
在我的Arduino IDE中,我设置了一个程序,通过移位寄存器控制八个LED灯,现在我正在尝试创建一个类来控制移位寄存器。到目前为止,我已经创建了文件,并创建了一个构造函数和一些类函数,但是当我尝试验证代码时,IDE会显示我正在重新定义shiftreg类,以下是错误消息:
In file included from Lab9_step3.cpp:97:
shiftreg.h:2: error: redefinition of 'class shiftreg'
shiftreg.h:3: error: previous definition of 'class shiftreg'


 /*     ---------------------------------------------------------
 *     |  Arduino Experimentation Kit Example Code             |
 *     |  CIRC-05 .: 8 More LEDs :. (74HC595 Shift Register)   |
 *     ---------------------------------------------------------
 * We have already controlled 8 LEDs however this does it in a slightly
 * different manner. Rather than using 8 pins we will use just three
 * and an additional chip.
#include "shiftreg.h"

//Pin Definitions
//Pin Definitions
//The 74HC595 uses a serial communication 
//link which has three pins
shiftreg a(2, 3, 4);

int sensorPin = 0;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int sensorValue = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

 * setup() - this function runs once when you turn your Arduino on
 * We set the three control pins to outputs
void setup()

 * loop() - this function will start after setup finishes and then repeat
 * we set which LEDs we want on then call a routine which sends the states to the 74HC595
void loop()                     // run over and over again
   for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++){

    // read the value from the sensor:
    sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); 



     * updateLEDsLong() - sends the LED states set in ledStates to the 74HC595
     * sequence. Same as updateLEDs except the shifting out is done in software
     * so you can see what is happening.
//    void updateLEDsLong(int value){
//      digitalWrite(latch, LOW);    //Pulls the chips latch low
//      for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){  //Will repeat 8 times (once for each bit)
//      int bit = value & B10000000; //We use a "bitmask" to select only the eighth 
//                                   //bit in our number (the one we are addressing this time thro
//                        //ugh
//      value = value << 1;          //we move our number up one bit value so next time bit 7 will
//                        // be
//                                   //bit 8 and we will do our math on it
//      if(bit == 128){digitalWrite(data, HIGH);} //if bit 8 is set then set our data pin high
//      else{digitalWrite(data, LOW);}            //if bit 8 is unset then set the data pin low
//      digitalWrite(clock, HIGH);                //the next three lines pulse the clock pin
//      delay(1);
//      digitalWrite(clock, LOW);
//      }
//      digitalWrite(latch, HIGH);  //pulls the latch high shifting our data into being displayed
//    }
//    //These are used in the bitwise math that we use to change individual LEDs
//    //For more details
//    int bits[] = {B00000001, B00000010, B00000100, B00001000, B00010000, B00100000, B01000000, B10000000};
//    int masks[] = {B11111110, B11111101, B11111011, B11110111, B11101111, B11011111, B10111111, B01111111};
//    /*
//     * changeLED(int led, int state) - changes an individual LED 
//     * LEDs are 0 to 7 and state is either 0 - OFF or 1 - ON
//     */
//     void changeLED(int led, int state){
//       ledState = ledState & masks[led];  //clears ledState of the bit we are addressing
//       if(state == ON){ledState = ledState | bits[led];} //if the bit is on we will add it to le
//                        //dState
//       updateLEDs(ledState);              //send the new LED state to the shift register
//     }
//     **********************************/


/*Shift Register
*/               (Error occurs here)
class shiftreg   (and here)
    //Pin Definitions
    //Pin Definitions
    //The 74HC595 uses a serial communication 
    //link which has three pins
    int data; 
    int clock;
    int latch;

  shiftreg (int _data, int _clock, int _latch);
  void update(int value);
  void pinmode();


#include "shiftreg.h"

/*shiftreg constructor:
shiftreg::shiftreg (int _data, int _clock, int _latch)
    data = _data; 
    clock = _clock;
    latch = _latch;

    //Used for single LED manipulation
    int ledState = 0;
    const int ON = HIGH;
    const int OFF = LOW;

 * updateLEDs() - sends the LED states set in ledStates to the 74HC595
 * sequence
void shiftreg::update(int value)
  digitalWrite(latch, LOW);     //Pulls the chips latch low
  shiftOut(data, clock, MSBFIRST, value); //Shifts out the 8 bits to the shift register
  digitalWrite(latch, HIGH);   //Pulls the latch high displaying the data

void shiftreg::pinmode()
    pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(clock, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(latch, OUTPUT);


根据你所包含的错误信息,你在 Lab9_step3.cpp 的第 97 行包含了shiftreg.h。前96行是什么?错误可能就在那些行中。
#ifndef SHIFTREG_H
#define SHIFTREG_H

class shiftreg
  // ...


谢谢!我不知道它为什么认为我在第97行添加了shiftreg.h,我的代码没有到那里!该文件的所有代码都已包含。但是当我按照您说的添加了包含保护时,它就像魔术一样奏效了!包含保护是Arduino特有的吗?还是它们只是C++通用的?我以前在Emacs中使用C++编写过类,但这是我第一次尝试Arduino。 - cmpickle
@cmpickle 它们与Arduino无关,事实上,一个C/C++头文件中不包含它们是非常罕见的。唯一我能想到的例外情况是当你在进行一些预处理器技巧时,需要多次重复包含同一个文件时,你可能不希望它们存在。 - Praetorian

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