给 gpg 密钥添加昵称




我不明白为什么 @andrew-barber 把我的问题标记为“搁置”,我对 gpg 不是很了解,所以我想知道添加昵称最好的方法是什么。这并不太宽泛,这就是我要问的,不应该是一个太长的解释。 - Akronix
这部分内容将会被视为题外话,因为你的问题与编程毫不相关,请查看[FAQ]。另一方面,对于这个问题并没有单一、有效的答案;这也是它最终被关闭为“过于宽泛”的原因。不要担心,但下次在发布时请三思而后行,选择正确的网站。 - Jens Erat
@JensErat 理解了我的原因。实际上,我应该选择离题讨论,因为这与编程无关,这是更清晰的原因。 - Andrew Barber



  • The "usenet" style, adding the pseudonym in quotes between the given and last name:

    John 'Random Hacker' Doe <john@example.org>

    I'd prefer this version, making it clear what the pseudonym part is and not misusing the comment field, but it might prevent some (few) from signing your key if they're strict in their naming policy.

  • (Mis)using the comment field:

    John Doe (Random Hacker) <john@example.org>

    Probably with less problems while getting signatures for your key, but the use of the comment field is often regarded critical.

  • Adding a separate user ID:

    John Doe <john@example.org>
    Random Hacker <hacker@example.net>

    Especially a good idea when having a separate mail address for the nick name. You probably will not get signatures on that user ID. If you're going for this way, consider putting the pseudonym in quotes anyway and maybe even create a separate key for it.

有没有一种无人值守的方式来生成带有多个UID的密钥? - Marvin

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