
sentences = ["I am in London tonight",
                   "I am in San Fran tomorrow",
                   "I am in Paris next Wednesday"]

# Imagine the following lists to contain 1000's of strings 
listOfPlaces = ["london", "paris", "san fran"] 
listOfTimePhrases = ["tonight", "tomorrow", "week", "monday", "wednesday", "month"]

start = time.time()

sntceIdxofPlaces = [pos for pos, sent in enumerate(sentences) if any(x in sent for x in listOfPlaces)]
sntceIdxofTimes = [pos for pos, sent in enumerate(sentences) if any(x in pos for x in listOfTimePhrases)]

end = time.time()



@MorganThrapp 对此有点糊涂了。没有检查 sent 的内容。 - Moses Koledoye



sntceIdxofPlaces = []
sntceIdxofTimes = []
for pos, sent in enumerate(sentences):
    if any(x in sent for x in listOfPlaces):
    if any(x in sent for x in listOfTimePhrases):

结合使用集合(set)来处理数据列表是解决问题的方式。 - Morgan Thrapp
@joeb 谢谢你。我刚刚测试了单个for循环,并采纳了其他人的建议。我不确定是否有点傻,但是并没有太大的收获。 - kPow989
根据我的时间测试(在下面的答案中比较foofoo2),这带来的收益微不足道。使用集合也没有任何好处,因为我们必须遍历集合,而不是测试它们的成员资格。 - jez
嗨,我意识到我没有看到太多的收益的原因可能是因为我的句子列表总是非常短(少于6个)。因此,在我的情况下,两个枚举的开销并不太大。谢谢。 - kPow989


有一个主要的低效率问题,即您没有使用集合。在集合中检查成员资格是非常高效的操作(与列表相比,其时间复杂度为O(1) vs O(n))。

sentences = ["I am in London tonight",
                   "I am in San Fran tomorrow",
                   "I am in Paris next Wednesday"]

# Imagine the following lists to contain 1000's of strings 
listOfPlaces = {"london", "paris", "san fran"} 
listOfTimePhrases = {"tonight", "tomorrow", "week", "monday", "wednesday", "month"}

start = time.time()

sntceIdxofPlaces = [pos for pos, sent in enumerate(sentences) if any(x in sent for x in listOfPlaces)]
sntceIdxofTimes = [pos for pos, sent in enumerate(sentences) if any(x in sent for x in listOfTimePhrases)]

end = time.time()


谢谢Morgan。我刚刚使用了集合进行测试,我的代码大约快了10倍左右。如果我使用sent.split(),那么长字符串“San Fran”不就被分开了吗?这样我可能会在搜索中错过它们,对吧?再次感谢。 - kPow989
几乎每当您有一个静态的无序数据集,需要进行查找时,使用set都是值得的。在set上进行查找是O(1)操作,而在列表上则是O(n)。 - Morgan Thrapp
sent.split() 方法可以捕获大多数情况,但不幸的是会错过 "san fran",因为它被分成了两个单词。 - jez
@jez 你说得对,我完全忽略了那一点。我已经把我的回答中的那部分删除了。 - Morgan Thrapp



sentences = [
    "I am the walrus",
    "I am in London",
    "I am in London tonight",
    "I am in San Fran tomorrow",
    "I am in Paris next Wednesday"
sentences *= 1000   # really we want to examine large `listOfPlaces` and `listOfTimePhrases`, but these must be unique and so are harder to generate---this is an quicker dirtier way to test timing scalability

# Imagine the following lists to contain 1000's of strings 
listOfPlaces = {"london", "paris", "san fran"}
listOfTimePhrases = {"tonight", "tomorrow", "week", "monday", "wednesday", "month"}

# preprocess to guard against substring false positives and case-mismatch false negatives:
sentences = [ ' ' + x.lower() + ' ' for x in sentences ]
listOfPlaces = { ' ' + x.lower() + ' ' for x in listOfPlaces }
listOfTimePhrases = { ' ' + x.lower() + ' ' for x in listOfTimePhrases }

#listOfPlaces = list( listOfPlaces )
#listOfTimePhrases = list( listOfTimePhrases )

def foo():
    sntceIdxofPlaces = [pos for pos, sentence in enumerate(sentences) if any(x in sentence for x in listOfPlaces)]
    sntceIdxofTimes  = [pos for pos, sentence in enumerate(sentences) if any(x in sentence for x in listOfTimePhrases)]
    return sntceIdxofPlaces, sntceIdxofTimes

def foo2():
    sntceIdxofPlaces = []
    sntceIdxofTimes = []
    for pos, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
        if any(x in sentence for x in listOfPlaces): sntceIdxofPlaces.append(pos)
        if any(x in sentence for x in listOfTimePhrases): sntceIdxofTimes.append(pos)
    return sntceIdxofPlaces, sntceIdxofTimes

def foo3():
    sntceIdxofPlaces = []
    sntceIdxofTimes = []
    for pos, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
        for x in listOfPlaces:
            if x in sentence: sntceIdxofPlaces.append(pos); break
        for x in listOfTimePhrases:
            if x in sentence: sntceIdxofTimes.append(pos); break
    return sntceIdxofPlaces, sntceIdxofTimes


In [171]: timeit foo()
100 loops, best of 3: 15.6 ms per loop

In [172]: timeit foo2()
100 loops, best of 3: 16 ms per loop

In [173]: timeit foo3()
100 loops, best of 3: 8.07 ms per loop



any函数不会像这个答案所述的那样执行... - double_j
我也不曾想到,但计时结果非常显著。而且它们是可重复的(我在2013年的MacBook上使用anaconda Python 2.7.12以不同的顺序运行了几次)。这三个函数似乎返回相同的输出,所以如果其中一个有错误,我看不出来。 - jez
如果我理解正确的话,这里找到了类似的内容:https://www.dotnetperls.com/any-python - kPow989



listOfPlaces = set(["london", "paris", "san fran"])
listOfTimePhrases = set(["tonight", "tomorrow", "week", "monday", "wednesday", "month"])



sentences = [
    "I am the walrus",
    "I am in London",
    "I am in London tonight",
    "I am in San Fran tomorrow",
    "I am in Paris next Wednesday"
sentences *= 1000

# Imagine the following lists to contain 1000's of strings 
placePhrases = {"london", "paris", "san fran"}
timePhrases = {"tonight", "tomorrow", "week", "monday", "wednesday", "month"}

# preprocess to guard against case-mismatch false negatives:
sentences = [ x.lower() for x in sentences ]
placePhrases = { x.lower() for x in placePhrases }
timePhrases = { x.lower() for x in timePhrases }

# create additional sets in which incomplete phrases can be looked up:
placePrefixes = set()
for phrase in placePhrases:
    words = phrase.split()
    if len(words) > 1:
        for i in range(1, len(words)):
            placePrefixes.add(' '.join(words[:i]))
timePrefixes = set()
for phrase in timePhrases:
    words = phrase.split()
    if len(words) > 1:
        for i in range(1, len(words)):
            timePrefixes.add(' '.join(words[:i]))

def scan(sentences):
    sntceIdxofPlaces = []
    sntceIdxofTimes = []
    for pos, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
        hasPlace = hasTime = False
        placePrefix = timePrefix = ''
        for word in sentence.split():
            if not hasPlace:
                placePhrase = placePrefix + (' ' if placePrefix else '') + word
                if placePhrase in placePrefixes:
                    placePrefix = placePhrase
                    placePrefix = ''
                    if placePhrase in placePhrases: hasPlace = True
            if not hasTime:
                timePhrase = timePrefix + (' ' if timePrefix else '') + word
                if timePhrase in timePrefixes:
                    timePrefix = timePhrase
                    timePrefix = ''
                    if timePhrase in timePhrases: hasTime = True
            if hasTime and hasPlace: break
        if hasPlace: sntceIdxofPlaces.append(pos)
        if hasTime: sntceIdxofTimes.append(pos)
    return sntceIdxofPlaces, sntceIdxofTimes



sentences = ["I am in London tonight",
               "I am in San Fran tomorrow",
               "I am in Paris next Wednesday"]

listOfPlaces = ["london", "paris", "san fran"]

cv = feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(vocabulary=listOfPlaces)

# We now get in the next step a vector of size len(sentences) x len(listOfPlaces)           
taggedSentences = cv.fit_transform(sentences).toarray()

aggregateTags = np.sum(taggedSentences, axis=1)

我们最终得到一个大小为 len(sentences) x 1 的向量,其中每一行都记录了单词列表中的单词在每个句子中出现的次数。
我发现在处理大数据集时,结果非常快,例如 (0.02秒)。

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