
         table is also displayed.  Maximum word length is 15 characters
         words greater then 15 are counted as length 15. 
         Average word length also displayed.

Note   : Words include hyphenated and ones with apostrophes.  Words with
         apostrophes, i.e. Jim's, will count the apostrophe as part of the
         word length. Hyphen is counted if word on same line, else not.

         Also an int array is used to hold the number of words with
         length associated with matching subscript, with subscript 0
         not being used.  So subscript 1 corresponds to word length of 1,
         subscript 2 to word length of 2 and so on.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int NextWordLength(void);                    // function prototypes
void DisplayFrequencyTable(const int Words[]);

const int WORD_LENGTH = 16;                // global constant for array

void main()
  int WordLength;                         // actual length of word 0 to X
  int NumOfWords[WORD_LENGTH] = {0};     // array holds # of lengths of words

  WordLength = NextWordLength();
  while (WordLength)                   // continue to loop until no word, i.e. 0
    {                                 // increment length counter
      (WordLength <= 14) ? (++NumOfWords[WordLength]) : (++NumOfWords[15]);
      WordLength = NextWordLength();


/**********************  NextWordLength  ********************************
Action  : Will determine the length of the next word. Hyphenated words and
          words with apostrophes are counted as one word accordingly
Parameters : none
Returns   : the length of word, 0 if none, i.e. end of file
int NextWordLength(void)
  char Ch;
  int EndOfWord = 0,       //tells when we have read in one word
      LengthOfWord = 0;

  Ch = cin.get();                           // get first character
  while (!cin.eof() && !EndOfWord)
     while (isspace(Ch) || ispunct(Ch))      // Skips leading white spaces
        Ch = cin.get();                      // and leading punctation marks

     if (isalnum(Ch))          // if character is a letter or number
        ++LengthOfWord;        // then increment word length

     Ch = cin.get();           // get next character

     if ((Ch == '-') && (cin.peek() == '\n')) //check for hyphenated word over two lines
         Ch = cin.get();       // don't count hyphen and remove the newline char
         Ch = cin.get();       // get next character then on next line

     if ((Ch == '-') && (isalpha(cin.peek()))) //check for hyphenated word in one line
         ++LengthOfWord;       // count the hyphen as part of word
         Ch = cin.get();       // get next character

     if ((Ch == '\'') && (isalpha(cin.peek()))) // check for apostrophe in word
        ++LengthOfWord;        // count apostrophe in word length
        Ch = cin.get();        // and get next letter

     if (isspace(Ch) || ispunct(Ch) || cin.eof())  // is it end of word

  return LengthOfWord;

/***********************  DisplayFrequencyTable  **************************
Action      :  Will display the frequency of length of words along with the
               average word length
  IN        : Pointer to array holding the frequency of the lengths
Returns     : Nothing
Precondition: for loop does not go beyond WORD_LENGTH
void DisplayFrequencyTable(const int Words[])
  int TotalWords = 0, TotalLength = 0;

  cout << "\nWord Length      Frequency\n";
  cout << "------------     ----------\n";

  for (int i = 1; i <= WORD_LENGTH-1; i++)
     cout << setw(4) << i << setw(18) << Words[i] << endl;
     TotalLength += (i*Words[i]);
     TotalWords += Words[i];

  cout << "\nAverage word length is ";

  if (TotalLength)
     cout << float(TotalLength)/TotalWords << endl;
    cout << 0 << endl;

嗨,保罗。感谢你的代码片段。但是你确定这有帮助吗?解释你所做的事情和示例代码在长期视角上更有帮助。代码可能只是被复制而没有理解甚至阅读它。在这种情况下,代码甚至似乎不能解决上面问题的问题 :) - Michel Feldheim


using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::string;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::map;

int main() {

    cout << "Please enter a string: " << endl;
    string str;
    getline(cin, str, '\n');

    size_t str_len = str.size();
    cout << endl << endl;

    size_t i = 0, j = 0;
    bool pop = false;

    map<string, int> myMap;

    for (size_t k = 0; k < str_len-1; k++) {
        if (((k == 0) && isalpha(str[0])) || (!(isalpha(str[k-1])) && isalpha(str[k])))
            i = k;
        if ( isalpha(str[k]) && !(isalpha(str[k+1])) ) {
            j = k;
            pop = true;
        if ( (k == str_len-2) && isalpha(str[k+1]) ) {
            j = k+1;
            pop = true;

        if ( (i <= j) && pop ) {
            string tmp = str.substr(i, j-i+1);
            cout << tmp << '\t';
            pop = false;
    cout << endl << endl;

    map<string, int>::iterator itr, end = myMap.end();
    for (itr = myMap.begin(); itr != end; itr++)
        cout << itr->first << "\t - - - - - \t" << itr->second << endl;

    cout << endl;

    return 0;

仅仅是一段没有解释的代码块并不有用。请花时间解释这段代码如何回答 OP 的问题。 - Zero Piraeus

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