gpg2 中的 gpg-agent



gpg --batch --no-tty --no-use-agent --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --passphrase "foobar" /path/to/file_to_be_encrypted

没有使用 --no-use-agent 选项,我会遇到臭名昭著的错误信息:

gpg-agent is not available in this session

我对转移到 gpg2 感到担忧,因为根据文档,始终需要 gpg-agent,并且--no-use-agent只是一个虚设选项。我的 gpg 调用通过守护进程在后台进行,所以这非常适合无代理方案(另外,它具有对称性,我根本就不需要代理)。
在这个层面上的文档很少,因此我正在寻找用户体验。 gpg2 是否更紧密地集成代理,以便我不必担心其可用性?

你应该接受sinharaj的答案。他给了你所有你需要知道的东西。 - rsaw

  1. The way you invoke gpg2, it might fail if the output file path/to/file_to_be_encrypted.gpg already exists. If you want the file to be overwritten, you should provide the --yes option:

    gpg2 --batch --yes --no-tty --no-use-agent --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --passphrase "foobar" /path/to/file_to_be_encrypted
  2. When you are using symmetric encryption (like you do), the passphrase constraints (even if set to enforced by gpg-agent) will not be applied at all—it will just work.

    Say the gpg-agent was run like this (and let the mypasswords file even contain the forbidden pattern that exactly matches your password):

    eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --enforce-passphrase-constraints --min-passphrase-len 8 --min-passphrase-nonalpha 4 --check-passphrase-pattern mypasswords)

    Then your command would still succeed.

    In short: gpg-agent will not make it fail (unless it crashes gpg for some reason—like wrong configuration or missing executable, which you cannot account for).

    EDIT: I've just checked and in symmetric mode gpg2 will work even if gpg-agent is wrongly configured or if the gpg-agent executable is missing.

    This is not related, but just in case: I also verified what happens when you try to change the password of your private key while gpg-agent is missing or is wrongly configured: gpg2 will report a warning, will not even ask for the new passphrase, and continue working.


解密方面有什么办法可以不用 gpg-agent 吗? - liqian

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