


https://dev59.com/eHI_5IYBdhLWcg3wBuX3#46319131 - Angus Johnson
在此解决方案中交叉发布递归实现-https://dev59.com/uLX3oIgBc1ULPQZFuF3q - snehil suresh wakchaure



//The main function
public static Node merge_sort(Node head) 
    if(head == null || head.next == null) 
        return head;
    Node middle = getMiddle(head);      //get the middle of the list
    Node left_head = head;
    Node right_head = middle.next; 
    middle.next = null;             //split the list into two halfs

    return merge(merge_sort(left_head), merge_sort(right_head));  //recurse on that

//Merge subroutine to merge two sorted lists
public static Node merge(Node a, Node b)
    Node dummyHead = new Node();
    for(Node current  = dummyHead; a != null && b != null; current = current.next;)
        if(a.data <= b.data) 
            current.next = a; 
            a = a.next; 
            current.next = b;
            b = b.next; 
    dummyHead.next = (a == null) ? b : a;
    return dummyHead.next;

//Finding the middle element of the list for splitting
public static Node getMiddle(Node head)
    if(head == null) 
        return head;
    Node slow = head, fast = head;
    while(fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null)
        slow = slow.next;
        fast = fast.next.next;
    return slow;

非Web存档解释,而不是第4版中删除的过时链接。 - greybeard



typedef struct _aList {
    struct _aList* next;
    struct _aList* prev; // Optional.
    // some data
} aList;

aList* merge_sort_list_recursive(aList *list,int (*compare)(aList *one,aList *two))
    // Trivial case.
    if (!list || !list->next)
        return list;

    aList *right = list,
          *temp  = list,
          *last  = list,
          *result = 0,
          *next   = 0,
          *tail   = 0;

    // Find halfway through the list (by running two pointers, one at twice the speed of the other).
    while (temp && temp->next)
        last = right;
        right = right->next;
        temp = temp->next->next;

    // Break the list in two. (prev pointers are broken here, but we fix later)
    last->next = 0;

    // Recurse on the two smaller lists:
    list = merge_sort_list_recursive(list, compare);
    right = merge_sort_list_recursive(right, compare);

    // Merge:
    while (list || right)
        // Take from empty lists, or compare:
        if (!right) {
            next = list;
            list = list->next;
        } else if (!list) {
            next = right;
            right = right->next;
        } else if (compare(list, right) < 0) {
            next = list;
            list = list->next;
        } else {
            next = right;
            right = right->next;
        if (!result) {
        } else {
        next->prev = tail;  // Optional.
        tail = next;
    return result;

注意:这个递归算法需要Log(N)的存储空间。性能方面应该与我之前发布的另一种策略大致相当。可以通过在(list && right)运行合并循环并简单地附加剩余列表(因为我们不关心列表的结尾;知道它们已经合并就足够了)来进行潜在的优化。




typedef struct _aList {
    struct _aList* next;
    struct _aList* prev; // Optional.
       // some data
} aList;

aList *merge_sort_list(aList *list,int (*compare)(aList *one,aList *two))
    int listSize=1,numMerges,leftSize,rightSize;
    aList *tail,*left,*right,*next;
    if (!list || !list->next) return list;  // Trivial case

    do { // For each power of two<=list length
        numMerges=0,left=list;tail=list=0; // Start at the start

        while (left) { // Do this list_len/listSize times:
            // Cut list into two halves (but don't overrun)
            while (right && leftSize<listSize) leftSize++,right=right->next;
            // Run through the lists appending onto what we have so far.
            while (leftSize>0 || (rightSize>0 && right)) {
                // Left empty, take right OR Right empty, take left, OR compare.
                if (!leftSize)                  {next=right;right=right->next;rightSize--;}
                else if (!rightSize || !right)  {next=left;left=left->next;leftSize--;}
                else if (compare(left,right)<0) {next=left;left=left->next;leftSize--;}
                else                            {next=right;right=right->next;rightSize--;}
                // Update pointers to keep track of where we are:
                if (tail) tail->next=next;  else list=next;
                // Sort prev pointer
                next->prev=tail; // Optional.
            // Right is now AFTER the list we just sorted, so start the next sort there.
        // Terminate the list, double the list-sort size.
    } while (numMerges>1); // If we only did one merge, then we just sorted the whole list.
    return list;


我想试试在我的链表上运行这段代码。但出现了一个问题,它比递归版本在一个包含1000万项的int列表上运行得更慢。递归版本大约需要6-7秒,而这个版本则需要大约10秒? - hookenz
没有什么意外。递归方法使用额外的存储来加速处理。 - Dave Gamble



最简单的算法来自Gonnet + Baeza Yates算法手册。你调用它时传入你想要排序的元素数量,然后递归地将其二分,直到达到对一个大小为一的列表的请求,然后你可以将原始列表的前面元素去掉。所有这些元素都被合并成一个完整的排序列表。


我一直在努力优化这个算法的混乱问题,最终得出了以下结果。互联网和StackOverflow上的许多其他代码都非常糟糕。有些人试图获取列表的中间点,进行递归,对剩余节点使用多个循环,维护大量计数 - 所有这些都是不必要的。归并排序自然适用于链表,算法可以变得美观而紧凑,但要达到这种状态并不容易。
SingleListNode<T> SortLinkedList<T>(SingleListNode<T> head) where T : IComparable<T>
    int blockSize = 1, blockCount;
        //Maintain two lists pointing to two blocks, left and right
        SingleListNode<T> left = head, right = head, tail = null;
        head = null; //Start a new list
        blockCount = 0;

        //Walk through entire list in blocks of size blockCount
        while (left != null)

            //Advance right to start of next block, measure size of left list while doing so
            int leftSize = 0, rightSize = blockSize;
            for (;leftSize < blockSize && right != null; ++leftSize)
                right = right.Next;

            //Merge two list until their individual ends
            bool leftEmpty = leftSize == 0, rightEmpty = rightSize == 0 || right == null;
            while (!leftEmpty || !rightEmpty)
                SingleListNode<T> smaller;
                //Using <= instead of < gives us sort stability
                if (rightEmpty || (!leftEmpty && left.Value.CompareTo(right.Value) <= 0))
                    smaller = left; left = left.Next; --leftSize;
                    leftEmpty = leftSize == 0;
                    smaller = right; right = right.Next; --rightSize;
                    rightEmpty = rightSize == 0 || right == null;

                //Update new list
                if (tail != null)
                    tail.Next = smaller;
                    head = smaller;
                tail = smaller;

            //right now points to next block for left
            left = right;

        //terminate new list, take care of case when input list is null
        if (tail != null)
            tail.Next = null;

        //Lg n iterations
        blockSize <<= 1;

    } while (blockCount > 1);

    return head;


  • 对于空列表、列表中只有一个元素等情况,不需要特殊处理。这些情况都可以正常工作。
  • 许多“标准”算法文本都需要两个循环来处理一个列表比另一个列表短的情况。上面的代码消除了这种需要。
  • 我们确保排序是稳定的。
  • 内部的 while 循环是一个热点,平均每次迭代会计算 3 个表达式,我认为这是最少可以做到的。


这太棒了!我将其转换为Delphi,它非常好用。谢谢您,先生! - Marus Gradinaru
这些注释似乎没有更新以匹配代码。它们引用了代码中不存在的变量 p q & k,我认为应该分别是 left right & block_size - ideasman42
改进了这个答案的版本:https://gist.github.com/ideasman42/5921b0edfc6aa41a9ce0 1)使用尾部指针(去掉2个条件检查,减少代码大小)。2)避免重新分配大小不变的空值。3)更正注释。 - ideasman42
感谢@ideaman42。我已经在上面的代码中添加了一个改进。对于tail_p,没有直接的C#等效项,所以它保持不变:(。 - Shital Shah
虽然这个效果相当不错,但在我的测试中,Mono的eglib版本表现略微更快(经过优化的C),大约快10-20%,请参见:https://dev59.com/33VD5IYBdhLWcg3wWaNh#18246901 - ideasman42

element* mergesort(element *head,long lengtho)
  long count1=(lengtho/2), count2=(lengtho-count1);
  element *next1,*next2,*tail1,*tail2,*tail;
  if (lengtho<=1) return head->next;  /* Trivial case. */

  tail1 = mergesort(head,count1);
  tail2 = mergesort(tail1,count2);
  next1 = head->next;
  next2 = tail1->next;
  tail1->next = tail2->next; /* in case this ends up as the tail */
  while (1) {
    if(cmp(next1,next2)<=0) {
      tail->next=next1; tail=next1;
      if(--count1==0) { tail->next=next2; return tail2; }
    } else {
      tail->next=next2; tail=next2;
      if(--count2==0) { tail->next=next1; return tail1; }

我提出了基本相同的实现,除了使用指向指针而不是虚拟节点,清晰地思考我的创新代码必须是计算机科学中的一个飞跃。我想没有什么是全新的吧。有没有什么干净的方法可以加速大多数预排序的情况? - doynax

我决定测试这里的示例,以及Jonathan Cunningham在Pop-11中最初编写的一种方法。我将所有方法都编写成了C#代码,并与各种不同大小的列表进行了比较。我比较了Raja R Harinath的Mono eglib方法、Shital Shah的C#代码、Jayadev的Java方法、David Gamble的递归和非递归版本、Ed Wynn的第一份C代码(这在我的样本数据集上崩溃了,我没有进行调试)以及Cunningham的版本。完整代码在此处:https://gist.github.com/314e572808f29adb0e41.git
Mono eglib基于与Cunningham相似的思路,并且速度相当快,除非列表已经排序,否则Cunningham的方法要快得多(如果部分排序,eglib略快)。eglib代码使用固定表来保存归并排序递归,而Cunningham的方法通过使用递归的不断增加级别来工作——因此它从不使用递归开始,然后是1级递归,然后是2级递归等等,根据需要做排序的步骤数。我发现Cunningham的代码更容易理解,而且不需要猜测递归表应该有多大,所以我更喜欢它。我从这个页面尝试的其他方法要慢两倍或更多。
/// <summary>
/// Sort a linked list in place. Returns the sorted list.
/// Originally by Jonathan Cunningham in Pop-11, May 1981.
/// Ported to C# by Jon Meyer.
/// </summary>
public class ListSorter<T> where T : IComparable<T> {
    SingleListNode<T> workNode = new SingleListNode<T>(default(T));
    SingleListNode<T> list;

    /// <summary>
    /// Sorts a linked list. Returns the sorted list.
    /// </summary>
    public SingleListNode<T> Sort(SingleListNode<T> head) {
        if (head == null) throw new NullReferenceException("head");
        list = head;

        var run = GetRun(); // get first run
        // As we progress, we increase the recursion depth. 
        var n = 1;
        while (list != null) {
            var run2 = GetSequence(n);
            run = Merge(run, run2);
        return run;

    // Get the longest run of ordered elements from list.
    // The run is returned, and list is updated to point to the
    // first out-of-order element.
    SingleListNode<T> GetRun() {
        var run = list; // the return result is the original list
        var prevNode = list;
        var prevItem = list.Value;

        list = list.Next; // advance to the next item
        while (list != null) {
            var comp = prevItem.CompareTo(list.Value);
            if (comp > 0) {
                // reached end of sequence
                prevNode.Next = null;
            prevItem = list.Value;
            prevNode = list;
            list = list.Next;
        return run;

    // Generates a sequence of Merge and GetRun() operations.
    // If n is 1, returns GetRun()
    // If n is 2, returns Merge(GetRun(), GetRun())
    // If n is 3, returns Merge(Merge(GetRun(), GetRun()),
    //                          Merge(GetRun(), GetRun()))
    // and so on.
    SingleListNode<T> GetSequence(int n) {
        if (n < 2) {
            return GetRun();
        } else {
            var run1 = GetSequence(n);
            if (list == null) return run1;
            var run2 = GetSequence(n);
            return Merge(run1, run2);

    // Given two ordered lists this returns a list that is the
    // result of merging the two lists in-place (modifying the pairs
    // in list1 and list2).
    SingleListNode<T> Merge(SingleListNode<T> list1, SingleListNode<T> list2) {
        // we reuse a single work node to hold the result.
        // Simplifies the number of test cases in the code below.
        var prevNode = workNode;
        while (true) {
            if (list1.Value.CompareTo(list2.Value) <= 0) {
                // list1 goes first
                prevNode.Next = list1;
                prevNode = list1;
                if ((list1 = list1.Next) == null) {
                    // reached end of list1 - join list2 to prevNode
                    prevNode.Next = list2;
            } else {        // same but for list2
                prevNode.Next = list2;
                prevNode = list2;
                if ((list2 = list2.Next) == null) {
                    prevNode.Next = list1;

        // the result is in the back of the workNode
        return workNode.Next;

mono eglib 方法与我在答案中发布的方法类似,两者本质上与 HP / Microsoft STL std::list::sort() 相同。在 mono eglib 示例中,“递归”表被反转,rank[i] 指向长度为 2 的 i 次幂的运行,除了最后一个条目 rank[MAX_RANKS-1] 指向无限大小的列表,并通过合并长度为 2 的 MAX_RANK-2 次幂的运行来添加。MAX_RANK 在 26 到 32 之间已经足够了。 - rcgldr
在浮点数求和函数中,使用了类似的策略,其中一个由浮点数指数索引的部分和数组用于保存部分和,因此只有具有相同指数的值才会被添加,直到通过从最小到最大的顺序将数组中的值相加来返回完整的总和。我不确定哪个是先发明的,求和函数还是链表归并排序。 - rcgldr

这是一个非递归的链表归并排序示例,其中函数不是类的一部分。此示例代码和 HP / Microsoft 的 std::list::sort 使用相同的基本算法。这是一种自底向上、非递归的归并排序,使用一个小型(26到32个)指向列表第一个节点的指针数组,其中array[i] 要么为0,要么指向大小为2的i次方的列表。在我的系统上,Intel 2600K 3.4ghz,它可以在大约1秒钟内对具有32位无符号整数数据的400万个节点进行排序。
typedef struct NODE_{
    struct NODE_ * next;
    uint32_t data;

NODE * MergeLists(NODE *, NODE *); /* prototype */

/* sort a list using array of pointers to list       */
/* aList[i] == NULL or ptr to list with 2^i nodes    */
#define NUMLISTS 32             /* number of lists */
NODE * SortList(NODE *pList)
NODE * aList[NUMLISTS];         /* array of lists */
NODE * pNode;
NODE * pNext;
int i;
    if(pList == NULL)           /* check for empty list */
        return NULL;
    for(i = 0; i < NUMLISTS; i++)   /* init array */
        aList[i] = NULL;
    pNode = pList;              /* merge nodes into array */
    while(pNode != NULL){
        pNext = pNode->next;
        pNode->next = NULL;
        for(i = 0; (i < NUMLISTS) && (aList[i] != NULL); i++){
            pNode = MergeLists(aList[i], pNode);
            aList[i] = NULL;
        if(i == NUMLISTS)   /* don't go beyond end of array */
        aList[i] = pNode;
        pNode = pNext;
    pNode = NULL;           /* merge array into one list */
    for(i = 0; i < NUMLISTS; i++)
        pNode = MergeLists(aList[i], pNode);
    return pNode;

/* merge two already sorted lists                    */
/* compare uses pSrc2 < pSrc1 to follow the STL rule */
/*   of only using < and not <=                      */
NODE * MergeLists(NODE *pSrc1, NODE *pSrc2)
NODE *pDst = NULL;          /* destination head ptr */
NODE **ppDst = &pDst;       /* ptr to head or prev->next */
    if(pSrc1 == NULL)
        return pSrc2;
    if(pSrc2 == NULL)
        return pSrc1;
        if(pSrc2->data < pSrc1->data){  /* if src2 < src1 */
            *ppDst = pSrc2;
            pSrc2 = *(ppDst = &(pSrc2->next));
            if(pSrc2 == NULL){
                *ppDst = pSrc1;
        } else {                        /* src1 <= src2 */
            *ppDst = pSrc1;
            pSrc1 = *(ppDst = &(pSrc1->next));
            if(pSrc1 == NULL){
                *ppDst = pSrc2;
    return pDst;

Visual Studio 2015将std::list::sort更改为基于迭代器而不是列表,并且还更改为自上而下的归并排序,这需要扫描开销。我最初认为切换到自上而下是必要的,以便与迭代器一起使用,但当再次被问及时,我进行了调查,并确定切换到较慢的自上而下方法是不必要的,可以使用相同的基于迭代器的逻辑实现自下而上。此链接中的答案解释了这一点,并提供了一个独立的示例,以及VS2019中std::list::sort()的替代品在包含文件"list"中。

`std::list<>::sort()` - 为什么突然切换到自上而下的策略?




#pragma once
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <initializer_list>
namespace ythlearn{
    template<typename T>
    class Linkedlist{
        class Node{
            Node* next;
            T elem;
        Node head;
        int _size;
            head.next = nullptr;            
            _size = 0;

        Linkedlist(std::initializer_list<T> init_list){
            head.next = nullptr;            
            _size = 0;
            for(auto s = init_list.begin(); s!=init_list.end(); s++){

        int size(){
            return _size;

        bool isEmpty(){
            return size() == 0;

        bool isSorted(){
            Node* n_ptr = head.next;
            while(n_ptr->next != nullptr){
                if(n_ptr->elem > n_ptr->next->elem)
                    return false;
                n_ptr = n_ptr->next;
            return true;

        Linkedlist& push_left(T elem){
            Node* n = new Node;
            n->elem = elem;
            n->next = head.next;
            head.next = n;
            return *this;

        void print(){
                Node* loopPtr = head.next;
                while(loopPtr != nullptr){
                    std::cout << loopPtr->elem << " ";
                    loopPtr = loopPtr->next;
                std::cout << std::endl;

        void call_merge(){
            head.next = merge_sort(head.next);

        Node* merge_sort(Node* n){
            if(n == nullptr || n->next == nullptr)
                return n;
            Node* middle = getMiddle(n);
            Node* left_head = n;
            Node* right_head = middle->next;
            middle->next = nullptr;
            return merge(merge_sort(left_head), merge_sort(right_head));

        Node* getMiddle(Node* n){
            if(n == nullptr)
                return n;
            Node* slow, *fast;
            slow = fast = n;
            while(fast->next != nullptr && fast->next->next != nullptr){
                slow = slow->next;
                fast = fast->next->next;
            return slow;

        Node* merge(Node* a, Node* b){
            Node dummyHead;
            Node* current = &dummyHead;
            while(a != nullptr && b != nullptr){
                if(a->elem < b->elem){
                    current->next = a;
                    a = a->next;
                    current->next = b;
                    b = b->next;
                current = current->next;
            current->next = (a == nullptr) ? b : a;
            return dummyHead.next;

        Linkedlist(const Linkedlist&) = delete;
        Linkedlist& operator=(const Linkedlist&) const = delete;
            Node* node_to_delete;
            Node* ptr = head.next;
            while(ptr != nullptr){
                node_to_delete = ptr;
                ptr = ptr->next;
                delete node_to_delete;




#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "singlelinkedlist.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ythlearn;

int main(){
    Linkedlist<int> l = {3,6,-5,222,495,-129,0};
    return 0;

感谢您提供模块化的代码。我有一个关于获取列表中间元素的条件的疑问。 我正在使用以下代码: while(slow ! = nullptr && fast->next != nullptr){ slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next->next; } 它没有给我正确的输出,而是崩溃了。请问您能否解释一下您使用的条件,即: slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next->next; }为什么我们要检查fast->next->next?谢谢。 - Chandra Shekhar

网页内容由stack overflow 提供, 点击上面的