JSON.parse 期望 ',' 或 '}',有什么想法?两者都无效。



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var obj = JSON.parse('{ "defaults": { "recordtext": "View", "emptyrecords": "No records to view", "loadtext": "Loading...", "pgtext": "Page" }, "search": { "caption": "Search...", "Find": "Find", "Reset": "Reset", "odata": [ "equal", "not equal", "less", "less or equal", "greater", "greater or equal", "begins with", "does not begin with", "is in", "is not in", "ends with", "does not end with", "contains", "does not contain" ], "groupOps": [ { "op": "AND", "text": "all" }, { "op": "OR", "text": "any" } ], "matchText": " match", "rulesText": " rules" }, "edit": { "addCaption": "Add Record", "editCaption": "Edit Record", "bSubmit": "Submit", "bCancel": "Cancel", "bClose": "Close", "saveData": "Data has been changed! Save changes?", "bYes": "Yes", "bNo": "No", "bExit": "Cancel", "msg": { "required": "Field is required", "number": "Please, enter valid number", "minValue": "value must be greater than or equal to ", "maxValue": "value must be less than or equal to", "email": "is not a valid e-mail", "integer": "Please, enter valid integer value", "date": "Please, enter valid date value", "url": "is not a valid URL. Prefix required (\"http://\" or \"https://\")", "nodefined": " is not defined!", "novalue": " return value is required!", "customarray": "Custom function should return array!", "customfcheck": "Custom function should be present in case of custom checking!" } }, "view": { "caption": "View Record", "bClose": "Close" }, "del": { "caption": "Delete", "msg": "Delete selected record(s)?", "bSubmit": "Delete", "bCancel": "Cancel" }, "nav": { "edittext": "", "edittitle": "Edit selected row", "addtext": "", "addtitle": "Add new row", "deltext": "", "deltitle": "Delete selected row", "searchtext": "", "searchtitle": "Find records", "refreshtext": "", "refreshtitle": "Reload Grid", "alertcap": "Warning", "alerttext": "Please, select row", "viewtext": "", "viewtitle": "View selected row" }, "col": { "caption": "Select columns", "bSubmit": "Ok", "bCancel": "Cancel" }, "errors": { "errcap": "Error", "nourl": "No url is set", "norecords": "No records to process", "model": "Length of colNames <> colModel!" }, "formatter": { "integer": { "thousandsSeparator": " ", "defaultValue": "0" }, "number": { "decimalSeparator": ".", "thousandsSeparator": " ", "decimalPlaces": 2, "defaultValue": "0.00" }, "currency": { "decimalSeparator": ".", "thousandsSeparator": " ", "decimalPlaces": 2, "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "defaultValue": "0.00" }, "date": { "dayNames": [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr", "Fri", "Sat", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], "monthNames": [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], "AmPm": [ "am", "pm", "AM", "PM" ], "srcformat": "Y-m-d", "newformat": "m/d/Y", "masks": { "ISO8601Long": "Y-m-d H:i:s", "ISO8601Short": "Y-m-d", "ShortDate": "n/j/Y", "LongDate": "l, F d, Y", "FullDateTime": "l, F d, Y g:i:s A", "MonthDay": "F d", "ShortTime": "g:i A", "LongTime": "g:i:s A", "SortableDateTime": "Y-m-d\\TH:i:s", "UniversalSortableDateTime": "Y-m-d H:i:sO", "YearMonth": "F, Y" }, "reformatAfterEdit": false }, "baseLinkUrl": "", "showAction": "", "target": "", "checkbox": { "disabled": true }, "idName": "id" }, "emptyrecords": "test" }');
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我认为你需要转义冒号。 - David G
@pst 我使用jsonlint进行了检查。它显示为“有效JSON”。我也在我的问题中提及了这一点。 - user1596914
@David 我没在哪里看到?这是IE文档的相关内容 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/cc836466%28v=VS.94%29.aspx? - user1596914
@user1596914 这个问题出现在哪些浏览器上?可以创建一个 jsfiddle 测试案例吗? - user166390




JSON.parse('{ "fails" : "\"http://\" or \"https://\"" }')


JSON.parse('{ "passes" : "\\"http://\\" or \\"https://\\"" }')

通常情况下,对于如此庞大的JSON结构,尝试将其分解成较小的块并测试它们,直到您隔离出引起问题的部分。 - Dave Anderson



var xx = <that-thing-you-validated>;

var yy = {text: "hello \"world\""};
// output: "{"text":"hello \"world\""}"


console.log('{"text":"hello \"world\""}');
// output: {"text":"hello "world""}


console.log('{"text":"hello \\"world\\""}');
// output: {"text":"hello \"world\""}

JSON.parse('{"text":"hello \\"world\\""}');
// output: Object

是的! :)

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的